

Kim, Young-ho  


10 件著作が収録され、4 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2023.03.20 料更新



金榮鎬 = 김영호


全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  『시경(詩經)』의 천(天) 속성과 『시편(詩篇)』의 신(神) 속성 비교 연구 - 종교철학적 관점으로=A study on and comparison of attributes of T’ien in the “Shih-ching” and God in “the Psalm” - In the view point of A Philosophy of religion 김영호 (著)=Kim, Young-ho (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2017.03
  A Study of Tao-Sheng Commentary on the Lotus Sutra Kim, Young-ho 1992
  Buddhism in Korea: Traditions in Syncretic Thought and Self-Enlightenment Kim, Young-ho 1993
  People's Tradition of Religious Education Kim, Young-ho 1991
  Tao-Sheng's Commentary on the Lotus Sutra:A Study and Translation Kim, Young-ho 1990
  The Approaches of Early-medieval Chinese Buddhists to Other Religions(Confucianism and Taoism):Pluralistic or What? 金榮鎬=Kim, Young-ho 東アジア仏教の諸問題:聖厳博士古稀記念論集= An Anthology of East Asian BUddhism:A Commemorative Volume in Honor of Ven.Sheng-yen on His 70th Birthday 2001.03.20
  The Nation (Korea) as the Axis Mundi or Center of the World to Be - A Common Perspective of Korean Shamanistic Practitioners and Religions Kim, Young-ho (著) Journal of Ritual Studies 2002
  元曉的淨土觀與韓國的庶民佛教=Wonhyo's Conception of the Pure Land and Popular(Grass-roots)Buddhism in Korea 金榮鎬 (著)=Kim, Young-ho (au.) 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society 1998.02
  율장에 언급된 실수마라(失守摩羅)의 연원과 변용=Sources and Modifications of Śiśumāra Mentioned in Vinaya-piṭaka 김영호 (著)=Kim, Young-ho (au.); 정승석 (著)=Jung, Seung-suk (au.) 인도철학=印度哲學=Korean Journal of Indian Philosophy 2021
  중국과 티벳에서의 돈점논쟁과 보조의 돈오점수=中國과 티뱃에서의 頓漸論爭에서 본 普照의頓悟漸修 -그 會通的 意義 金榮鎬 (著)=김영호 (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 1988