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民眾對於推廣寺廟減香與以功代金可減少空污污染認知之探討-以鳳山區某寺廟為例=The public’s perception of air pollution reduction achieved through incense reduction and replacement of joss paper burning rituals with donation—In the case of a temple in Fongshan District
Author 黃志明 (著)=Huang, Chih-Ming (au.)
Publisher Url
Location屏東縣, 臺灣 [Pingtung hsien, Taiwan]
Content type博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation
Publication year107
Keyword減香=Incense reduction; 以功代金=giving money saved on joss paper to charity; 紙錢集中焚燒=joss paper collective burning; 空氣污染=air pollution; 問卷=questionnaire
本研究以高雄市鳳山區某寺廟附近民眾,香客及廟方人員為研究對象,以隨機抽樣進行調查,回收之有效問卷共計320份。問卷回收後,以獨立樣本T考驗、卡方檢定考驗、單因子變異數及交叉分析等統計方法進行分析。本研究結果顯示:(a)有44%受訪民眾瞭解拜拜時點香及燒金紙會產生空氣污染,其次37%覺得稍微瞭解,合計81%感覺瞭解;有42.2%的民眾「稍微瞭解」燃香拜拜及燃燒金紙時,可能會產生致癌物質(如甲苯、多環芳香烴化合物(PAHs)、甲醛等物質),如果長期暴露此環境之下,將對人體健康造成極大傷害,但僅有33.4%瞭解廟內燃香拜拜尖峰時段(如神明誕辰、中元普渡、過年慶典等期間)及非尖峰時段(平常日)懸浮微粒 PM10及 PM2.5平均濃度比廟外濃度平均值高4~5倍。(b)在高雄市政府推行紙錢集中焚燒及以功代金政策,居住環境品質有比以往明顯改善,有46.6%受訪民眾表示認同,其次是45.9%的民眾覺得稍微認同,合計達92.5%受訪民眾對政府推動紙錢集中焚燒及以功代金政策。(c)受訪民眾在燃燒行為所造成污染、政策對空氣污染改善及以功代金策略推動的看法及建議表現上,性別有顯著性差異,是女性民眾高於男性民眾,其餘部分則顯示不因年齡、教育程度及職業而有所不同而有所差異。(d)受訪民眾在空氣污染抑制改善作為資訊來源取得比例會因為性別的不同而有所差異,是女性民眾高於男性民眾。(e)在優先改善污染困擾項目中,「露天燃燒(稻草、雜草或紙錢)」在60歲以上民眾選擇比例高於40歲以下與41至60歲之民眾;「柴油車、機車、汽車排氣」感受上,41-60歲的民眾選擇明顯高於61歲以上的民眾,推測41-60歲的民眾多數仍在工作有可能因上、下班時間等停紅綠燈的時間較長、對汽機車所排放之黑煙感受較深。本研究發現多數受訪民眾表示減香與以功代金資訊接收不易,建議可開發APP軟體提升推廣理念及資訊獲取之成效,未來可於網路媒體推廣減香與以功代金政策,才能有效降低民眾暴露於有害氣體的風險。

The practice of Buddhism and Taoism in Taiwan involves a key folk practice: burning joss paper. When joss paper is burned in a joss paper burning drum or in open air without appropriate ventilation and temperature, imperfect combustion may result. As a consequence, a large amount of particulate matter, carbon monoxide, odor, and dust may be created, causing severe short-term local air pollution in the neighboring areas. The air pollution that results from burning joss paper is less obvious in agrarian areas with low population density. However, in metropolitan areas, where population densities are high and air quality is already impaired, the smoky, dusty exhaust has a direct negative effect on residents. Yet, because the custom of burning joss paper is common and has a long history, establishing a policy to restrict or reduce the amount of joss paper burned requires an assessment of people’s willingness to comply with such policy. Therefore, this study investigated whether people could appreciate the benefits of reducing the amount of incense they burn and donating the money not spent on joss money to charity. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information regarding people’s understanding of this alternative. The research participants of this study were people near a temple in Fengshan District, Kaohsiung City. Simple random sampling was conducted. A total of 320 valid questionnaires were retrieved. Statistical analyses, namely an independent sample t test, chi-square test, one-way analysis of variance, and cross analysis, were employed in a data analysis. This study yielded the following results. (1) A total of 44% and 37% of participants understood or somewhat understood that burning incense or joss paper would create air pollution, respectively; thus, a total of 81% of participants expressed some understanding. Similarly, 42.2% of participants somewhat understood that burning incense or joss paper may create carcinogens such as toluene, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, and formaldehyde and that being exposed to these substances for a long period of time can cause severe harm to the human body. However, only 33.4% of people understood that during the peak period in which worship using incense occurs (such as the birthday of gods and goddesses, the Ghost Festival, and Chinese New Year), compared with normal days, the average concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 were 4-5 times higher in the temple than outside it. (2) A total of 46.6% of participants agreed and 45.9% of participants somewhat agreed that after the Kaohsiung City government initiated the practice of collecting joss paper to burn it together and the policy of donating the money saved by not burning joss paper to charity, people’s living environment air quality substantially improved. Thus,
Table of contents目 錄
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌 謝 VI
目 錄 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XIV
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3名詞釋義 2
1.4研究範圍與限制 4
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1環境背景 7
2.1.1高雄市鳳山區地理位置 7
2.1.2人口分佈 9
2.2空氣污染的影響 10
2.2.1空氣污染物 11
2.2.2空氣污染的各項影響 16
2.3減少焚燒紙錢政策背景與現況 22
2.3.1減少焚燒紙錢政策 26
2.4拜香及紙錢焚燒之空氣污染物相關背景研究文獻 30
2.4.1減少焚燒紙錢之空氣污染物相關文獻 30
2.4.2拜香燃煙之空氣污染物相關文獻 32
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1研究對象 35
3.2研究架構與流程 36
3.2.1研究架構 36
3.2.2研究流程 37
3.3研究工具 39
3.3.1研究工具之設計 39
3.3.2問卷編輯之設計 39
3.3.3信效度分析及預試作業 44
3.4正式問卷 71
3.4.1資料收集與彙整 71
3.4.2資料建置 72
3.4.3資料分析 73
第四章 結果與討論 77
4.1受訪民眾在各研究變項之分佈情形 77
4.1.1 研究對象基本資料 77
4.1.2 研究對象各層面勾選分布情形 80
4.2 民眾在各研究變項之分布情形及現況 98
4.2.1瞭解民眾在燃燒行為所造成污染特性之不同量表分析結果 98
第五章 結論與建議 141
5.1結論 141
5.2建議 143
參考文獻 145
附錄 150
作者簡介 154
Created date2022.09.22
Modified date2023.01.10

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