

Smith, Huston  

+1919 ~ +2016

28 件著作が収録され、4 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2022.07.01 料更新



史密斯, 休斯頓



wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huston_Smith
全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Book Review: A Buddhist Spectrum: Contributiions to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue by Marco Pallis Smith, Huston The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1982
  Book Review: Field of Zen by Daisetz Teitarō Suzuki Shin Buddhism by D. T. Suzuki Smith, Huston The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1972
  Buddhism : A Concise Introduction Philip, Novak; Smith, Huston 2004.12
  Buddhism: A Concise Introduction Novak, Philip; Smith, Huston 2005.01
  Buddhism:A Concise Introduction Novak, Philip; Smith, Huston 2003.04
  D. T. Suzuki : Some Memories Smith, Huston=史密斯, 休斯頓 The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1967
  Hinduism & Buddhism Moyers, Bill D.; Smith, Huston; Wagner, Pamela Mason 2001
  Hinduism and Buddhism Wagner, Pamela Mason; Smith, Huston; Moyers, Bill D. 1996
  Hinduism and Buddhism Smith, Huston; Moyers, Bill D. 1996
  In defense of spiritual discipline Smith, Huston Ultimate reality and spiritual discipline 1984
  Requiem for a faith [videorecording] : tibitan buddhism Smith, Huston; Hartley, Elda; Hartley, Irving 1997
  Requiem for a faith; and, the Sufi way Smith, Huston 1969
  Spiritual Discipline in Zen and Comparative Perspective Smith, Huston The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1983
  The God seekers Smith, Huston 1961
  The illustrated world's religions:a guide to ourwisdom traditions, 1st ed. Smith, Huston 1994
  The world's religions Smith, Huston 1991
  The World's Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions Davis, Jonathan; Smith, Huston 2010
  This ecumenical moment:what are we seeking? Smith, Huston Japanese Religions=日本の諸宗教 1988.01
  Transcendence in Traditional China Smith, Huston (著) Religious Studies 1967.04
  Views & Reviews: Four Theological Negotiables : Gleanings from Daisetz Suzuki's Posthumous Volumes on Shin Buddhism Smith, Huston=史密斯, 休斯頓 The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1977
  Visions of Buddhist Life Farber, Don; Smith, Huston 2002.10.01
  Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind Suzuki, Shunryu; Dixon, Trudy; Smith, Huston 2006.10
  Zig Zag Zen: Buddhism on Psychedelics Gray, Alex; Batchelor, Stephen; Smith, Huston 2002.04
  人的宗教 -- 人類偉大的智慧傳統=The world's religions: our great wisdom traditions 史密斯, 休斯頓; 劉安雲 2003
  人的宗教=The World's Religious 史密斯, 休斯頓; 劉安雲 2001.11
  人類的宗教 -- 佛學篇 史密斯, 休斯頓=Smith, Huston ; 舒吉 1969
  人類的宗教 -- 佛學篇 史密斯, 休斯頓=Smith, Huston ; 舒吉 1979
  超越後現代心靈=Beyond the post-modern mind Smith, Huston=史密斯, 休斯頓 ; 梁永安 2000