

Sanu Mahatthanadull  


7 件著作が収録され、7 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2022.12.05 登録





全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  An Effective Method of the Contemplation on the Body (Kāyānupassanā) Based on Daily Basis in Contemporary Society Ben Pasri (著); Sanu Mahatthanadull (著); Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani (著) Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College 2020
  Buddhist Method for Monastic Educational Preservation and Inheritance of Rāmañña Nikāya in Myanmar Thuyiya Kumar (著); Sanu Mahatthanadull (著) Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College 2021
  Holistic Well-beings Promotion for Balanced Way of Life according to Buddhist Psychology Sanu Mahatthanadull (著); Sarita Mahatthanadull (著) Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College 2020
  Rebirth in Theravāda Buddhism And Dr. Ian Stevenson’s Research Study Usa Wongsangku (著); Phramaha Nantakorn Piyabhani (著); Sanu Mahatthanadull (著) Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College 2021
  The Buddhist Followers Observed the Non-Greed Practice in Dhammapada Commentaries Venerable Kuvera (著); Phramaha Somphong Khunakaro (著); Sanu Mahatthanadull (著) Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College 2020
  The Concept of Passionless Mind (Virāga Citta) in Theravāda Buddhism Ven. Subinoy Bhikkhu (著); Phramaha Somphong Khunakaro (著); Sanu Mahatthanadull (著) Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College 2020
  Transgenic Animals and Buddhist Law of Action (Kamma) Dusanee Thanaboripat (著); Sanu Mahatthanadull (著) Journal of the International Buddhist Studies College 2020