



22 件著作が収録され、14 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2016.08.11 登録, 2022.05.03 料更新



Makidono, Tomoko = まきどのともこ



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  「蓮は泥から生じても、泥にまみれず」という 譬喩の如来蔵思想的解釈について=The Unsoiled Lotus in Mud and the Buddha-Nature 槇殿伴子 (著) 東洋文化研究所所報=Journal, Research Institute of Eastern Culture=トウヨウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ ショホウ 2014.04.01
  『マニ・カンブン』における如意宝珠観自在菩薩成就法 : 実践指南(dmar khrid):悲を蔵する空性・睡眠と夢の瑜伽・ 輪廻の過失に染まらぬ蓮・倶生(サハジャ)智・自心仏=A Guide to the Essential Practice( dmar khrid) of the Wish-fulfilling Jewel, A Form of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, as Set Forth in the Mani bka’ ’bum: Compassion at the Heart of Emptiness, Sleep and Dream Yoga, the Unsoiled Lotus, the Gnosis of Sahaja, and the Buddhahood of One’s Own Mind 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 身延論叢=ミノブ ロンソウ 2023.03.25
  『マニ・カンブン』における如来蔵思想=The Concept of the Buddha-Nature in the Maṇi bka’ ’bum 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2021.03.25
  『マニ・カンブン』における葬儀法 : 観自在菩薩の瞑想法王統流(dmar khrid)=Funeral Rituals in the Mani bka’ ’bum: The Practice of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara (dmar khrid) in the King’s Tradition 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 身延山大学仏教学部紀要=Bulletin of Faculty of Buddhism, Minobusan University=ミノブサン ダイガク ブッキョウ ガクブ キヨウ 2022.10.13
  『マニ・カンブン』における観自在菩薩の「六字真言成就法」 : ソンツェンガンポ王の伝統による「実践指南口伝」(dmar khrid zhal gyi gdams pa)(分科と試訳)=“The Practice of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvaraʼs Six-Syllables Accomplishment”: According to the Oral Instruction of Practical Guidance( dmar khrid zhal gyi gdams pa) of the Tradition of King Srong btsan sgam po in the Mani bka’ ʼbum: Together with a Topical Outline and Its Japanese Translation 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 身延論叢=ミノブ ロンソウ 2022.03.25
  『マニ・カンブン』における観自在菩薩の灌頂儀礼:自心の教え=The Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Empowerment in the Maṇi bka’ ’bum: The Teaching on One’s Own Mind 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2021.12.20
  An Entrance to the Practice Lineage as Exemplified in Kaḥ Thog Dge Rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Commentary on Sa Skya Paṇḍita's Sdom Gsum Rab Dbye Makidono, Tomoko (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2011.11
  Dge rtse Mahāpaṇdita on the Vaibhāṣika School of Indian Buddhism Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2017
  Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita’s Interpretation of the Bsam yas Debate Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2016
  Kaḥ thog Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Doxographical Position: The Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness (gzhan stong dbu ma chen po) Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2011
  Kong sprul on the Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness: Theory and Practice Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2015
  The Lotus Born from Mud: Tibetan Sources and Interpretations of a Simile for Buddha-Nature Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2013
  The Ornament of the Buddha-Nature: Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's Exposition of the Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2018
  The Turning of the Wheel of Mantrayāna Teachings in the Rnying ma rgyud 'bum dkar chag lha'i rnga bo che by Kaḥ thog Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita 'Gyur med tshe dbang mchog grub Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2012
  The Vessantara Jātaka in the Maṇi bka’ ’bum and the Fifth Dalai Lama’s ’Khrung rab Makidono, Tomoko=槇殿伴子 The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2021
  Vestiges of Religious Interaction Embedded in the Maṇi bka' 'bum: The Origins and the Development of the Cult of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Makidono, Tomoko The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2014
  カルマパ十三世の中観他空説=The 13th Karmapa on the Great Madhyamaka of Extrinsic Emptiness 槇殿伴子 (著)=まきどのともこ (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2016.12.20
  ゲツェ・マハーパンディタによる「サムイェの宗論」論考=dGe rtse Mahapandita's Understanding of the bSam yas Debate 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2015.12
  コントゥルの『大中観他空説手引』について=On the Theory and Practice of the Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness as Expounded by Kong sprul 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2015.03
  チベットにおける『法華経』の用法:観音信仰と一乗思想=Use of the Lotus Sutra in Tibet : the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara and the One-vehicle Theory 槇殿伴子 (著) 東洋文化研究所所報=Journal, Research Institute of Eastern Culture=トウヨウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ ショホウ 2015.04.01
  チベット埋蔵経典『マニ・カンブン』における初期仏教についての記述:チベットにおける「ヴェッサンタラジャータカ」の伝播と変容=Tracing the Early Buddhism in a Tibetan Revealed Scripture: Vessantara Jātaka in the Maṇi bka’ ‘bum 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) パーリ学仏教文化学=Journal of Pali and Buddhist Studies=パーリガク ブッキョウ ブンカガク 2018
  チベット仏教文献読解における口伝の役割:コントゥルの「了義大中観に対する23の誤謬」の読解を例として=The Role of Oral Instructions as Exemplified in Kong sprul’s Twenty-Three Mistaken Concepts Regarding the Great Madhyamaka of Definitive Meaning 槇殿伴子 (著)=Makidono, Tomoko (au.) 印度學佛教學研究 =Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies=Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū 2020.03.20