

Sullivan, Brenton  


11 件著作が収録され、7 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2024.03.04 料更新




全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Book Review: "Tibet: A History," by Samvan Schaik Sullivan, Brenton The Journal of Asian Studies 2012.11
  Book Review: Conflict in a Buddhist Society: Tibet under the Dalai Lamas by Peter Schwieger Sullivan, Brenton (評論) The Journal of Asian Studies 2022.02
  Book Review: The Dalai Lama and the Nechung Oracle by Christopher Bell Sullivan, Brenton (評論) Yeshe: A Journal of Tibetan Literature, Arts and Humanities 2022
  Building a Religious Empire: Tibetan Buddhism, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Gelukpa Sullivan, Brenton (著) 2021
  Building a Religious Empire: Tibetan Buddhism, Bureaucracy, and the Rise of the Gelukpa Sullivan, Brenton (著) 2020.12.11
  Review: The Monastery Rules: Buddhist Monastic Organization in Pre-Modern Tibet Sullivan, Brenton Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2019
  The Body of Skyid shod sprul sku: The Mid-Seventeenth Century Ties between Central Tibet, the Oirat Mongols, and Dgon lung Monastery in Amdo Sullivan, Brenton (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2019.10
  The Manner in which I went to Worship Mañjuśrī’s Realm, The Five-Peaked Mountain (Wutai), by Sumba Kanbo (1704–1788): Introduction and Translation Sullivan, Brenton (著) Inner Asia 2018.04
  The Qing Regulation of the Sangha in Amdo Sullivan, Brenton (著) Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2020.10
  Venerable Fazun at the Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Institute Sullivan, Brenton Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2008
  Venerable Fazun at the Sino-Tibetan Buddhist Institute Sullivan, Brenton The Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies=IIJBS 2008