

Tan, Hwee-san  


11 件著作が収録され、7 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2024.09.16 料更新



Tan, Hwee-San



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Book Review: The Instrumental Music of Wutaishan's Buddhist Monasteries: Social and Ritual Contexts by Beth Szczepanski Tan, Hwee-san (評論) Ethnomusicology Forum 2013.08
  Book Review: The Instrumental Music of Wutaishan's Buddhist Monasteries: Social and Ritual Contexts by Beth Szczepanski Tan, Hwee-san (評論) Ethnomusicology Forum 2013
  Buddhism and the musical cultures of Asia:a critical literature survey Greene, Paul David; Howard, Keith; Miller, Terry Ellis; Nguyen, Phong Thuyet; Tan, Hwee-san The World of Music 2002
  Buddhism and the Musical Cultures of Asia: A Critical Literature Survey Greene, Paul D. (著); Howard, Keith (著); Miller, Terry E. (著); Nguyen, Phong T. (著); Tan, Hwee-San (著) The World of Music 2002
  Buddhism and the Musical Cultures of Asia: An Annotated Discography Greene, Paul D. (著); Howard, Keith (著); Miller, Terry E. (著); Nelson, Steven G. (著); Nguyen, Phong T. (著); Tan, Hwee-san (著) Asian Music 2004
  Recent Trends in Buddhist Music Research in China Tian, Qing (著); Tan, Hwee-san (譯) British Journal of Ethnomusicology 1994
  Recording Reviews Tan, Hwee-san Ethnomusicology 2005
  Recording Reviews - Chinese Buddhist Music: Chinese Buddhist Ceremonies Recorded by John Levy Tan, Hwee-san Ethnomusicology 2005
  Saving the Soul in Red China: Music and Ideology in the Gongde Ritual of Merit in Fujian Tan, Hwee-San (著) British Journal of Ethnomusicology 2002
  Sounds for the Dead: Ritualists and Their Vocal Liturgical Music in the Buddhist Rite of Merit in Fujian, China Tan, Hwee-san 2003
  The Cultural Practices of Modern Chinese Buddhism: Attuning the Dharma by Francesca Tarocco Tan, Hwee-san (評論) Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 2009