

Hoffman, Frank J.  


48 件著作が収録され、30 件全文を含む 

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霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J.



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  "Contemporary Buddhist Philosophy" in "Companion Encyclopedia of Asian Philosophy", Carr, Brian (ed) Hoffman, Frank J. 1997
  Book Review: "A history of Buddhist philosophy: continuities and discontinuities", by David J. Kalupahana Hoffman, Frank J. Religious Studies 1993.09
  Book Review: "Buddhism and American Thinkers" Hoffman, Frank J. Religious Studies 1987.03
  Book Review: "Buddhism and Christianity: Rivals and Allies", by Ninian Smart Hoffman, Frank J. The Journal of Asian Studies 1994.05
  Book Review: "Buddhism, Conflict and Violence in Modern Sri Lanka," ed. by Mahinda Deegalle Hoffman, Frank J. Buddhist Studies Review 2007
  Book Review: "Buddhist and Western Psychology", edited by Natan Katz Hoffman, Frank J. Philosophy East and West 1986.10
  Book Review: "Buddhist faith and sudden enlightenment", by Sung-bae Park Hoffman, Frank J. Religious StudiesSeptember '85 1985.09
  Book Review: "On being Buddha: The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood" Hoffman, Frank J. Religious Studies 1996.03
  Book Review: "On Being Mindless: Buddhist Meditation and the Mind-Body Problem," by Paul Griffiths Hoffman, Frank J. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1988
  Book Review: "Process Metaphysics and Hua-yen Buddhism: A Critical Study of Cumulative Penetration vs. Interpenetration" Hoffman, Frank J. Religious Studies 1985.09
  Book Review: "Researches in Indian and Buddhist Philosophy", by Ram Karan Sharma Hoffman, Frank J. Philosophy East and West 1997.01
  Book Review: "The principles of Buddhist psychology", by David J. Kalupahana Hoffman, Frank J. Religious Studies 1988.12
  Book Review: A History of Buddhist Philosophy. By David J. Kalupahana Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1993.09
  Book Review: Buddhism and American Thinkers. By Kenneth K. Inada, Nolan P. Jacobson Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1987.03
  Book Review: Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightenment. By Sung Bae Park; Process Metaphysics and Hua-Yen Buddhism. By Steve Odin Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1985.09
  Book Review: Fragments from Diṅnāga. By H. N. Randle Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1984.09
  Book Review: Lucid Exposition of the Middle Way: The Essential Chapters from the Prasannapadā of Candrakīrti. By Mervyn Sprung, T. R. V. Murti, U. S. Vyas Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1983.03
  Book Review: Nagarjuna: The Philosophy of the Middle Way. By David J. Kalupahana; The Principles of Buddhist Psychology. By David J. Kalupahana Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1988.12
  Book Review: On Being Buddha: The Classical Doctrine of Buddhahood. By Paul J. Griffiths Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1996.03
  Book Review: Vision of Power: Imagining Medieval Japanese Buddhism By B. Faure, P. Brooks Hoffman, Frank J. Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 1997.11
  Book Review:"Zen Keys", by Thich Nhat Hanh; "The Golden Age of Zen", by John C. Wu Hoffman, Frank J. Philosophy East and West 1998.01
  Book Reviews: The Law of Karma: A Philosophical Study By Bruce R. Reichenbach Hoffman, Frank J. International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 1994.02
  Buddhism and human rights Hoffman, Frank J. Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2001
  Buddhism and Psychotherapy: The Language of Attitude Adjustment in Psychotherapy, Meditation, and Ethics in Buddhism=佛教與心理治療:佛教視角看心理治療之心態調適、冥想、倫理的語言運用 Hoffman, Frank J.=霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J. 禪與人類文明研究=International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization 2017.12.01
  Buddhist belief "in" Hoffman, Frank J. Religious Studies 1985.09
  Buddhist Belief ‘In’ Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1985.09
  Contemporary Buddhist Philosophy: A Bibliographical Essay Hoffman, Frank J. Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 1992
  Evam me sutam: oral tradition in Nikaya Buddhism [bibliog] Hoffman, Frank J. Texts in context 1992
  How Did the Buddha Foster Critical Thinking and Thereby Contribute to Human Development? Hoffman, Frank J. The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Universities 2018
  More on Blasphemy Hoffman, Frank J. Sophia: international journal of philosophy and traditions 1989.07
  Non-Dual Awareness and Logic Hoffman, Frank J. Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 2001
  'Orientalism' in Buddhology: Western Preunderstanding in Understanding Buddhism Hoffman, Frank J. Pali Buddhism 1996.07
  Pali Buddhism Deegalle, Mahinda; Hoffman, Frank J. 1996
  Pali Buddhism (Curzon Studies in Asian Philosophy) Deegalle, Mahinda; Hoffman, Frank J. 1996.12
  Rationality and mind in early Buddhism Hoffman, Frank J. 1987
  Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism [Corrected ed.] Hoffman, Frank J. 2002.04 (Paperback); 2002.02
  Rationality in Early Buddhist Four Fold Logic Hoffman, Frank J. Journal of Indian Philosophy 1982.12
  Response to Mary Bockover's Review of Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism and Mind in Early Buddhism Hoffman, Frank J. Philosophy East and West 1990.04
  Review:Reply to Masefield(Hoffman 'Rationality and Mind in Early Buddhism' and Masefield review in Numen, vol 36, June 1989) Hoffman, Frank J. Numen: International Review for the History of Religions 1992.12
  The Buddhist Empiricism Thesis Hoffman, Frank J. (著) Religious Studies 1982.06
  The Concept of Nonviolence in Buddhism and its Application to Conflict Resolution in society Hoffman, Frank J. Sri Lanka International Journal of Buddhist Studies (SIJBS) 2014
  The Pragmatic Efficacy of Saddha Hoffman, Frank J. Journal of Indian Philosophy 1987.12
  Theravada Buddhism's Two Formulations of the Dasa Sila and the Ethics of the Gradual Path Bond, George D.; Hoffman, Frank J.; Deegalle, Mahinda Pali Buddhism 1996.07
  Towards a Philosophy of Buddhist Religion Hoffman, Frank J. Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 1991
  Unskillful Karma: Environmental Pollution as Ignorance in Action Hoffman, Frank J. (著) 人間佛教研究=International Journal for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism 2011
  西藏的本教 霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J.; 李冀誠 世界宗教資料=Shijie Zongjiao Ziliao=Shih Chieh Tsung Chiao Tzu Liao 1985.12
  西藏的民間宗教 霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J.; 李冀誠 世界宗教資料=Shijie Zongjiao Ziliao=Shih Chieh Tsung Chiao Tzu Liao 1980.09
  對佛教體驗的再思考:皈依與神跡 ── 佛教體驗的「家族相似性」特徵=Rethinking Experience in Buddhism: Conversion and Miracle as "Family Resemblance" Features of Buddhism Experience 霍夫曼, 弗蘭克・J.=Hoffman, Frank J. 華中科技大學學報 (社會科學版)=Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition) 2005