

Conze, Edward  

+1904 ~ +1979-09-24

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Conze, Eberhart Julius Dietrich



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全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Personal Tribute Conze, Edward The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1967
  A Prajnaparamita Rupa Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1954
  A Short History of Buddhism Conze, Edward 1980
  A Short History of Buddhism Conze, Edward (著) 1982
  A short history of Buddhism [New ed.] Conze, Edward 1993
  Abhisamayaalankaara Conze, Edward 1954
  Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward 1970
  Book Review: "A short history of Buddhism", by Eric Glasgow Conze, Edward Contemporary Review 1994
  Book Review: "Buddhist cave paintings at Tun-huang", photo by B. Gray; ed. By J. B. Vincent Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1959
  Book Review: "Golden germ: an introduction to Indian symbolism", by F. D. K. Bosch Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1960
  Book Review: "Himalayan pilgrimage: a study of Tibetan religion by a traveller through western centuries", by D. Pataky Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1961
  Book Review: "Iconography of Tibetan Lamaismrev", edited by A. K. Gordon Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1959
  Book Review: "Indian Buddhist iconography", by B. Bhattacharya Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1959
  Book Review: "La peinture murale de Touenhouang", by F. Fourcade Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1965
  Book Review: "L'Abhisamayālaṃkāravṛtti di Ārya-Vimuktisena, primo abhisamaya." Testo e note critiche (= Serie Orientale Roma, XXXVII) by Corrado Pensa Conze, Edward Indo-Iranian Journal 1972
  Buddha's Law Among the Birds Conze, Edward 2002.02.05
  Buddhism Allen, G.F. ; Conze, Edward ; Masefield, Peter ; Ross, Floyd H. ; Smith, F. Harold 2008
  Buddhism [5 ed.] Conze, Edward 1974
  Buddhism and Gnosis Conze, Edward The Origins of Gnosticism Colloquium of Messina13-18 1967
  Buddhism and Gnosis Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Buddhism and Gnosis Conze, Edward The allure of Gnosticism: The Gnostic experience in Jungian psychology and contemporary culture 1995
  Buddhism: A Short History Conze, Edward 2008.02
  Buddhism: Its Essence And Development Conze, Edward ; Waley, Arthur 2007.07.25
  Buddhism: Its Essence and Development Conze, Edward ; Waley, Arthur (序) 1951
  Buddhism: Its Essence and Development Conze, Edward 1959
  Buddhism: Its Essence and Development Conze, Edward 1951
  Buddhism: Its Essence and Development Conze, Edward 1959
  Buddhism: Its Essence and Development Conze, Edward 1975, 1951
  Buddhism: Its Essence and Development Conze, Edward 2003.08.27
  Buddhism: Its Essence and Development Conze, Edward ; Waley, Arthur 2010.09.10
  Buddhism:its essence and development Conze, Edward 1994, 1951
  Buddhism:its essence and development [2nd. pbk. ed.] Conze, Edward 1974
  Buddhism:The Mahayana Conze, Edward The Consice Encyclopedia of Living Faiths 1959
  Buddhist Meditation Conze, Edward 2008.02.12
  Buddhist Meditation Conze, Edward 2008.09.19
  Buddhist Meditation Conze, Edward (著) 1956
  Buddhist Meditation Conze, Edward 2003.02
  Buddhist Meditation Conze, Edward 1997
  Buddhist Meditation Conze, Edward 1986.01
  Buddhist Meditation Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1956
  Buddhist meditation Conze, Edward 1975
  Buddhist Philosophy and Its European Parallels Conze, Edward Philosophy East and West 1963.04
  Buddhist Prajna and Greek Sophia Conze, Edward Religion 1975
  Buddhist saviours Conze, Edward The Saviour God: E.O.James 1963
  Buddhist Scriptures Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1959
  Buddhist Scriptures: A Bibliography Conze, Edward ; Lancaster, Lewis R. ; Lancaster, Lewis R. 1982.11
  Buddhist Textes Through the Ages Conze, Edward 2006
  Buddhist Texts through the Ages Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1990.04
  Buddhist Texts through the Ages Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1990
  Buddhist Texts through the Ages Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1982.02
  Buddhist Texts through the Ages Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1954
  Buddhist Texts through the Ages Conze, Edward 1954
  Buddhist Texts through the Ages Conze, Edward ; Horner, I. B. ; Snellgrove, D. 2010.09.10
  Buddhist Texts Through the Ages Conze, Edward (譯); Conze, Edward (編); Horner, I. B. (著); Snellgrove, D. (著); Waley, A. (著) 1954
  Buddhist texts through the ages [1st Shambhala ed.] Conze, Edward 1990, 1954
  Buddhist texts through the ages:translated from Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese and Apabhramsa Conze, Edward 1954
  Buddhist texts through the ages:translated from Pali, Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan, Japanese and Apabhramsa Conze, Edward ; Horner, I. B. 1964, 1954
  Buddhist thought in India: three phases of Buddhist philosophy Conze, Edward 1967
  Buddhist Thought in India: Three Phases of Buddhist Philosophy Conze, Edward 1962
  Buddhist Thought in India: Three Phases of Buddhist Philosophy Conze, Edward 1983
  Buddhist thought in India: Three Phases of Buddhist Philosophy Conze, Edward 1962
  Buddhist Wisdom Books: The Diamond Sutra and the Heart Sutra Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1958
  Buddhist Wisdom: The Diamond Sutra and The Heart Sutra Thornton, John F. ; Varenne, Susan ; Conze, Edward ; Simmer-Brown, Judith 1958
  Buddhist Wisdom: The Diamond Sutra and The Heart Sutra Conze, Edward (譯); Thornton, John F. (編); Varenne, Susan (編); Simmer-Brown, Judith (序) 2001.04.24
  Contradictions in Buddhist Thought Conze, Edward Melanges Lamotte 1980
  Contradictions in Buddhist Thought Conze, Edward Indianisme et bouddhisme. Melanges offerts a Mgr. Etienne Lamotte 1980
  Corrections and Sanskrit-Tibetan-English Index to Obermiller's Ratnagunasamcayagatha Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1960
  Der Buddhismus:Wesen und Entwicklung Conze, Edward 1977
  Der BuddhismusWesen und entwicklung Conze, Edward 1953
  Development of Prajnaparamita thought Conze, Edward Buddhism and culture: dedicated to D.T.Suzuki; S.Yamaguchi 1960
  Dharma as a Spiritual, Social and Cosmic Force Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Dharma as a Spiritual, Social and Cosmic Force Conze, Edward The Concept of Order 1968
  Eine kurze Geschichte des Buddhismus Edward Conze Conze, Edward 1980
  Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays Conze, Edward (著) 1975
  Hate, Love and Perfect Wisdom Conze, Edward Maha Bodhi: international Buddhist monthly 1954
  Hymn to Perfect Wisdom Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1951
  Im zeichen Buddhas: Buddhistische Texte Conze, Edward 1957
  Jung's Psychology and the Dharma Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Konze Bukkyo:sono kyori to tenkai Conze, Edward 1975
  Le Bouddhisme dans son essence et son developpement Conze, Edward 1995
  Life after Death, and the Book of the Dead Conze, Edward Buddhist Scriptures 1959
  List of Buddhist Terms Conze, Edward (著) The Tibet Journal 1975.07/09
  Love, Compassion and Sympathetic Joy Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Mahayana Buddhism Conze, Edward Edward Conze, Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies:Selected Essays 1968
  Mahayana Buddhism Conze, Edward The Concise Encyclopaedia of Living Faiths 1959
  Maitreya's Question in the Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward ; Iida, Shotaro Melanges d'Indianisme a la Memoire de Louis Renou: 40 Anniversaire de la Fondation de l'Institute de Civilisation Indienne de l'Universite de Paris, 1967 1968
  Marginal Notes to the Abhisamayalankara Conze, Edward Liebenthal Festschrift, Sino-Indian Studies 1957
  Materials for a Dictionary of the Prajñāpāramitā Literature Conze, Edward 1967.01
  Meditations on Emptiness Conze, Edward Maha Bodhi: international Buddhist monthly 1955
  Meditations on Emptiness Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1961
  Notes on the Text of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Conze, Edward Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1978
  On "Perverted Views" Conze, Edward East and West 1957.01
  On Indian Mahayana Buddhism Conze, Edward 1968
  On Selfless Love Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 2006.05.01
  Perfect Wisdom: The Short Prajnaparamita Texts Conze, Edward 1993.12.01
  Prajnaparamita-hrdaya Conze, Edward ; Bhikkhu Ānandajoti The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1946
  Prasastrasena's Arya-Prajnaparamita-Hrdaya-Tika Conze, Edward (著) Buddhist Studies in Honour of I. B. Horner 1974
  Preliminary Note on a Prajnaparamita Manuscript Conze, Edward Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1950.04
  Problems of Buddhist History Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Professor Murti's Central Philosophy of Buddhism Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Recent Progress in Buddhist Studies Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1959
  Recent Progress in Buddhist Studies Conze, Edward Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies 1967
  Remarks on a Pala Manuscript in the Bodleian Library Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1948
  Remarks on a Pala MS. in the Bodleian Library Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Selected Sayings from the "Perfection of Wisdom" Conze, Edward 1968
  Selected sayings from the Perfection of wisdom Conze, Edward 1978
  Selected Sayings from the Perfection of Wisdom 1-4 Conze, Edward Stepping Stones 1952
  Social Implications of Logical Thinking Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Social Origins of Nominalism Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  Some more comments on the Diamond Sutra Conze, Edward Vajra 1976
  Spurious Parallels to Buddhist Philosophy Conze, Edward Philosophy East and West 1963.07
  Tantric Prajnaparamita Texts Conze, Edward Sino-Indian Studies 1956
  Text, Sources, and Bibliography of the Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya Conze, Edward Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1948.04
  The Accumalation of Precious Qualities(Prajnaparamitaratnagunasamcayagatha) Conze, Edward Indo-Asian Studies, Part I 1962
  The Adhyardhasatika Prajnaparamita, translated Conze, Edward Studies of Esoteric Buddhism and Tantrism 1965
  The Buddha's Bodies in the Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  The Buddha's Bodies in the Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward Akten des 24ten Internationalen kongresses Munchen 1959
  The Buddha's laksanas in the Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward Journal of Oriental Institute 1965
  The Calcutta Manuscript of the Ratnagunasamcayagatha Conze, Edward Indo-Iranian Journal 1960
  The Composition of the Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1952.06
  The Composition of the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāraṁitā Conze, Edward Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 1952
  The Development of Prajnaparamita Thought Conze, Edward Edward Conze, Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies:Selected Essays 1968
  The Development of Prajñāpāramitā Thought Conze, Edward (著) Buddhism and Culture: Dedicated to Dr. Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki in Commemoration of His Ninetieth Birthday 1960
  The Diamond Sutra Explained I Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1956
  The Diamond Sutra Explained II Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1957
  The Diamond Sutra Explained III Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1957
  The Diamond Sutra Explained IV Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1957
  The Doctrine of Emptiness Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1952
  The Frontispiece to the Diamond Sutra Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1955
  The Gilgit Manuscript of the Astaada`sasaahasrikaapraj~naapaaramitaa:Chapters 55 to 70 Corresponding to the 5th Abhisamaya Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1962
  The Gilgit Manuscript of the Astada`sasaahasrikaapraj~naaparamitaa:Chapters 70 to 82 Corresponding to the 6th, 7th, and 8th Abhisamayas Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1974
  The Heart Sutra Explained I Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1955
  The Heart Sutra Explained II Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1956
  The Heart Sutra Explained III Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1956
  The Heart Sutra Explained IV Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1956
  The Hrdaya Sutra:Its Scriptural Background Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1946
  The Iconography of the Prajnaparamita v.2 n.2 Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1949
  The Iconography of the Prajnaparamita v.3 n.3 Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1951
  The Intermediary World Conze, Edward The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1974
  The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom Conze, Edward 1961-1964
  The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom: With the Divisions of the Abhisamayalankara Conze, Edward (編); Conze, Edward (譯) 1985.01
  The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom: with the divisions of the Abhisamayālaṅkāra Conze, Edward 1975
  The Literature on Perfect Wisdom Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1952
  The Mahayana Treatment of the Vipaiyasas Conze, Edward Oriens Extremus=遠東 1962
  The Meditation on Death Conze, Edward Edward Conze, Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies:Selected Essays 1968
  The Memoirs of a Modern Gnostic Conze, Edward 1979
  The Objective Validity of the Principle of Contradiction Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  The Oldest Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1958
  The Ontology of the Prajñāpāramitā Conze, Edward Philosophy East and West 1953.07
  The Perfection of Wisdom in 700 Lines Conze, Edward (編) Perfect Wisdom: The Short Prajñāpāramitā Texts 1993
  The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines & Its Verse Summary Conze, Edward 1973
  The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Slokas=Astasaahasrikaa Praj~naapaaramitaa Conze, Edward 1970
  The Perfection of Wisdom in Seven Hundred Lines Conze, Edward Kalpa 1963
  The Praj~naapaaramitaa Literature Conze, Edward 1960
  The Prajnaparamita Literature Conze, Edward 1978
  The Prajñāpāramitā Literature. 2nd ed. Conze, Edward 1978
  The Present State and Future Prospects of Buddhism in Asia Conze, Edward Further Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays 1975
  The Road to Omniscience Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1958
  The Short Praj~naapaaramitaa Texts Conze, Edward 1974
  The Short Praj~naapaaramitaa Texts Conze, Edward 1973
  The Short Prajnaparamita Texts Conze, Edward 1974
  The Sixth Buddhist Council Conze, Edward Manchester Guardian 1954
  The soul as an image of Nirvana:from 'The Questions of King Milinda.'(excerpt from 'Buddhist Texts Throughout the Ages')(Peace issue) Conze, Edward ; Haley, Arthur ; Horner, Isaline Blew ; Snellgrove, David Parabola 1996
  The Tantric Prajnaparamita Texts Conze, Edward Sino-Indian Studies 1957
  The Teachings of Prajnaparamita Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1952
  The Triple Vehicle Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1963
  The Way of Wisdom : The Five Spiritual Faculties Conze, Edward 1964
  The Way to Wisdom I Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1953
  The Way to Wisdom II Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1953
  The Way to Wisdom III Conze, Edward The Middle Way: Journal of the Buddhist Society 1953
  The Yogacarin Treatment of Prajnaparamita Texts Conze, Edward Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of Orientalists 1954
  Theory and practice of the mandala, with special references to the modern psychology of the subconscious, by G. Tucci Conze, Edward Oriental Art 1961
  Thirty Years of Buddhist Studies: Selected Essays Conze, Edward 1968
  Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Conze, Edward (編); Conze, Edward (譯) 1957
  Vajracchedikaa Praj~naapaaramitaa Conze, Edward ; Conze, Edward 1974
  Verses on the Accumulation of Precious Qualities Conze, Edward Indo-Asian Studies, Part I 1963
  コンゼ仏教 -- その教理と展開 Conze, Edward ; 平川彰 ; 横山紘一 1975.03
  コンゼ仏教 -- その教理と展開 Conze, Edward 1975
  一九六0年代歐洲佛學研究的進展(下) Conze, Edward ; 郭忠生=Kuo, Chung-sheng ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1986.03.25
  一九六0年代歐洲佛學研究的進展(上) Conze, Edward ; 郭忠生=Kuo, Chung-sheng ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1986.01.25
  一九六0年代歐洲佛學研究的進展(中) Conze, Edward ; 郭忠生=Kuo, Chung-sheng ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1986.02.25
  大乘與新智慧學派(一) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1984.10.25
  大乘與新智慧學派(二) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1984.11.25
  大乘與新智慧學派(三) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1984.12.25
  大乘與新智慧學派(完) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1985.01.25
  大乘與新興智慧學派(完) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 諦觀 1984.12
  大眾佛教 Conze, Edward ; 法施者 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1984.01.25
  古老智慧學派(下) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1984.07.25
  古老智慧學派(上) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1984.05.25
  古老智慧學派(中) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1984.06.25
  死亡的禪思 Conze, Edward=Conze, Eberhart Julius Dietrich ; 胡國堅 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1988.07.25
  佛教在印度以外地區的發展(下) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1986.02.25
  佛教在印度以外地區的發展(上) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1986.01.25
  佛教的本質及其發展=Fo Jiao di Ben Zhi ji qi Fa Zhan=Buddhism:Its Essence and Development Hu, Guo-jian ; Conze, Edward 1986
  佛教的共同論題(下) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1983.10.25
  佛教的共同論題(上) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1983.08.25
  佛教的共同論題(中) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1983.09.25
  佛教信仰與奉獻(下) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1985.03.25
  佛教信仰與奉獻(上) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1985.02.25
  坦特四維秘密佛教(下) Conze, Edward ; 曇昕 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1985.12.25
  坦特四維秘密佛教(上) Conze, Edward ; 曇昕 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1985.11.25
  原始佛教的課題 Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1987.03.25
  無言的假設(下) Conze, Edward ; 清童 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1987.01.25
  無言的假設(上) Conze, Edward ; 清童 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1986.12.25
  瑜伽學派(下) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1985.08.25
  瑜伽學派(上) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1985.07.25
  僧伽佛教(上) Conze, Edward ; 悅法 諦觀 1983.11
  僧團佛教(下) -- 出家的獨身生活 Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1983.12.25
  僧團佛教(上) -- 僧伽 Conze, Edward ; 悅法 ; 諦觀雜誌社 諦觀 1983.11.25