

Boorstein, Sylvia  


16 件著作が収録され、0 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2023.12.29 料更新



希薇雅‧布爾斯汀 = 希薇雅‧布爾斯坦



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  12 Steps on Buddha's Path: Bill, Buddha, and We Laura S. ; Boorstein, Sylvia 2006.03.28
  Audio Literature Presents It's Easier than You Think Boorstein, Sylvia 1996
  Audio Literature Presents That's Funny, you don't Look Buddhist Boorstein, Sylvia 1997
  Blossoms of the Dharma: Living as a Buddhist Nun=法華繁茂 -- 活如比丘尼 Boorstein, Sylvia ; Thubten Chodron 1999.12.28
  Don't just do something, sit there:a mindfulnessretreat with Sylvia Boorstein [1st ed.] Boorstein, Sylvia 1996
  Happiness Is An Inside Job Boorstein, Sylvia ; Ward, Pam 2007
  Happiness is an inside job: practicing for a joyful life Boorstein, Sylvia 2008.12.30
  How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers Bernhard, Toni ; Boorstein, Sylvia 2010.09.14
  It's easier than you think:the Buddhist way tohappiness [1st ed.] Boorstein, Sylvia 1995
  Pay Attention, for Goodness' Sake : Practicing the Perfections of the Heart--The Buddhist Path of Kindness Boorstein, Sylvia 2002.08.27
  Pay Attention, for Goodness' Sake: The Buddhist Path of Kindness Boorstein, Sylvia 2003.09.30
  That's Funny, You don't Look Buddhist: On Being a Faithful Jew and a Passionate Buddhist Boorstein, Sylvia 1997
  That's funny, you don't look Buddhist:why Jews are attracted to Buddhism and how both traditions canenrich our lives Boorstein, Sylvia 1996
  Weisheit für schwierige Zeiten: Kraft schöpfen aus dem Buddhismus Tsoknyi Rinpoche (著); Boorstein, Sylvia (著); Fischer, Norman (著); Schellenberger, Bernardin (譯) 2013.02.12
  坐下來, 什麼都別做=Don't Just Do Something, Sit There: A Mindfulness Retreat with Sylvia Boorstein 希薇雅‧布爾斯坦=Boorstein, Sylvia; 林瑞瑛 2000.03
  禪呼吸:當下除煩惱、得自在的覺佛之道=Solid Ground: Buddhist Wisdom for Difficult Times 希薇雅‧布爾斯汀=Boorstein, Sylvia ; 費雪, 諾曼=Fischer, Norman ; 措尼仁波切=Tsoknyi Rinpoche ; 吳茵茵 2013.10