

Becker, Carl Bradley  

+1951 ~

30 件著作が収録され、12 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2022.07.11 料更新



Becker, Carl B. = 貝克, 卡爾 = Becker, Carl = ベッカー, カール



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Asian and Jungian views of ethics Becker, Carl Bradley 1999
  Book Review: "Lack and Transcendence: The Problem of Death and Life in Psychotherapy, Existentialism, and Buddhism", by David R. Loy Becker, Carl Mortality 1997.05
  Book Review: "Zen Action/Zen Person", by Thomas P. Kasulis Becker, Carl Bradley Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1984.09
  Breaking the Circle: Death and the Afterlife in Buddhism Becker, Carl 1993.11.30
  Breaking the circle:death and the afterlife in Buddhism Becker, Carl Bradley 1993
  Buddhist Views of Suicide and Euthanasia Becker, Carl Bradley Philosophy East and West 1990.10
  Chang Tsai(張載)and the Lankavatara(入楞伽経) Becker, Carl Bradley=貝克, 卡爾 哲学・思想論集=Studies in Philosophy=テツガク・シソウ ロンシュウ 1992.03
  Death and the Afterlife in Japanese Buddhism Becker, Carl Living and Dying in Buddhist Cultures 1998
  Ethics for the Coming Century: A Buddhist Perspective Becker, Carl Bradley Asian and Jungian Views of Ethics 1999
  Hands of the Bodhisattva: the Standardization of Mudrās in Japanese Buddhist Sculpture Prior to A.D.1200 Becker, Carl Bradley East and West 1993.12
  Hermeneutics and Buddhist myths:bringing Paul Ricoeur to Mahayana Buddhism Becker, Carl Bradley Soundings 1984
  Japanese Pure Land Buddhism in Christian America Becker, Carl Bradley Buddhist-Christian Studies 1990
  Living and Dying in Japanese Culture Becker, Carl Living and Dying in Buddhist Cultures 1998
  Old and New:Japan's Mechanisms for Crime Control and Social Justice Becker, Carl Howard Journal of Criminal Justice 1988.11
  One Buddhist View of Bioethics Becker, Carl Dharma World=ダーマワールド 2007.10
  Reasons for the lack of argumentation and debate in the Far East. International Communication Association Convention(1984, San Francisco, California) Becker, Carl Bradley International Journal of Intercultural Relations 1986
  Rebirth and afterlife in Buddhism Becker, Carl Bradley Perspectives on death and dying 1990
  Religion and Politics in Japan Becker, Carl Movements and Issues in World Religions 1987
  Religious Care by Zen Buddhist Monks: A Response to Criticism of “Funeral Buddhism” Taniyama, Yozo (著); Becker, Carl B. (著) Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought 2014
  Religious Visions: Experiential Grounds for the Pure Land Tradition Becker, Carl B. The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 1984
  Survival: Death and Afterlife in Christianity, Buddhism, and Modern Science Becker, Carl Bradley 1981
  The Importance of the Concept of Nature(hsing)in the Philosophy of Chu Hsi Becker, Carl Bradley Ming Studies 1982
  Views from Tibet: NDEs and the Book of the Dead Becker, Carl Bradley Anabiosis: The Journal for Near-Death Studies 1985
  日本人の死生観と超越=Japanese Views of Life, Death, and Transcendence ベッカー, カール (著) 龍谷大学仏教文化研究所紀要=Bulletin of Research Institute for Buddhist Culture, Ryukoku University=ブッキョウ ブンカ ケンキュウジョ キヨウ 2011.12.26
  生と死のケアを考える ベッカー, カール 2000.09.10
  死の倫理 -- 臨死体験から臓器移植まで ベッカー, カール=Becker, Carl 仏教文化=Journal of Buddhist Culture=ブッキョウ ブンカ=Bukkyo bunka 2000.12
  死の質(クオリティ・オブ・デス)とは何か ベッカー, カール 仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ 1994.04
  現代の往生体験 - 死後の世界の証言 ベッカー, カール 仏教=季刊仏教=ブッキョウ 1990.04
  일본적 의료와 동양적 종교관 Becker, Carl Bradley (著) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 1999.12
  親鸞聖人は嘘吐きか : 極楽往生と臨死体験の今昔=Was Shinran a Liar? : Pure Land and NDEs Then and New ベッカー, カール=Becker, Carl 真宗文化 : 真宗文化研究所年報 2002.07