探討天乙法師講戒特色與核心—以三壇大戒比丘尼戒為例 |
Author |
釋見愨 (著)
Source |
Date | 2024.09.27 |
Pages | 28 |
Publisher | 台灣大學佛學研究中心 |
Publisher Url |
Location | 臺北市, 臺灣 [Taipei shih, Taiwan] |
Content type | 會議論文=Proceeding Article |
Language | 中文=Chinese |
Note | 作者單位:香光尼眾佛學院 |
Keyword | 天乙=Tianyi; 講戒=Vinaya lectures; 臨濟寺=Linji Huguo Chan Temple; 三壇大戒=Triple Platform Ordination; 四分比丘尼戒=Bhikkhuni Pratimoksha of Dharmaguptaka |
Abstract | (1970)臺北市臨濟護國禪寺三壇大戒,為臺灣史上第一次二部受戒,也是臺灣首次由比丘尼於戒會為女眾戒子講解《四分比丘尼戒本》,全程以臺灣閩南語講戒,這次的講戒別具歷史意義。而此位女戒師天乙法師有日本大學學歷,一生住持四個道場,參與傳戒十幾次,講比丘尼戒四次,培育無數僧才,其戒律的觀點值得探討。 本文以探討天乙法師的講戒特色及核心為主要研究,依據 (1970) 臨濟寺三壇大戒講戒錄音檔,研究執行方法包括文獻蒐集分析法、資料蒐集法、音檔內容分析法、口訪調查法。經研究分析後得出講戒特色:1.臺灣閩南語逐戒誦讀與淺釋 2.解釋制戒緣起及涵義,並示範學戒之道 3.善用譬喻並加入生活實例,回應戒律的實際應用 4.引領比丘尼身分的自覺,進而覺他;講戒核心包括:1.去除女眾的習氣與毛病 2.著重出家人的威儀 3.掌握與在家人 (含男眾) 的相處分際 4.處理僧物須明識因果 5.重視團體生活的相互尊重和關懷 6.堅守尼僧團與比丘僧團間的互動原則。 臺灣佛教比丘尼未來仍應重視戒律,團結尼眾,與國際接軌。也期盼能重視珍貴的史料資產,日後在史料保存能夠善用科技還原及妥善保存,為臺灣佛教的歷史發展留下見證。
The 1970 Triple Platform Ordination at Linji Huguo Chan Temple in Taipei City marked the first Dual Ordination in Taiwanese history. It was also the first time in Taiwan that a bhikshuni lectured the Bhiksuni Pratimoksa of Dharmaguptaka to female preceptees in Taiwanese during the entire ordination session. Therefore, this incident holds significant historical importance. The female preceptor, Venerable Tianyi, had a Batchelor’s degree from Japan, led four temples in her lifetime, participated in over 10 ordinations, and lectured on the Bhiksuni Pratimoksa for four times, nurturing numerous monastics. Thus, her perspectives on the Vinaya need to be investigated. This study focuses on exploring the characteristics and core aspects of Venerable Tianyi’s explanations on Vinaya. We collected recordings of the 1970 Triple Platform Ordination at Linji Huguo Chan Temple, analyzed the lecture contents, and conducted interviews. The analysis results revealed the following characteristics: 1. Taiwanese was employed to recite the rules of Vinaya one by one and to give simple explanations. 2. The origin and meaning of establishing the Vinya were interpreted, and the means to learn the Vinaya was demonstrated. 3. Metaphors were skillfully used, and real-life examples were incorporated to address the practical application of the Vinya. 4. The Bhiksunis were led to become self-aware and subsequently to enlighten others. The core aspects of the Vinaya emphasized by Venerable Tianyi include the followings. 1. Eliminating the habits and problems of women. 2. Emphasizing the deportment of monastics. 3. Being aware of boundaries between bhiksunis and laypeople during daily interactions. 4. Handling monastic possessions with a clear understanding of cause and effect. 5. Valuing mutual respect and care in communal living. 6. Adhering to principles of interaction between the sanghas of bhiksuni and bhikkhu. Taiwanese Bhiksunis should continue to emphasize Vinaya, unite the female monastic community, and engage with the international community. In the future, we should preserve valuable historical materials, utilize technology to restore and preserve historical data in order to bear witness of the historical development of Buddhism in Taiwan. |
Table of contents | 摘要 1 Abstract 2 一、前言 3 (一) 研究動機與目的 3 1.研究動機 3 2.研究目的 4 (二) 研究範圍與限制 4 (三) 研究方法與流程 5 1.研究方法 5 2.研究流程 5 二、文獻回顧 7 (一) 三壇大戒相關文獻 7 1.三壇大戒簡說 7 2.臺灣三壇大戒沿革 7 (二) 天乙法師相關文獻 8 1.生平介紹 8 2.戒場弘傳經歷 9 (三) 與天乙法師同時期之比丘尼 12 1.慈觀法師 (1921~2005) 12 2.妙慧法師 (1918~?) 12 (四) 繼天乙法師之後的比丘尼 13 1.明宗法師 (1938~2021) 13 2.悟因法師 (1940~) 13 三、研究計畫與實施 14 (一) 資料蒐集法 14 (二) 資料分析方法 15 (三) 分析執行流程 15 四、分析與結果 16 (一) 分析結果 16 (二) 講戒特色歸納如下: 22 1.臺灣閩南語逐戒誦讀與淺釋 22 2.解釋制戒緣起及涵義,並示範學戒之道 22 3.善用譬喻並加入生活實例,回應戒律的實際應用 22 4.引領比丘尼身分的自覺,進而覺他 23 (三) 講戒核心歸納如下: 23 1.去除女眾的習氣與毛病 (約 50 條) 23 2.著重出家人的威儀 (約 180 條) 23 3.掌握與在家人 (含男眾) 的相處分際 (約 37 條) 24 4.處理僧物須明識因果 (約 21 條) 24 5.重視團體生活的相互尊重和關懷 (約 35 條) 24 6.堅守尼僧團與比丘僧團間的互動原則 (約 9 條) 24 五、結論與未來發展的省思 25 (一) 瞭解臺灣光復前後的佛教傳戒狀況 25 (二) 探討戒場對於僧格的形塑 25 (三) 探討天乙法師對佛教的貢獻 25 (四) 分析天乙法師的思想主張對比丘尼的影響 25 (五) 提出臺灣比丘尼未來發展的省思 26 參考文獻 27 |
Hits | 164 |
Created date | 2024.10.18 |
Modified date | 2024.10.21 |

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