



30 件著作が収録され、30 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2021.08.16 登録, 2024.04.21 料更新



Kim, Yong-hwan = 金容煥



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  『占察善惡業報經』에 드러난 현대 불교상담 활용방안=Application of Buddhist Counseling Method revealed in the 『Jeomchal Sutra』 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2023.04
  『금강경』의 반야바라밀 실천연구=A Study on the Prajñāpāramitā practice on the Diamond Sūtra 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2018.06
  『법구경(法句經)』(Dhammapada)의 사상=The thought of the Dhammapada 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2010.12
  『숫타니파아타』(Suttanipata)의 불타관(佛陀觀)=Suttanipata`s viewpoint of Buddha 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2016.09
  『열반경』의 열반과 이또 신조(伊藤眞乘) 불성사상의 상관연동 연구=A Study on the Correlated Linkage between Nirvana in ‘Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra’ and Buddha’s nature thought of Shinjo Ito 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2015.04
  『직지』에 나타난 무심의 공공세계 연구=A Study on the public-common world of No-false mind in 『Jikji』 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2012.09
  Dahui Zonggao’s Enlightenment Experiences, Huatou Praxis, and Kanhua Chan 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 불교학보=佛教學報 2019.03
  관음신앙의 사회적 공공성 연구=A Study on the social publicity in the faith of Avalokiteshvara 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2016.04
  다산 정약용과 대산 김대거의 경세윤리 비교연구=A Comparative Study on Governing Ethics between Dasan Jeong Yak Yong and Daeshan Kim Dae Keo 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2015.09
  대산종사의 경세윤리=A Study on Daeshan Master’s Governing Ethics 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2014.09
  돈오점수에 관한 일고(一考) -- 견성론을 중심으로=On the Seon(禪) Practice of Sudden Awakening and Gradual Cultivation: From Wonhyo’s Theory of Seeing the Buddha-nature 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.); 서왕모 (著)=Seo, Wang-mo (au.) 보조사상=普照思想=Journal of Bojo Jinul's Thought 2019.03
  명상의 세계윤리적 가치=A Global Ethical Value of the Meditation 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2010.06
  법계와 복례의 회통연구=A Study on Harmonization between Dharma world and Etiquette Recovery 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2010.12
  불평등사회에서 대승불교의 역할=A Study on the role of Buddhism in Unequal society 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2016.08
  성철선사의 돈오돈수 연구=A study on the sudden enlightenment and sudden cultivation of master Seong Cheol 金容煥 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2011.06
  세계윤리와 삼동윤리의 맥락화용=A Study on the Contextual Pragmatics between Global ethics and Triple Identity ethics 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2009.12
  수륙재 감로탱화의 공공성 의미연구=A Study on the public common meaning of Nectar ritual painting in Water Land ritual 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2018.08
  시장경제와 불교윤리=A Study on the Market Economy and Buddhist Ethics 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2011.06
  육조혜능의 견성도리 연구=A Study on the Insight into the Original nature way of Dajian Huineng 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2013.06
  의천의 성상회통(性相會通) 연구= A Study on the communication between the Nature and the Form in the context of Uichon 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2017.09
  이케다 다이사쿠의 세계시민성 함양연구=A Study on the Cultivation of Global Citizenship in Ikeda Daisaku 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2019.06
  정토와 천국의 상관연동 연구=A Study on the Correlative linkage between Pure Land and Heaven 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2018.06
  지눌 목우행의 영성지평 함의연구=A Study on the implication of spiritual horizon in the raising cattle action of the Venerable Chinul 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2018.12
  창간사 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2007.03
  초기불교(初期佛敎)의 사상적 구조와 실천수행-『테라가타』를 중심으로=The early Buddhist thought structure and ascetic exercise-on the basis of Thera-gatha 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2015.06
  켄 윌버의 인지과학과 융합명상의 상관연동 연구=A Study on the Correlation of Convergence Meditation with Ken Wilber's Cognitive Science 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2019.08
  한국 SGI 육근청정 법화삼매 연구=A Study on the Lotus samadhi of the six senses purification in SGI-Korea 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2020.08
  한국 SGI 지용보살의 공공행복 연구=A Study on the public conviviality of Jiyong bodhisattva in Korean SGI 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 원불교사상과 종교문화=Won-Buddhist Thought and Religious Culture 2022.03
  한국 SGI 타자윤리의 공공지평 연구=A Study on the public common horizon of other ethics in SGI-Korea 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 동아시아불교문화=Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture 2017.12
  한국 SGI 활명연대 법화신행 연구=A Study on the faith of the Dharma fruit of Life Solidarity in SGI-Korea 김용환 (著)=Kim, Yong-hwan (au.) 한국교수불자연합학회지=Journal of Buddhist Professors in Korea 2020.04