唐代小說中的長安寺院空間研究=The temples in Chang’an in Tang Dynasty Novels |
Author |
李昀蔚 (著)=Lee, Yun-Wei (au.)
Date | 2021 |
Pages | 139 |
Publisher | 國立臺灣大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 國立臺灣大學 |
Department | 中國文學研究所 |
Advisor | 康韻梅 |
Publication year | 109 |
Keyword | 唐代小說=Tang Dynasty novels; 長安=Chang’an; 寺院空間=Temples |
Abstract | 有別於過往聚焦在「長安寺院」的研究皆屬歷史考證的領域,本文以「唐代小說中的長安寺院」為題,目的是期望補足長安寺院在文學領域研究中的缺乏,並藉由唐代小說文本,探析長安寺院展現出的形象,以及所具有的社會功能與意義。首先,從長安寺院誕生的背景與分布情形觀之,都與當時皇室、高官「捨宅為寺」的現象密不可分。「捨宅為寺」的行動讓長安寺院分布與上層階級的居住特性相符,都集中於城內中部;此外,這也讓長安寺院散發強烈的政治氛圍與私人宅邸的性質,使得政教融涉、園林性質與作為書畫鑑賞空間等特色,皆可見於長安寺院。其次,進入唐代小說內,透過寺院空間與時人的互動關係,可以歸納出長安寺院主要具備活動、居止、收藏及庇護四種功能。「活動」除了包含與佛教相關的宗教活動外,還有占卜預言、遊賞休憩兩類;至於「居止」功能則說明寺院能提供來到長安的學子士人一個暫時居住或停留之所。最後,「收藏」及「庇護」皆來自長安寺院空間可供儲存物品、保護生命安全的的特質,並讓讀者可以從中觀察到寺院在盛世與亂世之時,分別扮演什麼樣的角色。綜而言之,本文以唐代小說為對象,探析長安寺院在小說作品中展現的空間特色和功能,以及長安寺院空間與時人互動的樣貌。
Existing studies on Chang’an temples have mostly been categorized as historical research, whereas this study—entitled “Chang’an Temples Portrayed in Tang Dynasty Novels”—aimed to make up for the lack of literary research on Chang’an temples. The text of Tang dynasty novels was used in this study to explore the images displayed by the Chang’an temples as well as their social function and meaning. First, the origins and geographical distribution of Chang’an temples were found to closely reflect the phenomenon of the imperial family and high-ranking officials dedicating their residences as temples. The gesture of dedicating residences as temples rendered the geographical distribution of Chang’an temples compliant with the then residential characteristics of the upper class. That is, the majority of both temples and upper-class residences were located in the center of downtown Chang’an during the Tang dynasty. Chang’an temples thus exuded a strong political vibe and characteristics of private residences, contributed to the integration and exchange between politics and religion, manifested garden aesthetics, and constituted a space for appreciating calligraphy and paintings. Second, according to description of Tang dynasty novels about the interaction between the space of Chang’an temples and people during the Tang dynasty, Chang’an temples have four major functions: holding activities, providing accommodation, accommodating collections, and providing shelter. In addition to religious activities of Buddhism, other activities held at Chang’an temples include divination, prophecy, and entertainment. In terms of the accommodation function, temples served as temporary residences or resting spots for scholars and literati visiting Chang’an. Finally, Chang’an temples had enough space for storage (i.e., the function of accommodating collections) and safeguarding people’s lives (i.e., the function of providing shelter). These novels enable readers to observe the roles Chang’an temples played during the prosperous and turbulent times of the Tang dynasty. In summary, this study explored the spatial characteristics and functions of Chang’an temples as well as the interaction between the space of Chang’an temples and people during the Tang dynasty by reviewing the Tang dynasty novels. |
Table of contents | 第一章、緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 文獻回顧 6 第三節 研究範圍、徑路與章節安排 11 第二章、長安寺院空間的形成和特色 14 第一節 長安寺院的地理分布 14 第二節 從私人宅邸到公共寺院 19 第三節 唐代小說中長安寺院空間的特色 25 一、政教融涉的空間 26 二、園林性質的空間 31 三、書畫鑑賞的空間 37 第三章、唐代小說中作為活動與居止的長安寺院空間 48 第一節 活動:展現宗教與世俗生活之地 48 一、宗教活動的展演場所 49 (一)事僧積德 49 (二)參拜祈福 53 (三)體驗神蹟 54 二、占卜預言的地點 57 三、遊賞休憩的區域 64 第二節 居止:士與僧暫時停留之所 72 一、習業場域 73 二、救濟處所 75 三、待漏地點 78 四、異僧居處 80 第四章、唐代小說中作為收藏與庇護的長安寺院空間 91 第一節 奇珍異寶的收藏之地 91 一、佛教聖物的保存 93 二、奇寶異物的置放 102 第二節 動盪時代的庇護之所 105 一、人的保護 106 二、物的安置 110 第五章、結論 115 附錄一:《唐兩京城坊考》所載之長安寺院與建寺緣由 120 附錄二:長安寺院分布圖 128 徵引書目 129 |
Hits | 350 |
Created date | 2022.09.28 |
Modified date | 2023.01.16 |

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