シリアル番号: |
22296 |
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出版年月日 |
"All Beings Are Equally Embraced By Amida Buddha": Jodo Shinshu Buddhism and Same-Sex Marriage in the United States |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Global Buddhism |
2012 |
“The New Science of Health and Happiness”: Investigating Buddhist Engagements with the Scientific Study of Meditation |
Wilson, Jeff (著) |
Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science |
2018.03 |
A Review of Ethics and Society in Contemporary Shin Buddhism |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2010 |
Blasphemy as Bhāvana: Anti-Christianity in a New Buddhist Movement |
Wilson, Jeff (著) |
Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions |
2019.02 |
Book Review: "A Modern Buddhist Bible: Essential Readings from East and West," ed. by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2004 |
Book Review: "Heartwood: The First Generation of Theravada Buddhism in America", by Wendy Cadge |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Global Buddhism |
2005 |
Book Review: "Path of No Path: Contemporary Studies in Pure Land Buddhism Honoring Roger Corless," by Richard K. Payne |
Wilson, Jeff |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2010 |
Book Review: "Pure Land Buddhism in Modern Japanese Culture," by Elisabetta Porcu |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Global Buddhism |
2009 |
Book Review: "Wild Geese: Buddhism in Canada," edited by John S. Harding, Victor Sōgen Hori, and Alexander Soucy |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Global Buddhism |
2011 |
Book Review: Buddhism in Canada Edited by Bruce Matthews |
Wilson, Jeff (評論) |
Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative and Emergent Religions |
2010.05 |
Book Review: Evangelical Zen: A Christian's Spiritual Travels with a Buddhist Friend by Paul Louis Metzger, with Kyogen Carlson |
Wilson, Jeff |
Buddhist-Christian Studies |
2017 |
Book Review: Immigrants to the Pure Land : The Modernization, Acculturation, and Globalization of Shin Buddhism, 1898-1941, by Michihiro Ama |
Wilson, Jeff |
The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト |
2011 |
Book Review: The Birth of Insight: Meditation, Modern Buddhism, and the Burmese Monk Ledi Sayadaw by Erik Braun |
Wilson, Jeff (評論) |
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses |
2015.12 |
Book Review:"Flowers on the Rock: Global and Local Buddhisms in Canada," by John S. Harding, Victor Sōgen Hori, and Alexander Soucy (ed.) |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Global Buddhism |
2015 |
Buddhism of the Heart: Reflections on Shin Buddhism and Inner Togetherness |
Wilson, Jeff; Unno, Mark; Unno, Taitetsu |
2009.04.28 |
Buddhism of the Heart: Reflections on Shin Buddhism and Inner Togetherness |
Wilson, Jeff |
2010.10.08 |
Buddhism Without Merit: Theorizing Buddhist Religio-Economic Activity in the Contemporary World |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Global Buddhism |
2019 |
Dixie Dharma: Inside a Buddhist Temple in the American South |
Wilson, Jeff (著) |
2012.04 |
Mindful America: The Mutual Transformation of Buddhist Meditation and American Culture |
Wilson, Jeff (著) |
2014.08.21 |
Mizuko kuyō in the Abortion Cultural Wars: The Rhetorical Appropriation of Japanese Buddhism by Non-Buddhist Americans |
Wilson, Jeff |
Religion |
2009.03 |
Mourning the Unborn Dead A Buddhist Ritual Comes to America |
Wilson, Jeff |
2009.01.21 |
New Perspectives on Buddhist Modernism |
Wilson, Jeff |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
2008 |
Pacific World n.10 |
Wilson, Jeff |
2008 |
Review: Ethics and Society in Contemporary Shin Buddhism |
Wilson, Jeff |
Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
2010 |
The Popularity of Selected Elements of Buddhism in North America |
Wilson, Jeff |
Dharma World=ダーマワールド |
2011.07-09 |