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タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Book Review: The Hybridity of Buddhism: Contemporary Encounters between Tibetan and Chinese Traditions in Taiwan and the Mainland Edited by Fabienne Jagou |
Ji, Zhe (評論); Jayaram, N. (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2019 |
Book Review: The Politics of Buddhist Organizations in Taiwan 1989-2003: Safeguarding the Faith, Building a Pure Land, Helping the Poor by André Laliberté |
Ji, Zhe (評論); Liddell, Philip (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2005.07-08 |
Buddhism after Mao: Negotiations, Continuities, and Reinventions |
Ji, Zhe (著); Fisher, Gareth (著); Laliberté, André (著) |
2019.10.31 |
Buddhism After Mao: Negotiations, Continuties, and Reinventions |
Ji, Zhe (編); Fisher, Gareth (編); Laliberté, André (編) |
2019.10 |
Buddhism and the State: A New Relationship: Increasing Numbers of Believers Bring Great Changes to the Monastic Economy in China |
Ji, Zhe (著); Liddell, Philip (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2004.09-10 |
Buddhism and the State: The New Relationship: Increasing numbers of believers bring great changes to the monastic economy in China |
Ji, Zhe (著) |
China Perspectives |
2004.09-10 |
Chinese Buddhism as a Social Force: Reality and Potential of Thirty Years of Revival |
Ji, Zhe (著) |
Chinese Sociological Review |
2012 |
Introduction: Les implications sociales du renouveau bouddhique en Chine/ Social Implications of the Buddhist Revival in China |
Ji, Zhe (著); Goossaert, Vincent (著) |
Social Compass |
2011.12 |
La nouvelle relation Etat-bouddhisme: Un nombre grandissant de croyants entraine une mutation de l'economie monastique en Chine |
Ji, Zhe |
Perspectives chinoises |
2004.07-08 |
Lay Buddhism in Contemporary China: Social Engagements and Political Regulations |
Zhang, Jia (著)=張佳 (au.); Ji Zhe (著)=汲喆 (au.) |
China Review: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China |
2018.11 |
Religion, jeunesse et modernité: Le camp d’été, nouvelle pratique rituelle du bouddhisme chinois |
Ji, Zhe (著) |
Social Compass |
2011.12 |
Religion, modernité et temporalité: Une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain |
Ji, Zhe (著) |
2016.12.15 |
Social Experimentation and "Popular Confucianism": The Case of the Lujiang Cultural Education Centre |
Dutournier, Guillaume (著); Ji, Zhe (著); Black, Michael (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2009 |
Territoires migratoires et lieux religieux: cartes des religions des Chinois en Ile-de-France |
Ji, Zhe (著) |
2010 |
The “Sinicization” of Religion: Culture as Political Rhetoric=宗教的「中國化」:文化其表,政治其裡 |
Ji, Zhe (著); Xuan, Fang (著) |
Review of Religion and Chinese Society |
2024.03 |
The Establishment of a Lay Clergy by the Modern Chan Society: Some Logics in the Field of Modern Chinese Buddhism |
Ji, Zhe (著); Liddell, Philip (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2005.05-06 |
Three Patterns of Religious Globalization: Buddhist Groups among Chinese Immigrants in France |
Ji, Zhe (著) |
Review of Religion and Chinese Society |
2014.01 |
Zhao Puchu and His Renjian Buddhism |
Ji, Zhe |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2013 |
二十世紀中國佛教的兩次復興 |
田水晶 ; 王啟元 ; 汲喆 |
2016 |
大學生研修佛學狀況掃描 -- 對復旦大學《佛教與佛學》公共選修課的調查 |
汲喆 |
佛敎文化=The Culture of Buddhism |
1995.11 |
見佛殺佛:一行禪師的禪法心要=Zen Keys: A Guide to Zen Practice=Nẻo Vào Thiền Học |
一行禪師 (著)=Thich, Nhat Hanh (au.); 汲喆 (譯) |
2005.12.08 |
居士佛教與現代教育 |
汲喆 |
第二屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇 |
2016 |
居士佛教與現代教育 |
汲喆 |
北京大學教育評論=Peking University Education Review |
2009.07 |
法國的華人佛教道場之初步調查=Preliminary Investigation on Chinese Buddhist Temples in France |
汲喆 (著)=Ji, Zhe (au.) |
世界宗教文化=The Religious Cultures in the World |
2014.06 |
法國華人佛教的組織模式:移民、宗教與全球化=Buddhist Groups among Chinese Immigrants in France: Three Patterns of Religious Globalization |
汲喆 =Ji, Zhe |
華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2018.05 |
哲學引發學佛潮 |
汲喆 |
人生=Humanity |
2016.12 |
導言:居士佛教的社會學問題 |
汲喆 (著) |
宗教社會學=Sociology of Religion |
2014 |
龍居佛地:一位百歲僧人的宗教歷程 |
汲喆 |
2018 第七屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇 |
2018.12.17 |
禪在中國大陸:1980 年代以來的話語與實踐=Chan in the PRC: Discourses and Practices since 1980 |
汲喆 =Ji, Zhe |
第四屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇 |
2018.01 |