

Steinhardt, N. S.  


23 件著作が収録され、10 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録



Steinhardt, Nancy S. = Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman


全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Jin Hall at Jingtusi: Architecture in Search of Identity Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (著) Ars Orientalis 2003
  Abaoji and Liao Architecture Steinhardt, Nancy S. Orientations 2006.03
  Book Review: "Chinese Buddhist Sculpture under the Liao (Free Standing Works in Situ and Selected Examples from Public Collections)," by Marilyn Leidig Gridley Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman The Journal of Asian Studies 1995.02
  Book Review: "Early Buddhist Art of China and Central Asia, Vol 1: Later Han, Three Kingdoms and Western Chin in China and Bactria to Shanshan in Central Asia", by Marylin Martin Rhie and "Early Buddhist Art of China and Central Asia, Vol. 2: The Eastern Chin and Sixteen Kingdoms Period in China and Tumshuk, Kucha and Karashahr in Central Asia", by Marylin Martin Rhie Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2004.07
  Book Review: "Early Buddhist Art of China and Central Asia, Vol. 3: The Western Ch'in in Kansu in the Sixteen Kingdoms Period and Inter-relationships with the Buddhist Art of Gandhara," by Marylin Martin Rhie Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2012.10
  Book Review: Archaeological and Visual Sources of Meditation in the Ancient Monasteries of Kuča by Angela F. Howard and Giuseppe Vignato Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (評論) Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2018.10
  Book Review: Early Buddhist Art of China and Central Asia, Vol. 3: The Western Ch'in in Kansu in the Sixteen Kingdoms Period and Inter-Relationships with the Buddhist Art of Gandhara. (Handbuch der Orientalistik, Vol 3) by Marylin Martin Rhie Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2012.10
  Early Buddhist Architecture in Japan Suzuki, Kakichi; Parent, Mary Neighbour; Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman 1980
  Early Chinese Buddhist Architecture and Its Indian Origins Steinhardt, Nancy S. The Flowering of A Foreign Faith: New Studies in Chinese Buddhist Art 1998
  Early Chinese Buddhist Architecture and Its Indian Origins Steinhardt, N. S. Marg 1998.12
  Liao Archaeology: Tombs and Ideology along the Northern Frontier of China Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific 1998
  Liao: An Architectural Tradition in the Making Steinhardt, Nancy S. Artibus Asiae 1994
  Nanchan Si Main Hall Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (著) Chinese Traditional Architecture 1984
  Structuring Architecture at the Cultural Crossroads:Architecture in Sogdian Funerary Art Steinhardt, Nancy S. Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art 2003
  Temple:Buddhist Temple Compounds Meister, Michael; Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Encyclopedia of Religion
  The Chinese Rotunda Steinhardt, Nancy S. Arts of Asia 2008.09-10
  The Mizong Hall of Qinglong Si: Space, Ritual, and Classicism in Tang Architecture Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (著) Archives of Asian Art 1991
  The Sixth Century in East Asian Architecture Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (著) Ars Orientalis 2011
  The Uighur Ritual Complex in Beiting Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman Orientations 1999.04
  The Yuan Dynasty Main Hall: Guangsheng Si Lower Monastery and Youngle Gong Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (著) Chinese Traditional Architecture 1984
  Ying Xian Timber Pagoda Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (著) Chinese Traditional Architecture 1984
  Zhu Haogu Reconsidered: A New Date for the ROM Painting and the Southern Shanxi Buddhist-Daoist Style Steinhardt, N. S. Artibus Asiae 1987
  青竜寺の密教仏堂:唐代建築の空間・儀式および古典主義=The Mizong Hall of Qinglong Si: Space, Ritual and Classicism in Tang Architecture 山之內誠 (譯)=Yamanouchi, Makoto (tr.); 田中淡 (譯)=Tanaka, Tan (tr.); Steinhardt, Nancy Shatzman (著) 佛敎藝術=Ars buddhica=仏教芸術=佛教藝術 1995.05