チベット語訳『八千頌般若』の改訳過程とその背景: 近代日本の入蔵者らによる将来本を手がかりとして=On Retranslation Process of the Tibetan Version of the Astasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā and its Background |
Author |
庄司史生 (著)=Shōji, Fumio (au.)
Source |
法華文化研究=Journal of Institute for the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra=ホッケ ブンカ ケンキュウ
Volume | v.43 |
Date | 2017.03.20 |
Pages | 1 - 24 |
Publisher | 立正大学法華経文化研究所 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 東京, 日本 [Tokyo, Japan] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 日文=Japanese |
Keyword | 大乗経典; 般若経; 『八千頌般若』; カンギュル; 河口慧海; 能海寛; 寺本婉雅; 青木文教; 多田等観; 経典形成史; 経典翻訳史 |
Abstract | Buddhist and other texts were brought from Tibet to Japan by KAWAGUCHI Ekai (1866-1945), NŌMI Kan (1868-1901?), TERAMOTO Enga (1872-1940), AOKI Bunkyō (1886-1956), and TADA Tōkan (1890-1967). Each of these imported a copy of the Tibetan translation of the (Ārya-)Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā, Tib. 'Phangs pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa (hereafter Aṣṭa and brGyad stong Pa respectively). Regarding the compilation process of the Aṣṭa, primarily using the Tibetan translation the brGyad stong pa, the author has previously discussed the two versions of the Aṣṭa in India and the three versions of the brGyad stong pa in Tibet. I pointed out that among them there are extant examples of the same sūtra copied separately (many of them are decorated texts with dark blue paper and using gold and silver lettering) as an independent edition not included in the Kanjur, and that among them there are Tibetan texts older than the extant Sanskrit text of the Aṣṭa from Nepal. In other words. it was found that even though the date of copying of a decorated text was relatively recent, the content of some manuscripts preserved an older textual lineage not included in the Tshal pa group. These texts are significant for an understanding of the compilation process of the Aṣṭa. In this paper I examine two kinds of manuscripts of Tibetan translations of the Aṣṭa imported to Japan by modern Japanese Buddhists, identifying the position of their manuscripts among the extant brGyad stong pa texts included in the Kanjur, and furthermore clarify the background of the development of three versions of the brGyad stong pa in Tibet. |
Table of contents | 1.問題の所在 1 2.チベット語訳『八千頒般若』諸本について 1 3.チベット語訳『八千頒般若』の改訳とその背景 3 4.入蔵者が将来したチベット語訳『八千煩般若』とその特徴 7 4.1 [A]河口慧海将来本(全3点) 8 4.1.1 [A]河口慧海将来・東洋文庫所蔵写本 8 4.1.2 [A]河口慧海将来・東洋文庫所蔵版本 9 4.1.3 [A]河口慧海将来・立正大学所蔵版本 9 4.2 [B]能海寛将来本(全1点) 10 4.2.1 [B]能海寛将来・大谷大学所蔵写本(筆者未見) 10 4.3 [C]寺本椀雅将来(?)本(全3点) 11 4.3.1 [C]寺本椀雅将来(?)・大谷大学所蔵版本① 11 4.3.2 [C]寺本椀雅将来(?)・大谷大学所蔵版本② 12 4.3.3 [C]寺本椀雅将来(?)・大谷大学所蔵版本③ 12 4.4 [D]青木文教将来本(全1点) 12 4.4.1 [D]青木文教将来・国立民族学博物館所蔵版本(筆者未見) 12 4.5 [E]多田等観将来本(全3点) 13 4.5.1 [E]多田等観将来・東北大学所蔵版本(筆者未見) 13 4.5.2 [E]多田等観将来・花巻市博物館所蔵写本 14 4.5.3 [E]多田等観将来東京大学インド哲学仏教学研究室所蔵写本 14 5.諸本中における多田等観将来写本の特徴 15 6.結語 16 |
ISSN | 02871513 (P) |
Hits | 217 |
Created date | 2023.09.02 |
Modified date | 2023.09.03 |

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