

Walter, Michael  


10 件著作が収録され、7 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2016.06.30 料更新



Walter, Michael L.



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Book Review: Royal Song of Saraha: A Study in the History of Buddhist Thought by H. V. Guenther Walter, Michael (評論) Mongolian Studies 1974
  Buddhism and Empire: The Political and Religious Culture of Early Tibet Walter, Michael L. 2009.08
  Jabir, the Buddhist Yogi Walter, Michael Journal of Indian Philosophy 1992.12
  Jābir, the Buddhist Yogi Part Two Walter, Michael Journal of Indian Philosophy 1996.04
  Note on an Oirat Jātaka Walter, Michael (著) Mongolian Studies 1975
  Of Corpses and Gold: Materials for the Study of the Vetāla and the Ro langs Walter, Michael (著) The Tibet Journal 2004
  Preliminary Results from a Study of Two Rasayana Systems in Indo-Tibetan Esoterism [Alchemical Practice in Rnying-Ma Literature] Walter, Michael L. (著) Tibetan Studies in Honour of Hugh Richardson: Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies 1979
  Scapula Cosmography and Divination in Tibet Walter, Michael (著) Kailash: A Journal of Himalayan Studies 1996
  The Role of Alchemy and Medicine in Indo-Tibetan Tantrism Walter, Michael L. 1980
  The Tantra "A Vessel of Bdud Rtsi," A Bon Text  Walter, Michael (著) The Journal of the Tibet Society 1986