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The Case of "The Woman Emerging from Samādhi": Gender and Reception History in a Chan Anthology=出得出不得──禪宗「女子出定」公案的文本起源及宋代的接受史
Author Hershkovitz, Tali (著)=鹿歡 (au.)
Source Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報
Pages45 - 88
PublisherChung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies=中華佛學研究所
Publisher Url
Location新北市, 臺灣 [New Taipei City, Taiwan]
Content type期刊論文=Journal Article
KeywordZhuofo yaoji jing; Chan case; verse commentary; gender; Song Buddhism
AbstractThis study focuses on the Chan gong'an 公案, or story, known as Nüzi chuding 女子出定 (A Woman Emerging from Samādhi), its textual provenance, and its reception during the Song (960-1279). The case is based on the narrative of the second fascicle of the canonical sūtra Zhufo yaoji jing 諸佛要集經 (T.810; translated in 292 by Dharmarakṣa 竺法護). During the Song, the case was circulated and commented on by various Chan masters, and altogether, there are forty-four extant songgu 頌古 (verse commentaries) that were composed in response to it. Both the case and the forty-four songgu are preserved in the Southern Song (1127-1279) anthology Chanzong songgu lianzhu tongji 禪宗頌古聯珠通集 (String of Pearls Verse Commentary from the Chan School, A Complete Collection).The focus here will be on comparing the representation of the woman Liyi 離意 in the second fascicle of the sūtra, the summary of the second fascicle in the influential 5^(th) century treatise, the Dazhidu lun 大智度論, the Song-era case, and the related songgu. The narrative in the sūtra centers on a series of interactions between Liyi and the bodhisattva Mañjuśrī. Liyi is depicted as a powerful meditator, and the story culminates in a debate between the two, establishing Liyi as a skillful debater. She ultimately bests Manjuśri who keeps fixating on her gender identity. The first major shift in the representation of Liyi occurs in the summary included in the Dazhidu lun. This summary shifts the focus from Liyi and discusses a brief episode within the sūtra where Mañjuśrī and the bodhisattva Qizhuyingai 棄諸陰蓋 compete to awaken her. The Song-era Chan case in its different variations maintains the focus on the male bodhisattvas and their competition, and further attenuates the image of Liyi. In contrast, while the songgu overall replicate the focus on the male bodhisattvas, several of them create parallels between Liyi and the Buddha, and she regains some of her prominence. Drawing on scholarship by Miriam Levering, Ding-hwa E. Hsieh, and Stephanie Balkwill, I propose that examining the reception of the story of Liyi can serve as a case-study for how Buddhist stories about women were received by Chan masters. In the absence of sufficient writings by Song women who participated in Chan, examining the different representations of women can potentially serve as an index for their status within Chan.

本文探討宋代禪公案「女子出定」的典故起源及其在宋代的接受與詮釋。此公案是出自於竺法護(Dharmarakṣa,233-310)於292年所譯的《諸佛要集經》卷下中的故事,並在宋代作為公案而流傳,受到諸多禪師以頌古的形式來評論其含義。在彙編於南宋、擴編於元代的《禪宗頌古聯珠通集》中,便收錄「女子出定」的公案及其44首相關的頌古。本文聚焦於《諸佛要集經》中登場的一位名為「離意」的女子,並比較她在《諸佛要集經》、《大智度論》、公案、頌古之間的形象。《諸佛要集經》中的故事圍繞在文殊師利與離意之間的種種互動,離意被描述為一位近坐於如來之側,能深入三昧的禪者,縱使如文殊師利這般的大菩薩也無法使其出定。由於其定力與性別,文殊師利對她的成就既是欣羨又是懷疑。此外,離意在與文殊師利的對辯中,展露出其善辯的能力,文殊則因拘執於性別而落敗。此故事在《大智度論》中被再次引述,然意旨卻有所不同,著重於故事裡的另一場景,文殊殊利與棄諸陰蓋菩薩之間的較勁,誰能使女子從三昧中出定。論中離意成了佚名、無聲的人物,其形象也不如經中的顯目。宋代公案大抵仍是以男性菩薩的競爭為主軸,離意的形象與《大智度論》大同小異。儘管她在頌古中依舊佚名、無聲,然而藉由她與佛的搭配與對應關係,又或者強調其力量,有些禪師有意地提升離意的地位。以Miriam Levering、Ding-hwa E. Hsieh、Stephanie Balkwill的研究為借鑑,本文提出以下的建議:(一)考察中國佛教對女性行者故事的接受與詮釋,在某一程度上,能夠反映出中國佛教中女性行者地位的變化。(二)在宋代禪宗的文獻資料中女性行者的著述與相關記載為數不多的情況下,考察禪宗著述中女性行者的形象及其變化,將有助於我們理解女性行者在禪門中的地位。
Table of contentsIntroduction 49
I. The Sūtra 53
A Brief Synopsis 53
The Image of Liyi in the Sūtra 55
The Independent Circulation of the Second fascicle 58
II. The Song-Era Chan Case 62
Earliest Recorded Version: The Jingde Record of the Transmission of the Lamp 63
The Lianzhu tongji Case 65
III. The Songgu 71
The Image of Liyi in the Songgu 73
ISSN23132000 (P); 23132019 (E)
Created date2024.12.03
Modified date2024.12.03

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