“敦煌”得名考原=Notes on the Origins of the Place Name "Dunhuang" |
Author |
楊富學 (著)=Yang, Fu-xue (au.)
熊一瑋 (著)=Xiong, Yi-wei (au.)
Source |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research
Volume | n.2 (總號=n.192) |
Date | 2022 |
Pages | 105 - 114 |
Publisher | 敦煌研究編輯部 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 蘭州, 中國 [Lanzhou, China] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 楊富學,蘭州大學敦煌學研究所 熊一瑋,敦煌研究院人文研究部
Keyword | 月氏=Yuezhi; 匈奴=Xiongnu; 吐火羅語=Tocharian; 突厥語=Turkic; 瓜=melon |
Abstract | 關于“敦煌”一名的含義,學界給出了多種解釋,或漢語,或藏語,或羌語,或吐火羅語,眾說紛紜,長期為學界公案。綜觀西漢武帝設立河西四郡前著于史冊的五個早期地名——合黎山、黑水、祁連山、焉支山、敦煌,其中四個大體可以確定都屬于突厥語,即合黎=Qara,意為“高”,合黎山意為“高山”,黑水=QaraSu,意為“清亮的水”,祁連=T?ngri,意為“天”,焉支(胭脂)=y?ngg?,意為“嫂子”,同于匈奴單于夫人“閼氏”和今天維吾爾語嫂子y?ngg?。從史書遺留的當地民族的詞匯看,先后生活于敦煌一帶的月氏、烏孫、匈奴所操的語言皆為突厥語。說明彼時河西為突厥語分布區,從大概率講,“敦煌”之名亦應為突厥語。突厥語中有tawuz一詞,意為“瓜”或“西瓜”,敦煌古以產瓜聞名,在相當長時間被稱作瓜州。將敦煌解釋為突厥語tawuz的音譯,或許更接近敦煌地名起源之真義。敦煌原為區域名稱,以產瓜聞名,后因作為敦煌郡治而特指敦煌綠洲。
There are many views on the meaning of “Dunhuang” among academics today that differ if the analysis assumes that this name has its source in Chinese, Tibetan, Northern Qiang, or Tocharian language. This long unsolved mystery can be elucidated by looking at the five early place names that existed before Emperor Wu of the Western Han dynasty established the four prefectures of Hexi. They are Heli Shan(Heli Mountain), Heishui (Black Water), Qilian Shan(Qilian Mountain), Yanzhi Shan (Yanzhi Mountain), and Dunhuang. Four of these can be confirmed to derive from the Turkic language: Heli, or “Qara,” means “high,” and Heli together with Shan refer to high mountains; Heishui, or “QaraSu,” means “clear water;” Qilian, or “Tängri,” means “sky;” and Yanzhi, or “yänggä,” means “sister-in-law,” which refers to the queen of the Xiongnu people and is still used in modern Uighur language. Judging from what can be seen in historical records of the language used by local people, the ethnic groups that successively lived in Dunhuang, including the Yuezhi, Wusun and Xiongnu, all spoke ancient dialects of Turkic. This indicates that Turkic was the dominant language system in the Hexi region at that time, and therefore the name of “Dunhuang” is likely derived from Turkic. The word “tawuz” in Turkic means “melon” or “water melon,” and Dunhuang was famous for producing melons in ancient times and was even known as Guazhou(“region of melons”),for a long time. To explain Dunhuang as a transliteration of the Turkic word “tawuz” seems closer to the real meaning of the original name of Dunhuang. “Dunhuang” was first the name of an area famous for producing melons and was later used to refer to the Dunhuang oasis region that served as theseat of Dunhuang Prefecture. |
Table of contents | 一河西早期地名多為古突厥語說 二早期河西部族多屬古突厥種 三“敦煌”得名于原始突厥語說 四結論 |
ISSN | 10004106 (P) |
DOI | 10.13584/j.cnki.issn1000-4106.2022.02.006 |
Hits | 101 |
Created date | 2023.04.07 |
Modified date | 2023.04.07 |

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