戰後臺灣白色恐怖論析=White Terror in Postwar Taiwan |
Author |
侯坤宏 (著)=Hou, Kun-hung (au.)
Source |
國史館學術集刊=Bulletin of Academia Historica
Volume | n.12 |
Date | 2007.06.01 |
Pages | 139 - 203 |
Publisher | 國史館 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北, 臺灣 [Taipei, Taiwan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Keyword | 戰後臺灣=postwar Taiwan; 白色恐怖=the White Terror; 臺獨=Taiwan Independence; 匪諜=Bandit Spies |
Abstract | 本文以宏觀方式,論述戰後臺灣白色恐怖的意義與特徵。全文共分五節,除前言外,第貳節探討政府的控制方式;第參節以兩頂最常扣的帽子:「匪諜」與「臺獨」,來說明這是白色恐怖時期政府對異議分子主要的加罪名目。在臺灣,長久以來,政府一直限制兩種價值表達,即共產主義和臺獨思想,因為這兩種思想和基本國策相違,因此就用懲治叛亂條例來加以禁絕。第肆節,「天羅地網跑不了」,列舉文學、新聞廣播、教育、演藝、軍人與一般庶民、宗教等界涉案情況,用以說明白色恐怖對臺灣人民控制之普遍。結論中指出,戰後臺灣白色恐怖時代,命令重於法律,任何人可能因為一件無心小事,而被羅織入獄;政治犯在社會上是被孤立的;寒蟬效應,知識分子大多不敢任意發聲;國家暴力代權力而起,使得人民自由常受到無謂的干擾。雖自解嚴及政黨輪替後,有不少的政治案件得到平反,但不管在檔案史料刊布與研究上,均仍有待加強。
This paper focuses on the White Terror in postwar Taiwan. It covers 5 sections. The first is a prelude. The second discusses the control mechanism of the government at that time. The third deals with the two issues of the White Terror-”bandit spies” and ”Taiwan independence”. These two were in strong opposition to the government's policies, and thus prohibited and punished with The Rebel Regulations. The fourth section provides evidence of the White Terror with anecdotes from literature, mass media, education, performing arts, religions, the army, and the general public. The last section is a conclusion, touching upon related issues such as the relationship between the politics and law, the social status of the political criminals, the situations of the intellectuals, and the nature of state violence during the 1950s. After the martial law had been lifted in 1987 and the party alternation in power completed in 2000, many political cases of injustice had been reversed. However, the access of archives and the relative studies both need to be enhanced. |
Table of contents | 摘要 139 Abstract 140 壹、前言 141 貳、政府的控制方式 145 參、兩頂最常扣的帽子:匪諜與臺獨 151 一、郭廷亮匪諜嫌案 154 二、余登發「知匪不報」案 156 三、情治單位以「匪諜」為名互鬥案 157 肆、天羅地網跑不了 162 一、文學界 162 二、新聞廣播界 165 三、教育界 167 四、演藝界 173 五、軍人與一般庶民 175 六、宗(佛)教界 178 伍、結論 179 一、白色恐怖與二二八的關係 180 二、白色恐怖時代,命令重於法律,任何人可能因為一件無心的小事, 而被羅織入獄 181 三、政治犯在社會上是被孤立的 182 四、寒蟬效應,知識分子大多不敢任意發聲 185 五、國家暴力代權力而起,故暴力常代權力而起,使得人民自由常受 到無謂的干擾 185 六、關於臺灣 1950 年代匪諜案性質問題 187 徵引書目 192 |
ISSN | 17267331 (P) |
DOI | 10.7058/BAH.200706.0139 |
Hits | 534 |
Created date | 2022.11.18 |
Modified date | 2022.11.18 |

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