

Tiso, Francis V.  

+1950-09-19 ~

19 件著作が収録され、14 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2016.08.11 料更新



Tiso, Francis Vincent



個人サイト: http://www.francistiso.com/
全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Study of the Buddhist Saint in Relation to the Biographical Tradition of Milarepa Tiso, Francis Vincent 1989
  Book Review: "Readings on the Six Yogas of Naropa," by Glenn H. Mullin Tiso, Francis V. The Tibet Journal 2001
  Book Review: "Self-Liberation through Seeing with Naked Awareness," by John Myrdhin Reynolds, Namkhai Norbu Tiso, Francis V. (評論) The Tibet Journal 2003
  Book Review: "The Good Heart: A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of Jesus," by His Holiness the Dalai Lama Tiso, Francis V. (評論) The Tibet Journal 1998
  Book Review: "The Jewel Ornament of Liberation: the Wish-Fulfilling Gem of the Noble Teachings," by Gampopa, Khenpo Konchog, Gyaltsen Rinpoche, Ani K. Trinlay Chödron Tiso, Francis V. (評論) The Tibet Journal 2003
  Book Review: "The Life of Gampopa: The Incomparable Dharma Lord of Tibet," by Jampa Mackenzie Stewart Tiso, Francis Vincent (評論) The Tibet Journal 1998
  Book Review: "Women in the Footsteps of the Buddha: Struggle for Liberation in the Therigatha," by Kathryn R. Blackstone Tiso, Francis V. (評論) The Tibet Journal 2002
  Book Review: Ippolito Desideri S.J.: Opere E Bibliografia By Enzo Gualterio Bargiacchi Tiso, Francis V. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2008
  Book Review: Lights of the World: Buddha and Christ by Ninian Smart Tiso, Francis V. (評論) The Tibet Journal 2001
  Ch'an/Zen-Catholic Dialogue Spreads a "Welcome Table" at the 2009 Annual Meeting Tiso, Francis V. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2009
  Evagrius of Pontus and Buddhist Abhidharma Tiso, Francis V. Religion East & West 2005.10
  Ippolito Desideri: An Experience of Theological and Psychological Transformation Tiso, Francis V. Buddhist-Christian Studies 2018
  Liberation in One Lifetime: Biographies and Teachings of Milarepa Tiso, Francis V. (著); Vitali, Roberto (前言) 2014
  Mi la ras pa on the Intermediate State: An Introduction and Translation of “Profound Instructions on the Direct Introduction to the Intermediate State, Using the Mind to Discriminate the Path” Tiso, Francis V. (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2019.07
  The Biographical Tradition of Milarepa: Orality, Literacy and Iconography Tiso, Francis V. (著) The Tibet Journal 1996
  The Boddhisattva as a Buddhist Saint Tiso, Francis V. Premier Colloque Etienne Lamotte 1993
  The Evolution of Buddhist Systematics From the Buddha to Vasubandhu Pereira, José; Tiso, Francis V. Philosophy East and West 1988.04
  the Life of Vasubandhu according to Recent Research Pereira, José; Tiso, Francis V. East and West 1987.12
  the Tibetan Text of Tilopa's "Mahāmudropadeśa" Tiso, Francis V.; Torricelli, Fabrizio East and West 1991.12