大悲咒對喪親的音療效應—悲傷調適之歷程與生命意義之探索=The Sound Healing Effects of Da Bei Zhou for Parent's Death — Grief Adjustment's Progress and Life Meaning's Exploration |
Author |
芮朝義 (著)=Jui, Chao-yi (au.)
Date | 2016 |
Pages | 250 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 玄奘大學 |
Department | 宗教與文化學系碩士班 |
Advisor | 黃運喜 |
Publication year | 104 |
Keyword | 大悲咒音療=Da Bei Zhou Reciting Incantations Healing; 宗教活動=Religious Activities; 療癒心靈=Healing the Spirit; 殯葬實務工作=Mortuary Services |
Abstract | 本研究旨在探討子女面對父(母)的死亡,其悲傷調適歷程的內涵以及在調適歷程中所出現的悲傷反應和調適策略,同時瞭解喪父(母)的子女對生命意義的體驗與領悟,並蒐集喪父(母)子女對於唱誦大悲咒的看法及需求。本研究採用質性的研究方法,以半結構深度訪談方式進行,共訪談五位喪父(母)的子女,所獲得的結論如下: 一、悲傷的調適歷程: 每個人的悲傷調適歷程都不會相同,悲傷是以動態進行並且不斷變化的樣貌持續演變,只要調適得宜,就能讓悲傷減弱。正向的人格特質有助於悲傷的調適。 二、悲傷反應: 喪父(母)子女的悲傷反應並不會個別呈現,也不會依序發生,每個悲傷反應都是互相關聯,悲傷反應特徵的歸屬模糊而難以區分。 三、調適策略: 不管在父母生病期間或是死亡之後,喪父(母)的子女通常能在悲傷過程中自行調適自我,這個過程包括個人內在因素以及外在支持系統的運用。 四、生命意義的呈現: 大多數人在經歷喪父(母)之後,對於死亡也較能以正面的看法而勇於去談論,同時在面對悲傷、經歷悲傷之後,感受生命流逝而能有所反思,將有助於重新再找回屬於自己生命的價值觀與奮鬥的力量。 五、對誦念大悲咒的看法: 以大悲咒音療之宗教活動來迴向往生的父(母)親時,子女們已經能先接受父(母)親死亡的事實、能快速且有效的安定子女的心境、能讓喪親者面對悲傷走出悲傷、能讓子女們找到對死亡的解釋而能夠對父(母)親死亡的事件釋懷、覺得對往生的父(母)親有貢獻以及安定情緒、能有益於正向生命意義的體悟與展現、較能淡化或降低對死亡的恐懼、對家屬有撫慰作用、能療癒心靈。 本研究根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供學者專家及實務工作者做為殯葬實務工作的參考,同時協助悲傷中的喪父(母)子女,能從喪親的經驗中,理解死亡的必然性,從而轉化悲傷、走出悲傷。
The study covers the following dimensions targets including the content of their grieving process while children facing bereavement of their parents, the grief reaction during the adjustment process and the recovery strategy and an understanding of the insight these children has experienced towards the meaning of life. Meanwhile, to collect the feedback and needs of reciting Da Bei Zhou for the bereaved children is other our concerned target. The study is carried out by employing qualitative research methods undertaken by semi – structured in-depth interviews to five bereaved children. The conclusions obtained are as follows: A. The Grieving Process Every individual grief is naturally dynamic process with keeping different evolution to, whatever, subsiding or proceeding. The properly getting over will attenuate moan feeling. There are no rules or steps in the grieving process. Personal characteristics with positive attitude and value can facilitate to recover faster from the grieving process. B. Grief Reactions Grief reactions in child do not appear alone nor appear subsequently, for they occur by connection each other. They However, it appears by cross linking each other too much to distinguish clearly in which grief reactions. C. Grief Adjustment Strategy The bereaved children can usually adapt themselves in their own grief process whatever during or after parental illness or death. These processes depend on both of two factors as the individual’s internal characteristics and external support systems. D. Presentation of the Meaning of Life Most people are willing to take a positive view to talk about death after experiencing the death of their parents. After they have gone through the grief process, the incident leads them to rethink life, its value and provides them the power to live life. E. View on reciting Da Bei Zhou While reciting Da Bei Zhou in the bereavement ceremony to Parīnāma the parent, it can push to face the fact of death, facilitate to get over well, soothe the passion, walk out of the moan and relieve the grief. With the results from this study, specific recommendations are suggested here to provide scholars and practitioners as a reference to their substantive work and at the same time encourage practitioners to assist the bereaved children from the bereavement experience, understand the destiny of death, thereby transforming grief, and walk out of grief.
Table of contents | 中文摘要 i 英文摘要 iii 目次 v 表目次 vii 圖目次 vii 第一章 緒論 001 第一節 研究動機與目的 001 第二節 名詞界定 004 第三節 文獻回顧 005 第四節 研究限制 019 第二章 悲傷輔導與生命意義之相關研究 021 第一節 悲傷的內涵與形式 021 第二節 悲傷的調適歷程 033 第三節 生命意義之探討 038 第三章 大悲咒之緣起功德與儀軌 045 第一節 大悲咒之緣起 045 第二節 大悲咒之功德 052 第三節 大悲咒之儀軌與實務做法 056 第四章 研究方法 069 第一節 研究步驟與流程 070 第二節 研究參與者 073 第三節 研究工具 076 第四節 資料的整理與分析 078 第五節 研究的信度與效度 080 第六節 研究倫理 081 第五章 研究結果分析與討論 083 第一節 喪父(母)子女的悲傷調適歷程 083 第二節 生命意義的展現 110 第三節 對大悲咒誦念的看法 120 第四節 綜合討論 127 第六章 結論與建議 147 第一節 結論 147 第二節 建議 158 |
Hits | 462 |
Created date | 2022.06.23 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |

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