



35 件著作が収録され、23 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2024.04.04 料更新



Lin, Pei-ying



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  《楞伽經》與聖嚴禪學:定慧雙修的傳統與當代性=The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra and Master Sheng Yen’s Chan Teachings: The Dialectical Relationship between Words and Meditation 林佩瑩 (著)=Lin, Pei-ying (au.) 聖嚴研究:第十輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.10 2018.05
  《禪祕要法經》(T.613)與《治禪病祕要法》(T.620)中的禪病—論早期禪修傳統中犯戒法的觀想法門 林佩瑩 (著) 国際禅研究=International Zen studies 2020.08
  『禅秘要法経』(T.613)と『治禅病秘要法』(T.620)に見られる禅病について─初期禅修の伝統における破戒に対する観想法を論ず─ 林佩瑩 (著); 黒崎恵輔 (譯) 国際禅研究=International Zen studies 2020.08
  23.星雲大師的實修觀念與禪宗思想史脈絡 ─ 從早期禪宗與《楞伽經》的象徵性意涵談起 林佩瑩 2014星雲大師人間佛教理論實踐研究(上) 2014.12
  A Comparative Approach to Śubhakarasiṃha’s (637–735) “Essentials of Meditation” : Meditation and Precepts in Eighth-Century China Lin, Pei-ying Chinese and Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism 2017.01.01
  A Comparative Approach to Śubhākarasiṃha’s (637–735) Essentials of Meditation: Meditation and Precepts in Eighth-Century China Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) Chinese and Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism 2017.03
  A Survey Of the Japanese Influence On Buddhist Education In Taiwan During the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945) Lin, Pei-ying (著) Religions 2020.02
  A Survey of the Japanese Influence on Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945) Lin, Pei-ying (著) Religions 2020.02
  Anti-scholasticism in the Sixth-to-Eighth-Century China: Responses from Early Chan Communities=六至八世紀中國佛教之義學與反智主義 ── 早期禪師思想之範例 Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) 聖嚴研究:第八輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.8 2016.06
  Bodhidharma Lineages and Bodhisattva Precepts in the Ninth Century Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) The International Conference on “Bodhisattva Precepts in East Asian Perspective and Beyond 2017.02
  Bodhidharma Lineages and Bodhisattva Precepts in the Ninth Century Lin, Pei-ying (著) The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2018
  Book Review: Zen Buddhist Rhetoric in China, Korea, and Japan, by Christoph Anderl, ed. Lin, Pei-ying The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2012
  Changing attitudes to the Precepts in Modern Taiwan: The Debate between Brahmā’s Net Precepts and Yogācāra Precepts Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) International Conference on Vinaya Revival in 20TH Century China and Taiwan 2017.12
  Cross-national Buddhism and Identity Construction in Ch’oe Ch’iwŏn’s Four Mountains Stele Lin, Pei-ying (著) Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 2015.02.17
  Ennin’s (793–864) Sillan connections on his journey to Mt. Wutai: a fresh look at Ennin’s travel record Lin, Pei-ying Studies in Chinese Religions 2019
  FEATURE: BODHISATTVA PRECEPTS IN EAST ASIAN PERSPECTIVES AND BEYOND Introduction: Bendable Buddhist Law Lin, Pei-ying (著) The Eastern Buddhist=イースタン・ブディスト 2018
  Narratives on a portrait of Japanese Prince Shōtoku (c.573–622): East Asian Buddhist networks in the royal painting Lin, Pei-ying Studies in Chinese Religions 2020
  Pure Land, Zen, and Kegon Perceptions of China in 20th Century Japan: Buddhist Influence on Japanese Sinology Lin, Pei-ying Buddhist Perspectives of China and China Rising: Between Diplomacy and Intellectual Construction 2016
  Repositioning Xinxing 信行 (540–594) in the Chinese Meditation Tradition Lin, Pei-ying (著) Journal of Chan Buddhism=禪學案 2019
  Review: India in the Chinese Imagination: Myth, Religion, and Thought. 林佩瑩 (著)=Lin, Pei-ying (au.) 中國文哲研究集刊=Bulletin of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy 2015.09.01
  The Buddhist Use of Official Documents in the Ninth Century: The Tendai Undertaking of Travelogues Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) XVIII Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (IABS) 2017.08
  The Chinshō Yasha-hō 鎮將夜叉法 and the Adaptation of Tendai Esoteric Ritual Lin, Pei-ying (著) Religions 2023.08
  The Doctrinal Evolution of Formless Precepts in the Early Chan Tradition : The Theory of Mind Purification in the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra and the Brahmā’s Net Sūtra Lin, Pei-ying (著) Rules of Engagement: Medieval Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Regulation 2017
  The Intellectual Context of the Dasheng Zhiguan Famen Yanjiu: The Foundation of Master Sheng Yen’s Tiantai Study Lin, Pei-ying 2018 第七屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 2018.06.28
  The Rebirth Legend of Prince Shōtoku: Buddhist Networks in Ninth Century China and Japan: Buddhist Networks in Ninth-Century China and Japan Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) Network and Identity: Exchange Relations between China and the World 2018
  The Reincarnation Story of Shōtoku Taishi 聖徳太子 (573-621): Rethinking a Buddhist Lineage in the 8-9th Century China and Japan Lin, Pei-ying Collections of College Students Thesis Relating to Buddhism=大專學生佛學論文集 2010
  The Synthesis of Chan Buddhism and Preceptsin Saichō’s(767–822) Perception: A Cross-Cultural Perspective=日僧最澄(767–822)的禪戒觀——東亞跨文化的視角 林佩瑩 2013東亞佛教思想文化國際學術研討會 2013.11.08
  The Tendai Use of Official Documents in the Ninth Century: Revisiting the Case of Monk Daosui Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies 2021.05
  Two Models of Buddhist Networking in the Ninth Century China Lin, Pei-ying (著)=林佩瑩 (au.) Second Conference on Middle Period Chinese Humanities 2017.09
  日治時期(1895-1945年)台灣禪宗佛學教育發展之現代意義 林佩瑩 (著) 2023華梵大學東方人文思想學術研討會——生命的蛻變與躍進 2023
  圓仁訪五台山之路上的新羅人脈:對圓仁《入唐求法巡禮行記》的新見 林佩瑩 五臺山信仰多文化、跨宗教的性格以及國際性影響力 2018.07
  新羅崔致遠《四山碑銘》中的禪宗祖師觀=The Role of Chan Patriarchs in Ch’oe Ch’iwŏn’s “Four Mountains Stele” 林佩瑩 (著)=Lin, Pei-ying (au.) 求法與弘法:漢傳佛教的跨文化交流國際研討會論文集=Seeking Dharma, Spreading Dharma: Cross-Cultural Interactions of Chinese Buddhism 2015.10.01
  聖嚴法師《大乘止觀法門之研究》寫作背景研究 ── 論其天台研究的基礎=The Intellectual Context of the Dasheng Zhiguan Famen Yanjiu: The Foundation of Master Sheng Yen’s Tiantai Study 林佩瑩 (著)=Lin, Pei-ying (au.) 聖嚴研究:第十二輯=Studies of Master Sheng Yen Vol.12 2019.08
  聖嚴法師《大乘止觀法門研究》:論其天臺研究的基礎 林佩瑩 2018 第七屆漢傳佛教與聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 2018.06.28
  觀音 -- 菩薩中國化的演變=Kuan-yin: The Chinese Transformation of Avalokitesvara 于君方 (著)=Yu, Jun-fang (au.); 林佩瑩 (譯)=Lin, Pei-ying (tr.); 姚崇新 (譯)=Yao, Chong-xin (tr.); 陳懷宇 (譯)=Chen, Huaiyu (tr.) 2009.07.01