

Klein, Anne C.  


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Klein, Anne Carolyn = 安妮‧克萊因



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全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Book Reivew: Turning the Wheel: American Women Creating the New Buddhism By Sandy Boucher; Sakyadhītā: Daughters Of the Buddha By Karma Lekshe Tsomo Klein, Anne C. Buddhist-Christian Studies 1991
  Book Review: "Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhist, Feminists and the Art of the Self", by Klein, Anne Carolyn Klein, Anne Carolyn (著) Philosophy East and West 1996.04
  Buddhism views of death and after-life Klein, Anne C. Encounters with eternity 1986
  Buddhism, 3rd ed. Klein, Anne C. 1979
  Calm Abiding and Special Insight: Achieving Spiritual Transformation Through Meditation Geshe Geduen Lodroe ; Hopkins, Jeffrey ; Klein, Anne C. ; Zahler, Leah 1998
  Compassion and emptiness Klein, Anne C. The religious philosophy of Nishitani Keiji 1989
  Death, Love, and Rebirth Klein, Anne C. ; Chappell, David W. ; Karma Lekshe Tsomo Living and Dying in Buddhist Cultures 1998
  Direct Perception (Pratyakṣa) in dGe-lugs-pa Interpretations of Sautrāntika Klein, Anne C. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1985
  East, West, Women and Self Klein, Anne C. (著) Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations 1999
  Feelings Bound and Freed: Wandering and Wonder on Buddhist Pathways Klein, Anne C. Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2018
  Finding a Self: Buddhist and Feminist Perspectives Klein, Anne C. Shaping New Vision: Gender and Values in American Culture 1987
  Gain or Drain? Buddhist and Feminist Views of Compassion Klein, Anne C. In Spring Wind. Women and Buddhism: A Special Issue of the Spring Wind Buddhist Cultural Forum 1986
  Grounded by the Earth Klein, Anne Carolyn Insight Journal =Full moon Insight Journal 2006.03
  Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse: A Story of Transmission Klein, Anne Carolyn 2010.04.16
  Knowing, naming, and negation:a sourcebook on Tibetan Sautrantika Klein, Anne C. 1991
  Knowledge and Liberation: Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology in Support of Transformative Religious Experience Klein, Anne C. (著) 1986
  Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self Klein, Anne Carolyn (著) 2008.02.08
  Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, feminists, and the art of the self Klein, Anne Carolyn (著) 1994
  Meeting the Great Bliss Queen: Buddhists, Feminists, and the Art of the Self Klein, Anne C. (著) 1995
  Mental Concentration and the Unconditioned: A Buddhist Case for Unmediated Experience Klein, Anne C. Paths to Liberation: The Mārga and Its Transformations in Buddhist Thought 1992.03
  Mind and Liberation: The Sautrāntika Tenet System in Tibet: Perception, Naming, Positive and Negative Phenomena, Impermanence and the Two Truths in the Context of Buddhist Religious Insight as Presented in Ge-Luk Literary and Oral Traditions Klein, Anne Carolyn 1981
  Nondualism and the Great Bliss Queen: A Study in Tibetan Buddhist Ontology and Symbolism Klein, Anne C. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1985
  Path to the Middle: Oral Maadhyamika Philosophy in Tibet: The Spoken Scholarship of Kensur Yeshey Tupden Hopkins, Jeffrey ; Klein, Anne Carolyn 1994
  Presence with a Difference: Buddhists and Feminists on Subjectivity Klein, Anne C. (著) Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 1994.Fall
  Presence with a difference:Buddhists and feminists of subjectivity.(Special Issue:Feminist Philosophy of Religion) Klein, Anne C. Hypatia 1994
  Presence with a difference:Buddhists and feminists on subjectivity Klein, Anne C. Hypatia 1994
  Primordial purity and everyday life:exalted female symbols and the women of Tibet Klein, Anne C. Immaculate and powerful; C. Atkinson; C. Buchanan; M.Miles; eds 1985
  Roundtable discussion: If God Is God She Is Not Nice Baker-Fletcher, Karen; Culpepper, Emily Erwin; Klein, Anne C.; Madsen, Catherine; Starhawk; Waskow, Arthur Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1989
  Roundtable Discussion: The Question That Won't Go Away: A Dialogue about Women in Buddhism and Christianity Brock, Rita Nakashima; Cooey, Paula M.; Klein, Anne C.; Greeve Davaney, Sheila; Gross, Rita M.; Ruether, Rosemary Radford Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 1990
  Tantric Practice in Nying-ma Khetsun Sangpo Rinpoche (著)=Khetsun Sangpo Rinpochay (au.); Hopkins, Jeffrey (編); Klein, Anne Carolyn (編); Hopkins, Jeffrey (譯) 1982
  The Birthless Birthgiver: Reflections on the Liturgy of Yeshe Tsogyel, the Great Bliss Queen Klein, Anne Carolyn (著) The Tibet Journal 1987
  The Great Bliss Queen Klein, Anne C. (著) Buddhism in Practice 1995
  The Tantric Distinction:A Buddhist's Reflections on Compassion and Emptiness Hopkins, Jeffrey (著); Klein, Anne C. (編) 1999
  Unbounded Wholeness: Dzogchen, Bon, and the Logic of the Nonconceptual Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche; Klein, Anne Carolyn 2006.04.20
  知識與解脫:促成宗教轉化之體驗的藏傳佛教知識論=Knowledge and Liberation: Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology in Support of Transformative Religious Experience 安妮‧克萊因 (著)=Klein, Anne C. (au.); 劉宇光 (譯)=Lau, Lawrence Y. K. (tr.) 2012.08.01
  知識與解脫:促成宗教轉依體驗的藏傳佛教知識論 安妮‧克萊因=Klein, Anne C.; 劉宇光 2012.12.01