A History of the dGongs pa zang thal Practice Manuals |
Author |
Arguillère, Stéphane (著)
Source |
Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines
Volume | n.62 |
Date | 2022.02 |
Pages | 233 - 298 |
Publisher | Centre national de la recherche scientifique |
Publisher Url |
Location | Paris, France [巴黎, 法國] |
Content type | 期刊論文=Journal Article |
Language | 英文=English |
Note | Author Affiliation: Inalco – IFRAE, France |
Table of contents | The dGongs pa zang thal practice manuals 234 Methodological remarks 236 The architecture of the rDzogs chen manuals and the absence of the tantric instructions 237 The dGongs pa zang thal in Kaḥ tog 243 A rdo dKon mchog rgyal mtshan 244 Rig ’dzin dKon mchog rdo rje (rDo pa bla ma) 247 Hor po Śā kya rgyal mtshan 248 Bu ’bor ba bKra shis rgya mtsho 249 Posterity 249 The dGongs pa zang thal literature in Kaḥ tog (16th century) 250 The rDzogs pa chen po dgongs pa zang thal gyi man ngag zab don mngon sum gsal byed by Hor po Śā kya rgyal mtshan 250 INDEX OF TEXTS CITED IN THE MAN NGAG ZAB DON MNGON SUM GSAL BYED BY HOR PO ŚĀ KYA RGYAL MTSHAN 252 Bu ’bor bo bKra shis rgya mtsho’s Zab mo snying thig gi gnad thams cad bsdus pa’i don khrid lag len gsal ba 257 The dGongs pa zang thal manuals in central Tibet (17th and 18th centuries) 262 The Kun tu bzang po’i dgongs pa’i bcud ka dag lhun grub kyi nyams khrid thar gling chos sku’i zhing khams su bgrod pa’i nye lam by Zur Chos dbyings rang grol (1604–1669) 262 The Chos dbyings lam bzang of Kha’u dGa’ ldan pa Chos dbyings rang grol and the Yang tig gces sgron cycle 266 1. The Ka dag rang byung rang shar gyi khrid yig Chos dbyings lam bzang and Padma ’phrin las’ Yang tig gces sgron zin bris 266 2. Who is Kha’u dGa’ ldan pa Chos dbyings rang grol? 267 3. What is the Yang tig gces sgron? 270 4. Comparison of Padma ’phrin las’ gZhung don rab bsal (1712) and Tshe dbang nor bu’s Chos dbyings lam bzang (1755) 272 5. Reflections on the compositional imperfections of Chos dbyings lam bzang 274 The bKa’ yang gsang bla na med pa rdzogs chen kun bzang dgongs pa zang thal gyi khrid kyi ’chad thabs ’od kyi ’khor lo by Tshe dbang nor bu (1698–1755) 279 The Kun bzang dgongs pa zang thal gyi dgongs don phyogs gcig tu bkod pa khrid yig skal bzang re skongs rig 'dzin dgongs rgyan by sPrul sku Tshul lo (1884–1957) 282 Appendix: Shaft of the dGongs pa zang thal transmission lines resulting in preserved khrid yigs 289 Bibliography 290 DGONGS PA ZANG THAL 290 DGONGS PA ZANG THAL MANUALS 291 HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL TEXTS 292 OTHER TIBETAN SOURCES 293 SOURCES IN WESTERN LANGUAGES 296
ISSN | 17682959 (E) |
Hits | 88 |
Created date | 2024.05.03 |
Modified date | 2024.06.21 |

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