

Seneviratne, H. L.  


23 件著作が収録され、11 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2016.07.19 料更新



Seneviratne, Heraliwala L.



個人サイト: https://anthropology.virginia.edu/faculty/emeriti/profile/hls
全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Buddhist Ordination in Ceylon Seneviratne, H. L. Social Compass 1973.05.01
  A Critique of Religion and Power in the Sociological Sciences [Sri Lanka] Seneviratne, H. L. Social Compass 1985.02.01
  A note on the concept of karma among Sinhalese Buddhist Seneviratne, H. L. South Asian anthropologist 1980
  A Review Symposium on Tambiah's Thailand Trilogy Carrithers, Michael ; Keyes, Charles F. ; Lehman, F. K. ; Reynolds, Frank E. ; Seneviratne, H. L. ; Tambiah, Stanley J. Tambiah Contributions to Indian Sociology, New Series 1987.01-06
  Bodhipuja: Collective Representations of Sri Lanka Youth Seneviratne, Heraliwala L.; Wickermerante, Swarna American Ethnologist 1980.11
  Book Review: "Part of Review Symposium: World Conqueror, World Renouncer: A Study of Buddhism in Thailand against a Historical Background", by Tambiah, Stanley Jeyeraja Seneviratne, H. L. Contributions to Indian Sociology, New Series 1987.01-06
  Book Review: "Theravada Buddhism: A Social History From Ancient Benares T. Modern Colombo", by Richard F Gombrich Seneviratne, H. L. The Times Literary Supplement 1988.08.05
  Book Review: Buddhism Transformed: Religious Change in Sri Lanka by Richard Gombrich, Gananath Obeyesekere Seneviratne, H. L. (評論) Journal of Ritual Studies 1990
  Book Review: Monks, Priests and Peasants: A Study of Buddhism and Social Structure in Central Ceylon. By Hans-Dieter Evers. Seneviratne, H. L. (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1977.02
  Book Review: Religiousness in Sri Lanka. Edited by John Ross Carter. Seneviratne, H. L. (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1982.02
  Book Review: Robe and Plough: Monasticism and Economic Interest in Early Medieval Sri Lanka. By R. A. L. H. Gunawardana. Seneviratne, H. L. (著) The Journal of Asian Studies 1980.11
  Buddhism as a Practical Teaching Seneviratne, H. L. Bodhi Leaves 1981
  Continuity in Sri Lanka Seneviratne, H. L. Religion 1984.01
  Food Essence and the Essence of Experience Seneviratne, Heraliwala L. (著) The Eternal Food: Gastronomic Ideas and Experiences of Hindus and Buddhists 1992.08
  Identity and the Conflation of Past and Present Seneviratne, H. L. (著) Social Analysis: The International Journal of Anthropology 1989.09
  Kingship and Polity in Buddhism and Hinduism Seneviratne, Heraliwala L. Contributions to Indian sociology 1987
  L'ordination Boudhiste à Ceylan Seneviratne, H. L. Social Compass 1973.05.01
  Religion and legitimacy of power in the Kandyan kingdom Seneviratne, H. L. Religion and legitimation of power in Sri Lanka 1978
  Rituals of the Kandyan State Seneviratne, Heraliwala L. 1978.06.15
  Samgha:Samgha and Society Seneviratne, H. L. Encyclopedia of Religion 1986
  The Natural History of a Buddhist Liturgy Being a Study in the Nature and Transformation of Kandyan Sinhalesemetropolitan Ritual Seneviratne, H. L. 1972
  The Natural History of a Buddhist Liturgy, Being a Study in the Nature and Transformation of Kandyan Sinhalese Metropolitan Ritual Seneviratne, Heraliwala L. 1974.02
  The Work of Kings: The New Buddhism in Sri Lanka Seneviratne, Heraliwala L. 1999