回顧與前瞻馬來西亞佛教:第一屆馬來西亞佛教國際研討會論文集=Retrospective and Perspective of Malaysian Buddhism: Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Malaysian Buddhism |
Author |
郭蓮花 (編)=Kek, Lian Wah (ed.)
梁秋梅 (編)=Leong, Chew Moi (ed.)
Edition | 初版 |
Date | 2010.11 |
Pages | 273 |
Publisher | 馬來西亞佛教學術研究會=Buddhist Research Society of Malaysia |
Publisher Url |
Location | Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia [八打靈再也, 雪蘭莪州, 馬來西亞] |
Series | 馬佛學研叢系列 |
Series No. | 01 |
Content type | 論文集=Collected Papers |
Language | 中文=Chinese; 英文=English |
Table of contents | 序/郭蓮花 Preface / Kek Lian Wah 7 論文摘要 / Abstract 9 作者簡介 / Contributors 25
室利佛逝佛學對藏傳佛學的影響:金洲法稱、阿底峽與空有之爭/ 鄭文泉 31 The Impact of Malay-Śrīvijayan Buddhism on Tibetan Buddhism: The Śūnyatā-Bhāva Debate between Dharmakīrti of Suvarņadvīpa and Athīśa / Tee Boon Chuan
遠去的菩薩身影:論清代的馬來亞漢傳佛教/王琛發 47 The Fading Bodhisatvas: A discussion on Malaysian Chinese Buddhism during the Qing Dynasty / Ong Seng Huat
第一場問答環節選錄/主持兼點評:鄭庭河 77 Selection record of Q and A session I
全球化對馬來西亞佛教的衝擊/洪祖豐 85 Globalization – its Impact on Malaysian Buddhism / Ang Choo Hong
淺析佛光山在馬來西亞的發展/梁秋梅 101 Brief Analysis on Development of Malaysia Foguangshan / Leong Chew Moi
馬來西亞鄉鎮佛教會佛學班發展概況初探/張喜崇 119 An Initial Investigation of Development for Dhamma Classes Organised by Malaysia Buddhist Association in Small Town / Teoh Hee Chong
第二場問答環節選錄/主持人兼點評:唐威傑 141 Selection record of Q and A session II
竺摩法師對馬來西亞佛教的影響/釋繼旻 151 The Influences of the Venerable Zhu Mo on Malaysian Buddhism / Shi Ji Min
竺摩法師對大馬漢傳佛教的貢獻——以馬佛學院對齋堂佛教化之影響為考察目標/杜忠全、釋學山 171 The Contribution of Ven. Chok Mor to Malaysian Chinese Buddhism – The Influence of Malaysian Buddhist Institute over the Vegetarian Lodges As objective of Investigation / Toh Teong Chuan,Shi Xue Shan
淺析竺摩法師佛教藝術觀/夏美玉 183 A brief Analysis on Ven. Chok Mor’s Perspective of Buddhist Arts / Ha Mui Nyuk
繼程對「茶禪一味」的弘揚/郭蓮花 193 Ji Cheng’s Propaganda on“Tea and Chan are of One and the Same Taste” / Kek Lian Wah
第三場問答環節選錄/主持兼評論者:謝愛萍 205 Selection record of Q and A session III
南洋水墨畫中的道釋佛精神——論鍺正山的寫意人物畫/鐘瑜 217 The Confucianist-Buddhist-Taoist Spirit in the Painting of Nanyang – A discussion on Zhong Zheng Shan’s portraits / Chung Yi
載道與言志的馬華佛教散文:以郭蓮花散文為個案/林春美 225 Mahua Buddhist Prose of Zaidao and Yanzhi: A Case Study of Kek Lian Wah's Prose Writings / Lim Choon Bee
繼程法師佛曲歌詞譬喻的運用/鄭遠量 239 The Use of Analogy in the Lyrics and Verses of Ven. Chi Chern’s Buddhist Hymns / Tay Yang Liang
馬來西亞中文佛教雜誌初探——以《佛教文摘》為例/曾衍盛、張愛玲 253 A Study on Chinese Buddhist Magazines –a Case Study on Buddhist Digest / Chan Yann Sheng, Chong Oi Leng
第四場問答環節選錄/主持兼評論者:顏愛心 267 Selection record of Q and A session IV
ISBN | 9789671009109 |
Hits | 281 |
Created date | 2023.11.28 |
Modified date | 2023.11.28 |

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