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タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
A Buddhist Classification of Animals and Plants in Early Tang Times |
Chen, Huaiyu (著)=陳懷宇 (au.) |
Journal of Asian History |
2009 |
A Local Canon and the Library Cave in Dunhuang |
Chen, Huaiyu |
Spreading Buddha's Words in China: The Formation and Transformation of the Chinese Buddhist Canon |
2011.03.26 |
A study on a stone lantern from Dongzhang village in medieval China |
Chen, Huaiyu |
Studies in Chinese Religions |
2019 |
Book Review: Getting Saved in America: Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience by Carolyn Chen |
Chen, Huai-yu (評論) |
Journal of Law and Religion |
2009-2010 |
Book Review: Making Religion, Making the State: The Politics of Religion in Modern China Edited by Yoshiko Ashiwa and David L. Wank |
Chen, Huai-yu (評論) |
Journal of Law and Religion |
2012-13 |
Book Review: Unfortunate Destiny: Animals in the Indian Buddhist Imagination by Reiko Ohnuma |
Chen, Huai-yu (評論) |
The Journal of Asian Studies |
2018.08 |
In the Land of Tigers and Snakes: Living with Animals in Medieval Chinese Religions |
Chen, Huaiyu (著) |
2023 |
Making Four Buddhist Worlds: A Reading of the Liturgies for Creating Ritual Spaces in Dunhuang Manuscripts |
Chen, Huaiyu (著)=陳懷宇 (au.) |
Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2021.05 |
Newly Identified Khotanese Fragments in the British Library and Their Chinese Parallels |
Chen, Huaiyu |
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society |
2012.04 |
Some reflections on an early Mahāyāna text Hastikakṣyasūtra |
Liu, Zhen (著)=劉震 (au.); Chen, Huaiyu (著)=陳懷宇 (au.) |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 |
2014 |
The Benji jing and the Anle jing: Reflections on Two Daoist and Christian Manuscripts from Turfan and Dunhuang |
Chen, Huaiyu |
Studies in Chinese Religions |
2015 |
The Benji jing and the Anle jing: Reflections on Two Daoist and Christian Manuscripts from Turfan and Dunhuang=《本際經》與《安樂經》:略論兩種西域出土文獻之聯係 |
Chen, Huaiyu=陳懷宇 |
International Conference at Princeton University=普林斯頓大學學術國際研討會 |
2014.09.06 - 08 |
The Revival of Buddhist Monasticism in Medieval China |
Chen, Huaiyu |
2006.11.01 |
The Revival of Buddhist Monasticism in Medieval China |
Chen, Huaiyu |
2005.04 |
The Road to Redemption: Killing Snakes in Medieval Chinese Buddhism |
Chen, Huaiyu (著) |
Religions |
2019.04 |
The Weretigers in Medieval China Revisited |
Chen, Huaiyu |
2018 第七屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 |
2018.06.28 |
Wang Enyang's Response to Modern Science in Early Twentieth Century |
Chen, Huaiyu |
Hsi Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism=西來人間佛教學報 |
2007 |
中古時期的虎變問題再探 |
陳懷宇 |
2018 第七屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 |
2018.06.28 |
中古時期敦煌燃燈文與石燈銘文比較研究 |
陳懷宇 (著) |
世界宗教研究=Studies in World Religions |
2022 |
中國古代佛教動物成佛敘事初探=A Study of the Narratives on Enlightened Animals in Medieval Chinese Buddhism |
陳懷宇=Chen, Huaiyu |
第六屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 |
2016.07 |
白璧德之佛學及其對中國學者的影響=Irving Babbit: His Indology and Its Impact on Chinese Scholars |
陳懷宇=Chen, Huaiyu |
清華大學學報 (哲學社會科學版)=Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) |
2005 |
唐代景教與佛道關係新論 |
陳懷宇=Chen, Huaiyu |
世界宗教研究=Studies in World Religions |
2015 |
書評:Burning of the Buddha: Self-Immolation in Chinese Buddhism (by James A. Benn, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2007) |
陳懷宇 |
唐研究=Journal of Tang studies |
2007.12 |
書評:Sarah E. Fraser, Performing the Visual: The practice of Buddhist Wall Painting in China and Central Asia, 618-960, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004.(胡素馨,《表演視覺:618-960年中國和中亞的佛壁畫實踐》) |
陳懷宇 (著) |
2005.12 |
從十二時獸到十二精魅:南北朝隋唐佛教文獻中的十二生肖 |
陳懷宇 |
唐研究=Journal of Tang studies |
2007.12 |
從雙龍灌浴到九龍吐水 |
陳懷宇 |
人生=Humanity |
2012.02.07 |
評藤善真澄《道宣傳的研究》 |
陳懷宇=Chen, Huaiyu |
漢學研究=Chinese Studies |
2004.12.01 |
獅子與佛陀:早期漢譯佛教文獻中的動物裝飾與象徵=Lion and the Buddha -- The Ornament and Symbolism of Animals in Chinese Buddhist Literature |
陳懷宇=Chen, Huaiyu |
政大中文學報=Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature National Chengchi University |
2010.12 |
跨領域研究的新嘗試 |
陳懷宇 (著) |
人生=Humanity |
2011.08 |
觀音 -- 菩薩中國化的演變=Kuan-yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara |
于君方 (著)=Yu, Jun-fang (au.); 林佩瑩 (譯)=Lin, Pei-ying (tr.); 姚崇新 (譯)=Yao, Chong-xin (tr.); 陳懷宇 (譯)=Chen, Huaiyu (tr.) |
2009.07.01 |