

Rowland, Benjamin, Jr.  

+1904 ~ +1972

37 件著作が収録され、22 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2022.07.01 料更新



羅蘭德, 本傑明



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Note on the Invention of the Buddha Image Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 1948.06
  A Revised Chronology of Gandhara Sculpture Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. The Art Bulletin 1936.09
  Bamiyan Dupree, Nancy Hatch; Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Marg 1971.03
  Barabudur:A Study of Style and Iconography in Oriental Art Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Art in America 1941.07
  Bodhisattva or Deified Kings: A Note on Gandharan Sculpture Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America 1961
  Book Review: A History of Far Eastern Art by Sherman E. Lee Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (評論) Art Journal 1964-1965
  Book Review: Catalogue of the Tibetan Collection and Other Lamaist Articles in the Newark Museum ; Vol. I, Introduction and Definition of Terms, Symbols in Tibetan Buddhist Art ; Vol. II, Prayer and Objects Associated with Prayer, Music and Musical Instruments, Ritualistic Objects. Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Far Eastern Quarterly=遠東季刊 1952.11
  Book Review: The Art of India by Stella Kramrisch Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (評論) College Art Journal 1955
  Book Review: The Life of the Buddha. by Anil de Silva-Vigier Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Far Eastern Quarterly=遠東季刊 1956.08
  Book Review: The Lotus Sutra in Chinese Art. A Study in Buddhist Art to the Year 1000. by J. Leroy Davidson Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Far Eastern Quarterly=遠東季刊 1955.05
  Buddha and the sun god Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. 1938
  Buddhist Relief of the Udayana Type from Turkestan Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Fogg Museum Bulletin 1934.11
  Chinese Sculpture of the Pilgrimage Road Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum 1935.03
  Dating of the Sasanian paintings at Bamiyan and Dukhtar-i-Nushirvan Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Bulletin of Iranian Institute and School for Asiantic Studies 1946.12
  Gandhara and Early Christian Art: Buddha Palliatus Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) American Journal of Archaeology 1945.10-12
  Gandhara and Early Christian Art: the Homme-Arcade and the Date of the Bimaran Reliquary Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. The Art Bulletin 1946.03
  Gandhara and Late Antique Art:The Buddha Image Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) American Journal of Archaeology 1942.04-06
  Gandhāra Art in Rome Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Artibus Asiae 1958
  Graeco-Bactrian Art and Gandhāra: Khalchayan and the Gandhāra Bodhisattvas Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Archives of Asian Art 1971-1972
  Graeco-Buddhist relief Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Fogg Museum Bulletin 1936.03
  Gupta Period Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Marg 1956.03
  Iconography of the flame halo Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Fogg Museum Bulletin 1949.01
  Indian Images in Chinese Sculpture Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Artibus Asiae 1947
  Notes on the Dated Statues of the Northern Wei Dynasty and The Beginning of Buddhist Sculpture in China Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. The Art Bulletin 1937.03
  Religious art East and West Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. History of Religions 1962
  Review : Painting of Central Asia, by Mario Bussagli Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 1964.01
  Rome and GANDHĀRA Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. East and West 1958.09
  The Bejewelled Buddha in Afghanistan Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Artibus Asiae 1961
  The Evolution of the Buddha Image Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) 1963
  The Iconography of the Flame Halo Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) Bulletin of the Fogg Art Museum 1949.06
  The Sanchi Torso: Iconography and Style Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) The Art Quarterly 1949
  The Vine-Scroll in Gandhara Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Artibus Asiae 1956
  The Wall-Paintings of Hōryūji: Volume 2 Naito, Toichiro (著); Acker, William Reynolds Beal (編譯); Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (編譯) 1943
  The Wall-Paintings of India, Central Asia and Ceylon: A Comparative Study Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) 1938
  Wall paintings of Bamiyan Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. Marg 1971.03
  When Greek met Asian Rowland, Benjamin, Jr. (著) ARTnews 1955.01
  緬甸的佛教藝術與建築=Burmese Buddhist Art and Architecture 羅蘭德, 本傑明=Rowland, Benjamin, Jr.; 沈寂照 普門學報=Universal Gate Buddhist Journal 2010.03