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《華嚴經.淨行品》慈悲心培養之實踐=Cultivating compassion of “Chapter on Gocarapariśuddhi” in Buddhāvataṃsaka |
Author |
釋真地 (著)=Shi, Zhen-di (au.)
Date | 2017 |
Pages | 1 - 89 |
Publisher | 法鼓文理學院 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 法鼓文理學院 |
Department | 佛教學系 |
Advisor | 陳英善 |
Publication year | 105 |
Keyword | 慈悲心=compassion; 淨行品=Gocarapariś; 發願=uddhi vow; 語言=language |
Abstract | 本論文主要探討「慈悲心培養之實踐」以《華嚴經》中之〈淨行品〉為修習經典依據。所指「實踐」之意,並非培養慈悲心實踐之「成果」,而是如何實踐,著重於實踐「方法」之探究。對於「慈悲」此一名相,現今被廣泛地運用,究竟佛法中所指「慈悲」真正意涵為何?經典上對慈悲之教導多以禪觀為主,對於活在充斥著各種資訊、忙碌的現代人而言,禪觀方法似乎稍嫌細膩,是否〈淨行品〉對境發願有更貼近現代生活的修習方法?經典中多以對治瞋心來說明培養慈悲心之目的,〈淨行品〉對修習慈悲心的態度是否與其相同? 為解決以上問題,本論文採用跨學科對比、義理詮釋以及語言學之詞彙分析之方法。先從相關修慈經典找出培養慈悲心之共同基礎──戒、定、慧,並對比佛學與社會生物學對「利他」之論述,凸顯佛教慈悲之重要原則──內心對一切眾生升起慈悲心的同時須具有緣起之正知見。最後,依戒定慧之修學原則,分析〈淨行品〉修習慈悲心之方式。 本研究認為〈淨行品〉之每句偈頌同時具足戒定慧三學,並在六根感知外境當下,以「發願」方式培養對他人的慈悲心。藉由經典對「語言」之看法以及認知神經科學對大腦可塑性之研究成果,此對境發願之語言模式的修行方法,相對於以禪觀指導培養慈心之方法,較為親和且易於學習。此外,從分析〈淨行品〉偈子之詞彙,發現〈淨行品〉修習慈悲心之目的非為對治型之處理內心瞋恚之煩惱,而是屬於修智型,目的在解決根本煩惱──貪愛。而以華嚴三昧作為〈淨行品〉培養慈悲心之操作方法,有二層次「行不離解」、「絕解亡覺」。
This paper focus on practicing of cultivating compassion, it uses the "Chapter on Gocarapariśuddhi" in Buddhāvataṃsaka as a practice guideline. The purpose of this research is to emphasis on the investigating of the method on the practice of cultivating compassion, rather than the result of the practice. Nowadays, the word “compassion” has been applied extensively; however, what does “compassion” imply in the Buddhist context? Currently, Chan contemplation is the mainstream on the teaching of cultivating compassion, yet for the modern people who live in a fast-paced and technologic life, Chan contemplation seem too delicate. Therefore, is the method of “making a vow when encountering a situation,” a teaching from the “Gocarapariśuddhi,” more suitable for modern people to practice cultivating compassion? Moreover, many Buddhist sutras teach cultivating compassion so as to overcome hatred and anger, but is this the same attitude addresses in the “Gocarapariśuddhi”? In order to solve these issues, this paper utilizes the method of interdisciplinary studies, Buddhist hermeneutics, and lexicology. First, to find a common foundation of cultivating compassion from relevant sutras, which is the three Buddhist trainings of precepts, concentration, and wisdom, and make a comparison between how Buddhism and Sociobiology expound the idea of “altruism”. In doing so, to emphasize the principle of Buddhism’ compassion: must have the correct view of interdependent arising when feeling compassion toward all sentient beings. Finally, to analyze the method of practice cultivating compassion in the “Gocarapariśuddhi” using the principle of three Buddhist trainings. This research claims that in the “Gocarapariśuddhi,” each verse contains the three Buddhist studies; moreover “making a vow when encountering a situation” is the method of cultivating compassion taught in this chapter. From how Buddhist sutras interpret “language” and the research on the neuroplasticity, the result shows this “making a vow when encountering a situation,” a linguistic method of cultivating compassion, is easier to practice compared with the Chan contemplation method. Moreover, after analyzing words in each verse, it becomes clear the purpose of cultivating compassion in the “ Gocarapariśuddhi” is not to overcome the hatred and anger within one’s mind, rather, it is to cultivate wisdom, the purpose of which is to deal with the core vexation: craving. In addition, there are two stages of practicing cultivating compassion in “Gocarapariśuddhi” using Huayan Samadhi as a method, they are “practice in accord with understanding” and “extinction of understanding and any conceptualization.” |
Table of contents | 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 當代研究成果回顧 3 第三節 研究方法、範圍與架構 5 第四節 名詞解釋 9 第二章 修習慈悲之元素 14 第一節 修慈相關經典之討論 14 第二節 修習慈悲的重要特色 24 第三節 小結 29 第三章 〈淨行品〉培養慈悲心之方法 30 第一節 〈淨行品〉發願之修持 30 第二節 〈淨行品〉戒之應用 46 第三節 小結 54 第四章 〈淨行品〉之法義思惟探討 55 第一節 偈子結構分析 55 第二節 法義分析 66 第三節 小結 82 第五章 結論 83 參考文獻 84 |
Hits | 554 |
Created date | 2022.06.10 |
Modified date | 2023.01.07 |
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