



24 件著作が収録され、16 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2016.07.21 料更新



Wong, Dorothy C.



個人サイト: http://www.virginia.edu/art/wong/bio
全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Reassessment of the Representation of Mt. Wutai from Dunhuang Cave 61 Wong, Dorothy C. (著)=王靜芬 (au.) Archives of Asian Art 1993
  Book Review: "Ordinary Images," by Stanley K. Abe Wong, Dorothy C. The Journal of Asian Studies 2005.02
  Book Review: Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China by Yuhang Li Wong, Dorothy C. (評論) Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 2021.05
  Book Review: Fabricating the Tenjukoku Shūchō Mandara and Prince Shōtoku's Afterlives by Chari Pradel Wong, Dorothy C. (評論) Journal of Japanese Studies 2019
  Buddhist Pilgrim-Monks as Agents of Cultural and Artistic Transmission: The International Buddhist Art Style in East Asia, ca. 645–770 Wong, Dorothy C. (著) 2018.10
  China and Beyond in the Mediaeval Period: Cultural Crossings and Inter-Regional Connections Wong, Dorothy C. (著)=王靜芬 (au.); Heldt, Gustav 2014.08.08
  Chinese Steles: Pre-Buddhist and Buddhist Use of a Symbolic Form Wong, Dorothy C. (著) 2004.10
  Four Sichuan Buddhist Steles and the Beginnings of Pure Land Imagery in China Wong, Dorothy C. (著)=王靜芬 (au.) Archives of Asian Art 1998-1999
  Maitreya Buddha Statues at the University of Pennsylvania Museum Wong, Dorothy C.=王靜芬 Orientations 2001.02
  The Beginnings of the Buddhist Stele Tradition in China Wong, Dorothy C. (著) 1995.10
  The Case of Amoghapāśa Wong, Dorothy C. (著) Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology 2007
  The Making of a Saint: Images of Xuanzang (玄奘) Wong, Dorothy C. 敦煌學國際學術討論會文集 -- 紀念敦煌藏經洞發現暨敦煌學百年 2000.07.25
  Women as Buddhist Art Patrons during the Northern and Southern Dynasties 王靜芬=Wong, Dorothy C. 漢唐之間的宗教藝術與考古=Between Han and Tang: religious art and archaeology in a transformative period 2000
  八世紀觀音造像的繁衍=The Plethora of Guanyin Images in the Seventh and Eighth Centuries 王靜芬 藝術史中的漢晉與唐宋史之變 2014.04
  中古世紀中國之觀音圖、像(第五-八世紀) 王靜芬 中華國際佛學會議(第5屆)= Chong-hua International conference on buddism(5th) 2006.03.06
  以東亞玄奘畫像為中心審視聖僧神化歷程=The Making of a Saint: Images of Xuanzang in East Asia 王靜芬 (著)=Wong, Dorothy C. (au.); 張善慶 (著)=Zhang, Shan-qing (au.) 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 2016
  四件四川佛教石雕和淨土圖像在中國的起源 王靜芬; 郭春萍 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 2002.02
  四件四川佛教石雕和淨土圖像在中國的起源(續) 王靜芬; 郭春萍 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 2002.04
  佛名與懺儀 -- 以張榮遷碑和陳海龍碑為中心=Buddha names and repentance rituals: A study of the ZHANG Rongqian bei and the CHEN Hailong bei 王靜芬 (著)=Wong, Dorothy C. (au.); 張善慶 (譯)=Zhang, Shan-qing (tr.) 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 2010.04
  武后朝與聖武天皇、光明皇后朝的華嚴佛教藝術=Wang Jingfen,The Art of Avata?saka Buddhism at the Courts of Empress Wu and Emperor Shōmu/Empress Kōmyō 王靜芬 (著)=Wong, Dorothy C. (au.) 敦煌學輯刊=Journal of Dunhuang Studies 2022
  唐代莫高窟壁畫所見與畫史記載寺院的經變題材比較 王靜芬 敦煌文藪(上) 1999.04
  彌勒信仰與敦煌《彌勒經變》 王靜芬 1987年敦煌石窟研究國際討論會文集(石窟考古卷) 1990
  彌勒信仰與敦煌《彌勒變》的起源(摘要) 王靜芬 (著)=Wong, Dorothy C. (au.) 敦煌研究=Dunhuang Research 1988.05
  觸地印裝飾佛像在中國的形成與傳播=The Formation and Spread of Buddha Statues with Earth Touching Mudra in China 王靜芬; 淦喻成; 趙晉超 佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies 2018