



21 件著作が収録され、4 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2019.07.29 料更新



Crook, John Hurrell = Crook, John



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  Book Review: "Anthropology - Being a Buddhist Nun - The struggle for enlightenment in the Himalayas - Kim Gutschow" Crook, John Hurrell TLS, the Times literary supplement
  Book Review: Book Reviews Barrett, T. H. ; Keown, Damien ; Werner, Karel ; Norman, K. R. ; Mills, Laurence C. R. ; Crook, John Buddhist Studies Review 1996
  Book Review: Book Reviews Werner, Karel; Bhikkhu Pāsādika; Lindtner, Chr.; Bronkhorst, Johannes; Crook, John; Chryssides, George Buddhist Studies Review 2002
  Book Review: Trouble at the top Crook, John Hurrell the Times literary supplement 2006
  Buddhist Ethics and the Problem of Ethnic Minorities:The Case of Ladakh Crook, John Hurrell (著) Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society: An International Symposium 1991
  Chan Comes West Andricevic, Zarko; Crook, John Hurrell; Kalin, Max; Shih, Sheng-yen (著)=釋聖嚴 (au.) 2005.09
  Hilltops of the Hong Kong Moon Crook, John Hurrell 1997
  Himalayan Buddhist Villages: Environment, Resources, Society and Religious Life in Zangskar, Ladakh Crook, John (編); Osmaston, Henry (編) 1994
  Himalayan Buddhist villages:a study of communities in Zangskar, Ladakh Crook, John Hurrell; Osmaston, Henry A. 1987
  Illuminating Silence: The Practice of Chinese Zen Shih, Sheng-yen (著); Crook, John Hurrell (編) 2002.10.31
  Preceptual Truth and the Western Psychology of Human Nature Crook, John Hurrell (著) Buddhist Ethics and Modern Society: An International Symposium 1994
  Review Article: Language and Freedom: Meaning In Zen Crook, John Buddhist Studies Review 1999
  Space in mind:East-West psychology and contemporary Buddhism Crook, John Hurrell; Fontana, David 1990
  Space in mind:East-West psychology and contemporary Buddhism Crook, John Hurrell; Fontana, David 2002, 1990
  The Essential Insight: A Central Theme in the Philosophical Training of Mahayanist Monks Crook, John Hurrell (著); Rabgyas, Tashi (著) Asian Contributions to Psychology 1988
  The essential insight:A central theme in the philosophical training of Mahayanist monks Crook, John Hurrell; Rabgyas, Tashi 1988
  The Place of Chan in Post-Modern Europe=中國禪在後現代歐洲的地位 Crook, John Hurrell (著)=柯魯克 (au.) 中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies 2000.05
  The Yogins of Ladakh: A Pilgrimage Among the Hermits of the Buddhist Himalayas Crook, John Hurrell (著); Low, James (著) 1997.07.01
  如月印空 -- 聖嚴法師默照禪講錄=Illuminating Silence: The Practice of Chinese Zen 釋聖嚴; 柯魯克=Crook, John Hurrell; 薛慧儀 2009.02.01
  西方極樂世界的禪--西方人對精進禪修的需要=Ch'an in the Western Paradise--The Needs of Westerners on Intensive Zen Retreat 柯魯克 (著)=Crook, John Hurrell (au.) 中華國際佛學會議實錄(第3屆):人間淨土與現代社會: = The Record of Chung-Hwa International Conference on Buddhism(3rd): The "Earthly" Pure Land and Contemporary Society 1998.02
  懷念恩師 Crook, John Hurrell (著) 人生=Humanity 2009.03