

Mayer, Robert  


21 件著作が収録され、14 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Dunhuang Manuscript on Vajrakilaya Mayer, Robert (著); Cantwell, Cathy (著) The Tibet Journal 1993
  A Scripture of the Ancient Tantra Collection: The Phur-pa bcu-gnyis Mayer, Robert 2003.10
  A scripture of the ancient Tantra collection: ThePhur-pa bcu- gnyis Mayer, Robert 1996.06
  Authors and Editors in the Literary Traditions of Asian Buddhism Cantwell, Cathy; Mayer, Robert Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2013 - 2014
  Book Review: "Contributions to the Cultural History of Early Tibet," ed. by Matthew T. Kapstein and Brandon Dotson Mayer, Robert Buddhist Studies Review 2008
  Book Review: "Kar gling zhi khro: A Tantric Buddhist Concept," by Henk Blezer Mayer, Robert (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1998
  Book Review: "Mipham's Dialectics and the Debates on Emptiness: To Be, Not to Be or Neither," by Karma Phuntsho Mayer, Robert Buddhist Studies Review 2006
  Book Review: "Rong‐Zom‐Pa's Discourses on Buddhology: A Study of Various Conceptions of Buddhahood in Indian Sources With Special Reference to the Controversy Surrounding the Existence of Gnosis (jñāna: ye shes) as Presented by the Eleventh‐Century Tibetan Scholar Rong‐Zom Chos‐Kyi‐Bzang‐Po – By Orna Almogi," By Orna Almogi Mayer, Robert Religious Studies Review 2012.03
  Book Review: "the Sa-skya Pandita, the White Panacea, and Clerical Buddhism's Current Credibility Crisis," by David Jackson Mayer, Robert The Tibet Journal 1997
  Book Review: Self Possessed: Deity and Spirit Possession in South Asian Literature and Civilization," by Frederick M. Smith Mayer, Robert Buddhist Studies Review 2007
  Book Review: The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great, by Alexander Gardner. 2019, Snow Lion, Boulder, Colorado. 506pp. Preface ix-xiii. Mayer, Robert (著) Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies 2020.11
  Book Review: The Vision of Buddhism: The Space Under the Tree By Roger J Corless Mayer, Robert Religion 1991.07
  Early Tibetan Documents on Phur pa from Dunhuang (Beitrage zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens) Cantwell, Cathy; Mayer, Robert 2008.12.01
  gTer ston and Tradent: Innovation and Conservation in Tibetan Treasure Literature Mayer, Robert Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2013 - 2014
  Pelliot 349: A Dunhuang Tibetan Text on rDo rje Phur pa Mayer, Robert Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2004
  Reprint: A Dunhuang Manuscript on Vajrakīlaya Mayer, Robert (著); Cantwell, Cathy (著) The Tibet Journal 1994
  The Figure of Maheśvara/ Rudra in the rÑiṇ-ma-pa Tantric Tradition Mayer, Robert Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1998
  The Importance of the Underworlds: Asuras' Caves in Buddhism, and Some Other Themes in Early Buddhist Tantras Reminiscent of the Later Padmasambhava Legends Mayer, Robert The Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies (JIATS) 2007.12
  The Kilaya Nirvana Tantra and the Vajra Wrath Tantra: two Texts from the Ancient Tantra Collection Cantwell, Cathy; Mayer, Robert 2007
  Tibetan Buddhism Cantwell, Cathy; Mayer, Robert 2009.01.01
  Tibetan Phu.Pas and Indian Kīlas Mayer, Robert (著) The Tibet Journal 1990