基隆五大佛教寺院之源流及其發展=The Source and Development of the top five Buddhist Temples in Keelung |
Author |
胡青芳 =Hu,Ching-fang
Date | 2022 |
Pages | 118 |
Publisher | 玄奘大學 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 新竹市, 臺灣 [Hsinchu shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 博碩士論文=Thesis and Dissertation |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Degree | master |
Institution | 玄奘大學 |
Department | 宗教與文化學系碩士在職專班 |
Advisor | 釋昭慧 |
Publication year | 110 |
Keyword | 仙洞巖=Xian-dong-yan Temple; 極樂寺=Jile Temple; 靈泉禪寺=Lingchuan Zen-Temple; 暖暖金山寺=Nuan-nuan Jinshan Temple; 十方大覺寺=Shifang-Dajue Temple |
Abstract | 基隆在日本殖民時期備受重視,經過打造建設,成為台灣第一大港,基隆的資源開發與商貿活絡,佛教的發展與演變,受到大陸與日本的影響,加上基隆乃交通要地,所以本文選定基隆五座佛寺作為研究對象,以探討當代基隆佛教的發展情況。 本文所選的五間寺院,各有其特色與背景。仙洞巖於清朝時期就被關注的景點,也是日本臨濟宗的據點,光復後成為佛教道場;極樂寺是日人開創遺留的寺院,其前身名為光尊寺,是淨土真宗本願寺派,今極樂寺則屬於佛光山體系;靈泉禪寺是台灣人自行創建的寺院,屬於台灣佛教四大法脈之一;暖暖金山寺本屬齋教,後轉型為佛教的寺院,也是暖暖地區唯一的佛教寺院;十方大覺寺創建人靈源法師來自中國大陸,是虛雲法師脈下的弟子,屬於臨濟宗法脈,是台灣光復後興建的寺院,在北台灣甚受矚目。 本文透過探討寺院的歷史背景、歷代沿革、法脈傳承、法務運作與弘法方向等,來了解基隆地區寺院的演變。經過時代的考驗,現今台灣進入少子化階段,社會各層面都受到考驗,佛教的寺院,也同樣面臨這些困境。透過本文的探討,希望能了解如今這五間寺院所面臨的問題,以及因應之道。
Keelung was extraordinarily valued during the Japanese colonial period. After years of construction, Keelung has become the largest port in Taiwan. With Keelung’s resource development and lively commercial activities, the development and evolution of Buddhism in Keelung are influenced by Mainland China and Japan. Besides, Keelung is a major transportation location, so this paper selects five Buddhist temples in Keelung as the research objects to explore the contemporary Buddhist development in Keelung.
The five monasteries selected in this paper have their own characteristics and backgrounds. Xian-dong-yan Temple was a scenic spot that attracted lots of attention during the Qing Dynasty and was also a stronghold of Japan’s Rinzai Sect, and it became a Buddhist site after Taiwan’s Restoration. Jile Temple is the one created and left by the Japanese; its former name was Guang-zun Temple, which belonged to the Honganji sect of the Pure Land. Today, Jile Temple belongs to the Fo Guang Shan system. Lingchuan Zen-Temple is a monastery founded by Taiwanese and belongs to one of the four major lines of Buddhism in Taiwan. Jin-shan Temple in the Nuan-nuan District was originally a “Fasting Religion”, and was later transformed into a Buddhist temple. It is also the only Buddhist temple in the Nuan-nuan area. The founder of Shifang-Dajue Temple, Master Ling-yuan, came from Mainland China and is a disciple of Master Xu-yun. Shifang-Dajue Temple, belonging to the line of Rinzai sect, is a monastery built after Taiwan’s Restoration and has attracted much attention in northern Taiwan.
This paper explores the evolution of monasteries in Keelung by means of discussing the historical backgrounds of these five monasteries, the evolution of the past dynasties, the inheritance of the dharma, the operations of legal affairs, and the directions of dharma propagation. After decades of changing, Taiwan has entered a stage of low birthrate, and all levels of society are being tested. Similarly, Buddhist monasteries are also facing these dilemmas. Through the discussion in this paper, it is hoped that the problems which are faced by these five monasteries today and how to deal with them are supposed to be clarified and solved. |
Table of contents | 目 次 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究範圍與方法 4 第三節 文獻回顧 7 第四節 章節安排 10 第二章 仙洞巖 11 第一節 仙洞巖的形成與傳說 11 第二節 仙洞巖二戰前後的演變 14 第三節 仙洞巖的住持 26 第四節 仙洞巖的法脈 28 第三章 極樂寺 33 第一節 日治時代的建寺 34 第二節 光尊寺的佈教 38 第三節 極樂寺的創建 40 第四章 靈泉禪寺 45 第一節 靈泉禪寺的開創 45 第二節 善慧法師的生平與弘法 48 第三節 靈泉禪寺的歷任住持 52 第四節 二戰後的靈泉禪寺 55 第五章 暖暖金山寺 59 第一節 地理位置 59 第二節 金山堂的創建 61 第三節 金山堂更名為金山院 64 第四節 金山寺的歷任住持 66 第六章 十方大覺禪寺 73 第一節 開山祖師靈源法師 73 第二節 十方大覺禪寺的興建 76 第三節 靈源法師弟子 79 第四節 十方大覺禪寺現任住持 83 第七章 結論 85 參考書目 89 附錄一、寬衡法師訪談記錄 104 附錄二、淨良長老訪談記錄 107 附錄三、修照法師訪談記錄 111 |
Hits | 645 |
Created date | 2022.09.29 |
Modified date | 2023.01.06 |

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