

Story, Francis  


29 件著作が収録され、18 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A larger rationalism Story, Francis 1966
  Ancient Wisdom and Modern Problems Story, Francis Gems of Buddhist Wisdom: Buddhist Approach to Problems 1983/1996
  Animal Magnetism Story, Francis 1997
  Buddha Sasana Lokahita Samiti:viriya, sila, metta=Burma Buddhist World-Mission Sugatananda, Anagarika P.; Story, Francis 1950
  Buddhism answers the Marxist challenge:an analytical comparison between the scientific doctrines of Buddhism and the tenets of dialecticalmaterialism, in theory and practical application Story, Francis 1952
  Buddhist lay ethics Story, Francis 1972
  Buddhist meditation [Enl. Ed.] Story, Francis 1963
  Collected writings Story, Francis 1873
  Collected writings Story, Francis 1973
  Dialogues on the Dhamma Story, Francis (著) 1965
  Dimensions of Buddhist thought:Collected Essays Story, Francis (著); Sugatananda, Anagarika P. (著) 1975
  Early Western Buddhists : Extracts from The Buddhist Review, 1909–1914 Story, Francis (選定) 1962
  Foundations of Buddhism: The Four Noble Truths Story, Francis (著) 1961
  From Womb to Womb -- Metamorphosis of a Mother Story, Francis 1997
  Gods and the Universe in Buddhist Perspective: Essays on Buddhist Cosmology and Related Subjects Story, Francis (著) 1972
  Kamma and Its Fruit: Action Story, Francis (著) 1975
  Kamma and Its Fruit: Collective Karma Story, Francis (著) 1975
  Kamma and Its Fruit: Kamma and Causality Story, Francis (著) 1975
  Kamma and Its Fruit: Kamma and Freedom Story, Francis (著) 1975
  Kamma and Its Fruit: Selected Essays Bullen, Leonard A. (著); van Gorkom, Nina (著); Bhikkhu Ñāṇajīvako (著); Story, Francis (著); Nyanaponika Thera (編) 2006
  Kelahiran Ulang: Ajaran dan Bukti Ilmiah Bhikkhu Bodhi (著); Bhikkhu Nārada (著); Bhikkhu Ṭhānissaro (著); Story, Francis (著); Santacitta, Tasfan (譯); Vijjānanda, Handaka (編) 2022.10
  Last Days of the Buddha: The Mahāparinibbāna Sutta Sister Vajira (譯); Story, Francis (譯) 1964
  Prayer and worship Story, Francis (著) 1969
  The Buddhist Doctrine of Nibbāna: Nibbāna Story, Francis (著) 1971
  The Case for Rebirth Story, Francis (著) 1959
  The place of animals in Buddhism Story, Francis 1964
  The Three Basic Facts of Existence II: Suffering (Dukkha): Collected Essays Story, Francis (著) 1973
  佛教禪 Story, Francis; 凡夫 海潮音=Hai Ch'ao Yin 1962.05
  輪迴一辯 Story, Francis; 一介 海潮音=Hai Ch'ao Yin 1962.02