シリアル番号: |
152898 |
別名: |
Zhao, Rong |
種類: |
個人著者 |
個人サイト: |
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タイトル |
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掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Shaanxi Province: Volume 1: Jinchuanwan Cave, East Wall=中國佛教石經: 陝西省第一卷 |
Zhao, Rong (編)=趙蓉 (ed.); Ledderose, Lothar (編)=雷德侯 (ed.) |
2020.10.07 |
伽藍遺痕 - 克孜爾石窟出土木制品與佛教儀式關系的考古學觀察=Monastic Fingerprints - Tracing Ritual Practice in the Rock Monastery of Qizil through Archaeological Evidence |
魏正中=Vignato, Giuseppe ; 趙蓉=Zhao, Rong |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2020 |
莫高窟第205窟中唐補修新探 - 以莫高窟第205窟西壁新識讀的古藏文祈愿文為中心=A New Study on the Renovation of Mogao Cave 205 during the Middle Tang Dynasty - Focusing on the Newly Interpreted Votive Text in Ancient Tibetan on the West Wall of Mogao Cave 205 |
趙蓉 (著)=Zhao, Rong (au.); 勘措吉 (著)=Kancuo, Ji (au.); 張先堂 (著)=Zhang, Xian-tang (au.); 柴勃隆 (著)=Chai, Bo-long (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2023 |
莫高窟第93窟龕內屏風畫內容新釋=Interpreting the Screen Paintings inside the Niche of Mogao Cave 93 |
趙蓉 (著)=Zhao, Rong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2012.02 |
敦煌石窟考古繪圖中的佛龕展開圖畫法芻議 -- 利用三維激光掃描數據的實踐嘗試=Research on the Graphic Solution Method in Unfolding Drawings of Niches Based on 3D Laser Scanning |
趙蓉 (著)=Zhao, Rong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2016.02 |
敦煌莫高窟北涼三窟開鑿次第述論=On the Excavation Sequence of the Three Northern Liang Caves at Mogao in Dunhuang |
趙蓉 (著)=Zhao, Rong (au.) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2022 |
肅南皇城大湖灘石佛崖石窟調查簡報=An Investigatory Report on the Shifoya Grottoes at the Royal City in Su’nan County |
張小剛 (著)=Zhang, Xiao-gang (au.); 趙蓉 (著)=Zhao, Rong (au.); 呂文旭 (著); 吳曉慧 (著); 宋利良 (著); 金良 (著) |
敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research |
2018 |