



18 件著作が収録され、14 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2020.01.15 登録, 2021.06.29 料更新



Kwak, Roe = 곽뢰



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  《백제의 불교 수용과 전파百濟的佛教受用與傳播》 郭磊 (著)=곽뢰 (au.) 華林國際佛學學刊=Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2022
  「慈藏參五臺說」之考辯 郭磊 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 一山而五頂:多學科、跨方域、多文化視野中的五臺信仰研究國際學術研討會=An International Conference The Mountain of Five Plateaus: Studies of The Wutai Cult in Multidisciplinary and Transborder/Cultural Approaches 2015.07
  The Elements of Silla in Dunhuang Literature Kwak, Roe 2018 第七屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 2018.06.30
  十七世紀朝鮮半島華嚴學的盛行與《華嚴疏鈔》的刊印=The Prevalence of Huayan Studies on the Korean Peninsula in the 17th Century and the Publication of the Huayan shuchao 郭磊 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies 2020.07
  江西 黃龍派 興起에 대한 考察=A Study for the Rise of Huanglong Faction in Jiangxi 곽뢰 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies 2015.04.30
  性徹禅师的禪思想对近现代大韩佛教曹溪宗的影响=The Influence of Master Seongcheol's Seon Thought on the Jogye Order 郭磊 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 선학=禪學=Journal of Seon Studies 2019.12.30
  明通潤《維摩詰所說經直疏》之朝鮮刊本考=A Preliminary Study of the Carving and Printing of Tongrun's Weimojie Suoshuojing Zhishu in the Chosŏn Dynasty 郭磊 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 佛光學報=Fo Guang Journal of Buddhist Studies 2023.01
  高麗知訥的《華嚴論節要》研究 郭磊 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 2018華嚴專宗國際學術研討會論文集下冊 2018
  법조(法照)의 수행 감응과 오회염불(五會念佛)=The Spiritual inductionof Fazhao and Mountain Wutai’s Manjusri Belief 곽뢰 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2020.12
  敦煌文獻中的“新羅”元素 郭磊 2018 第七屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 2018.06.30
  신라 오대산문수신앙의 성립에 대한 재검토=A Review on the Mount Odae Mañjuśrī Belief of Silla Dynasty 곽뢰 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2018.03
  新羅元曉及其華嚴思想=Silla Wonhyo and His Thoughts of Huayen 郭磊 (著) 2022華嚴專宗國際學術研討會論文集下冊 2022
  新羅義相及其「法界緣起」之華嚴思想 郭磊 (著) 2023華嚴專宗國際學術研討會論文集下冊 2023.10
  조선후기 『유마힐소설경직소』의 간행과 그 서지적 특징=Study on the Content and Characteristics of the “Wei Mo Jie Suo Shuo Jing Zhi Shu” in the Late Joseon Dynasty 곽뢰 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 불교학연구=Korea Journal of Buddhist Studies 2022.06
  중국 근현대 한전불교(漢傳佛敎)의 부흥과 실태=The revival and current condition of modern Chinese Buddhism 곽뢰 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2018.06
  중국 오대산의 발전과 오대산문수신앙=A Study on The Mount Wutai(五臺山) of China and The Mount Wutai’s Mañjuśrī belief 곽뢰 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 정토학연구=淨土學硏究=Journal of The Pure Land Buddhism Studies 2017.12
  韓國古代華嚴典籍的傳來與刊行=The Avatamsaka Sutra and its dissemination in Ancient Korea 郭磊 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 2019華嚴專宗國際學術研討會論文集下冊 2019.10
  韓國近現代禪宗法脈與性徹禪師=Modern Korean Sunjong and Seongcheol Rev. 郭磊 (著)=Kwak, Roe (au.) 第四屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇 2018