正念靜坐對國小學童放鬆力和專注力之影響=A Study on the Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Promoting the Capability of Relaxation and Sustained Attention of Elementary School Children |
Author |
劉長宗 (著)=Liu, Chang-chung (au.)
Date | 2016 |
Pages | 160 |
Publisher | 國立東華大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 花蓮縣, 臺灣 [Hualien hsien, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | doctor |
Institution | 國立東華大學 |
Department | 教育與潛能開發學系 |
Advisor | 饒見維、李明憲 |
Publication year | 104 |
Keyword | 正念=mindfulness; 正念靜坐=mindfulness meditation; 放鬆力=relaxation; 專注力=sustained attention |
Abstract | 本研究之目的在探討「正念靜坐」對國小學童放鬆力與專注力之影響。本研究採「前、後測」之準實驗研究設計進行實驗,受試對象為國小中年級學童。本研究共分為三部分,分別在三個不同的學期進行,每學期分別各選取兩個班級,一班為實驗組,另一班為控制組。第一部分實驗組25人,控制組26人,探討觀呼吸靜坐對放鬆力的影響;第二部分實驗組26人,控制組27人,探討身體掃描靜坐在考試壓力情境下對放鬆力的影響;第三部分實驗組25人,控制組25人,探討正念靜坐對專注力的影響。 第一部分及第二部分的實驗組學童在正念靜坐教學四週、八週、十二週後分別採用具信效度的「心率變異度」(HRV)測量工具測量,選取進行HRV頻率分析的參數數據分別是SDNN、HF、LF、TP、HR,利用SPSS統計軟體進行二因子重複量數共變數分析來處理HRV相關參數資料,作為評估學童的放鬆能力是否有所改善的依據。第三部分的專注力資料收集採用周台傑等人(1993)編製之多向度注意力測驗中之分測驗「持續性專注力」作為衡量專注力程度的測驗工具,測驗所得數據則以單因子共變數分析來進行分析處理。主要結果如下: 1.經過正念靜坐訓練後,學童在HRV的頻率分析參數指標(SDNN、HF、LF、TP、HR)調整後平均得分優於未參加靜坐之學童,顯示正念靜坐有助於國小學童放鬆能力的提升。 2.實施的正念靜坐對學童放鬆能力的提升,具有短期持續效果。 3.經過正念靜坐訓練後,學童之持續性專注力之分測驗分數優於未參加靜坐之學童,顯示正念靜坐有助於國小學童持續性專注力的提升。 總之,正念靜坐練習有助於國小學童放鬆力與專注力的增進。研究者根據上述之研究發現,作進一步討論,並提出教學與研究上的建議。
The purposes of this research were to study the influences of mindfulness meditation on the fourth grade elementary school students to promote the capability of relaxation and sustained attention.This study was constructed on a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research design , with 4th grade students as subjects. The study was divided into three parts, respectively, in three different semesters. Each semester consisted of two classes withone class as the experimental group, another class as the control group. The first part of the experiment (n=25 in the experimental group, n=26 in control group) explored the effects of anapanasati meditation on promoting the capability of relaxation; the second part of the experiment (n=25 in the experimental group, n=27 in control group) explored the effects of vipassana meditation on promoting the capability of relaxation under the stress situation of exams; the third part of the experiment (n=26 in the experimental group, n=25 in control group) explored the effects of mindfulness meditationon on promoting the capability of sustained attention. The experiment groups practiced mindfulness meditation conducted by the researcher 5 minutes per day, 5 days per week, and the total practicing period was 3 months, while the control groups didn’t practice mindfulness meditation. In the first and second parts of the experiments, the “2009 Daily Care Biomedical Inc Check My Heart” was used as the instruments to measure the subjects’ heart rate variability (HRV) indices(SDNN、HF、LF、TP、HR)before and after the intervention, using two-way RMANCOVA to analyze the data collected. In the third part of the experiment a “Multidimensional Attention Test” was conducted to measure the the subjects’ capability of sustained attention before and after the intervention, using one-way ANCOVA to analyze the data collected. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The students in the experiment groups performed better on relaxation and total scores of HRV than those in the control group. Mindfulness meditation training seemed to help the elementary school students enhance the capability of relaxation. 2. Twelve weeks after accomplishing the curriculum of mindfulness meditation, the subjects in the experiment groups still had better performance in the capability of relaxation than those in the control groups. 3. After mindfulness meditation training, the students had significantly higher scores in Multidimensional Attention Test than those who did not participate the mindfulness meditation training. Meditation seemed to help the elementary school students enhance the sustained attention ofstudents. The results and application of mindfulness meditation curriculum on promoting the capability of relaxation and sustained attention for future research were proposed accordingly. |
Table of contents | 目 次 第一章 諸論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 4 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 壓力與放鬆的探討 7 第二節 専注力的探討36 第三節 靜坐的探討43 第三章 研究方法79 第一節 研究發展歷程79 第二節 研究概念架構84 第三節 研究設計87 第四節 正念靜坐課程方案設計91 第五節 研究假設95 第六節 研究場域與對象96 第七節 研究實施方式97 第八節 研究工具98 第九節 資料收集過程100 第十節 資料處理與統計分析方法103 第十一節 倫理考量104 第四章 研究結果與討論105 第一節 放鬆力的實驗結果與討論105 第二節 專注力的實驗結果與討論141 第三節 正念靜坐的回饋問卷、訪談結果與討論145 第四節 正念靜坐課程的內容與帶領技巧151 第五章 結論與建議155 第一節 結 論155 第二節 建議159 參考文獻161 附錄一 正念靜坐問卷調查(家長版) 193 附錄二 正念靜坐問卷調查(學生版)195 |
Hits | 594 |
Created date | 2022.09.28 |
Modified date | 2023.01.10 |

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