

Matthews, Bruce  


17 件著作が収録され、6 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Book Review: "Environmental Philosophy and Ethics in Buddhism", by Padmasiri de Silva Matthews, Bruce Pacific Affairs 2001
  Book Review: "Ethnic conflict in Buddhist societies: Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma", by K. M. De Silva Matthews, Bruce Pacific Affairs 1989
  Book Review: "Luminous Passage: The Practice and Study of Buddhism in America", by Charles S. Prebish Matthews, Bruce The Journal of Religion 2001.07
  Book Review: "The Buddhist revival in Sri Lanka: religious tradition, reinterpretation and response", by George Doherty Bond Matthews, Bruce The Journal of Religion 1990.01
  Book Review: "The Buddist Saints of the Forest and the Cult of Amulets: A Study in Charisma, Hagiography, Sectarianism, and Millennial Buddhism", by Stanley Jeyaraja Tambiah Matthews, Bruce Pacific Affairs 1986
  Book Review: Theravāda Meditation. The Buddhist Transformation of Yoga, Winston L. King Matthews, Bruce Pali Buddhist Review 1981/1982
  Buddhism in Canada Matthews, Bruce (著) 2006
  Buddhism in Canada Matthews, Bruce (編) 2006.03.09
  Buddhism under a Military Regime: The Iron Heel in Burma Matthews, Bruce (著) Asian Survey 1993.04
  Buddhist activism in Sri Lanka Matthews, Bruce Questioning the Secular State: The Worldwide Resurgence of Religion in Politics 1996
  Craving and salvation:a study in Buddhist Soteriology Matthews, Bruce 1983
  Craving and salvation:a study in Buddhist Soteriology [1st Indian ed.] Matthews, Bruce 1994
  Post-classical developments in the concepts of karma and rebirth in Theravada Buddhism Matthews, Bruce Karma and Rebirth: Post Classical Developments 1986
  Rationality's Demand of Its Other: A Comparative Analysis of F.W.J. Schelling's Unvordenkliche and Huineng's Wu-Nien Matthews, Bruce (著) Comparative and Continental Philosophy 2012
  Sinhala cultural and Buddhist patriotic organizations incontemporary Sri Lanka Matthews, Bruce Pacific Affairs 1988
  The Challenge of Modernity in Theravada Buddhism Matthews, Bruce Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 1982.12.01
  The Place Of Religion In Vietnam Today Matthews, Bruce Buddhist-Christian Studies 1992