シリアル番号: |
9086 |
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掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Book Review: "Buddhism Betrayed? Religion, Politics and Violence in Sri Lanka", by Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah |
Jayaram, N. (評論) |
Contributions to Indian Sociology, New Series |
1994.01-06 |
Book Review: Religion, modernité et temporalité. Une sociologie du bouddhisme Chan contemporain by Ji Zhe |
Billioud, Sébastien (評論); Jayaram, N. (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2017 |
Book Review: The Hybridity of Buddhism: Contemporary Encounters between Tibetan and Chinese Traditions in Taiwan and the Mainland Edited by Fabienne Jagou |
Ji, Zhe (評論); Jayaram, N. (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2019 |
Religious Revival and Exit from Religion in Contemporary China |
Vermander, Benoît (著); Jayaram, N. (譯) |
China Perspectives |
2009 |
Religious Revivalism and Ethnic Fratricide:The Tragedy of Sri Lanka |
Jayaram, N. |
Contributions to Indian Sociology, New Series |
1994.01-06 |