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タイトル |
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掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
《華嚴經》導讀 |
劉貴傑 =Liu, Gui-jie |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
1997.10 |
《肇論》 |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Gui-jie (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
1994.04.01 |
中國大乘佛學的本體論及其修行途徑 |
劉貴傑=Liu, Kuei-chieh |
民族、宗教、哲學與世界和平學術研討會 |
2002.08.22-23 |
中國哲學史 |
劉貴傑 |
1994 |
中國傳統佛學有關人的義蘊=On the Traditional Chinese Buddhist Concepts of "Man" |
劉貴傑 =Liu, Kuei-chieh |
應用心理研究=Research in Applied Psychology |
2001.03.01 |
天台宗的觀心論=On the Concept of "Observing the Mind" in the Tiantai School of Chinese Buddhism |
劉貴傑 =Liu, Kuei-chieh |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2003.07 |
天台哲學的一心說=The Concept of "One Mind" in Tiantai-Philosophy |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2011.12.01 |
天臺學概論 |
劉貴傑 |
2005.05 |
支道林思想之研究 |
劉貴傑 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal |
1980.10 |
支道林思想之研究 |
劉貴傑 |
1976.05 |
支道林思想之研究 -- 魏晉時代玄學與佛學之交融 |
劉貴傑 |
1982 |
支遁法師之生平及其思想淵源 |
劉貴傑 |
中國佛教=Chinese Buddhism Monthly |
1980.03 |
支遁法師之思想 |
劉貴傑 |
慧炬=Torch of Wisdom Monthly |
1977.06/07 |
玄學思想與般若思想之交融 |
劉貴傑 |
國立編譯館館刊=Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation |
1980.06 |
佛教哲學 |
劉貴傑 |
2006.05 |
佛學概論 |
劉貴傑; 李開濟 |
2001.02.01 |
佛學與人生 |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
1999.08 |
宋元時代曹洞禪法的華嚴意涵=Hua-yan Thought in the Chan Method of the Caodong-School during the Song and Yuan Dynasties |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2008.11 |
宋元時代華嚴宗人的般若思想=On the Concepts of Prajñā of Song and Yuan Dynasty Huayan School Monks |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2022.04.01 |
宋元時代臨濟宗楊岐派禪法的華嚴意涵=A Study of Avatamsaka Thought in the Teachings of the Yangqi Lineage of the Linji Chan School during the Song and Yuan Dynasties |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Gui-jie (au.) |
華嚴學報=Journal of Huayen Buddhism |
2013.11 |
宋儒胡瑗的教育思想=Confucian Scholar Hu-yuan's Educational Theory |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
國際佛教教育研討會(第9屆)=International Conference on Buddhist Education(9th) |
1994.07.16-20 |
明末清初曹洞禪法的華嚴意涵 -- 以圓澄、慧經、元來、元賢、道霈為例=On the Hua-yen Thought in the Chan Method of the Caodong-School During the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
新世紀宗教研究=New Century Religious Studies |
2010.06 |
東晉高僧道安之思想背景 |
劉貴傑 |
獅子吼=The Lion's Roar Magazine |
1991.11 |
東晉道安思想析論 |
劉貴傑 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
1991.07 |
東晉道安思想研究 -- 魏晉時代中國佛教思想之形成 |
劉貴傑 |
1992 |
法眼宗禪法的華嚴意涵=A Study of Huayan Thought in the Chan Teachings of the Fayan School |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Gui-jie (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2017.05.01 |
竺道生思想之研究 |
劉貴傑 |
1982.02 |
竺道生思想之研究 -- 南北朝時代中國佛學思想 |
劉貴傑 |
1984.05 |
竺道生思想之背景及其理論淵源 |
劉貴傑 |
國立編譯館館刊=Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation |
1983.06 |
竺道生思想之理論特色及其價值意義 |
劉貴傑 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal |
1983.07 |
竺道生思想之理論基礎 |
劉貴傑 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal |
1981.12 |
初期中國佛教教育思想之特質 |
劉貴傑=Liu, Kuei-chieh |
國際佛教教育研討會 |
1992.07.16-19 |
契嵩思想研究 -- 佛教思想與儒家學說之交涉 |
劉貴傑 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
1988.10 |
從佛教與儒學的交涉看中華傳統文化的重建-- 以孝道為考察點=The Interrelationship between Buddhism and Confucianism and its Meaning for the Reconstruction of Traditional Chinese Culture |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
哲學論集=Fu Jen Philosophical Studies |
2003.07 |
從智圓思想看佛法與佛學之交涉 |
劉貴傑 |
佛教的思想與文化--印順導師八秩晉六壽慶論文集 |
1991.04 |
從達摩到弘忍的禪學思想 |
劉貴傑 =Liu, Gui-jie |
空大學訊 |
2007.12 |
清初華嚴念佛思想 |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Gui-jie (au.) |
哲學研討會(第4屆) |
2006.07.12-13 |
清初華嚴念佛思想試析 -- 以續法與彭紹升為例=On the Synthesis of Huayan Thought and Pure Land Practice by Early Qing Dynasty Buddhist Scholars |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
2007.07.01 |
清談與佛教 -- 以論辯之風為中心, 探清談與佛教之契接 |
劉貴傑 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal |
1984.09 |
華嚴宗入門 |
劉貴傑 |
2002.05.01 |
華嚴宗入門-宗教文庫 |
劉貴傑 (著) |
2002.05.01 |
華嚴宗思想史 |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Gui-jie (au.) |
2021.05.25 |
華嚴哲學 |
劉貴傑 |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
1996.06 |
華嚴哲學的唯心性質=The Characteristics of Mind-only thought in Huayan Philosophy |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2010.12.01 |
雲門宗禪法的華嚴意涵=A Study of Huayan Thought in the Teachings of the Yunmen Lineage of the Chan School |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Gui-jie (au.) |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2014.12 |
試論中西現代生命哲學=On the mordern philosophy of life in the East and the West |
劉貴傑=Liu, Kuei-chieh |
華梵學報=Hua Fan Annual Journal |
1997.05 |
試論朱子的人格教育=Discussion on Zhu-zi's Education on Personality |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
國際佛教教育研討會論文摘要(第10屆)=Abstracts of the The International Conference on Buddhist Education(10th) |
1996.07.20 |
道生大師之實相觀 -- 思想理論基礎之一 |
劉貴傑 |
中國佛教=Chinese Buddhism Monthly |
1982.02 |
鳩摩羅什思想研究 |
劉貴傑 |
國立編譯館館刊=Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation |
1992.06 |
僧肇思想之形上基礎 -- 以物不遷論為中心 |
劉貴傑 (著) |
大夏學報=華岡大夏學報 |
1984.12 |
僧肇思想之背景及其淵源 |
劉貴傑 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
1987.03 |
僧肇思想之特色 |
劉貴傑 |
獅子吼=The Lion's Roar Magazine |
1985.06 |
僧肇思想之基礎 |
劉貴傑 |
華岡佛學學報=Hwakang Buddhist Journal |
1985.10 |
僧肇思想之價值 |
劉貴傑 |
國立編譯館館刊=Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation |
1985.12 |
僧肇思想研究 -- 魏晉玄學與佛教思想之交涉=Sengzhao si xiang yan jiu: Wei Jin xuan xue yu fu jiao si xiang zhi jiao she |
劉貴傑 |
1985 |
僧叡思想研究 |
劉貴傑 |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
1990.04 |
盧山慧遠思想析論 : 初期中國佛教思想之轉折=An Analysis of Master Shih Hui-yüan's Thoughts of East Chin Dynasty: A Creative Turn in the Early Chinese Buddhist Thoughts |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
國立編譯館館刊=Journal of the National Institute for Compilation and Translation |
1995.12 |
禪宗五家禪法的華嚴意涵 |
劉貴傑 (著) |
2017.12.01 |
禪宗哲學 |
劉貴傑 (著) |
2013.09.01 |
臨濟宗楊岐派松源系禪法的華嚴意涵=A Study of Huayan Thought in the Chan Teachings of the Songyuan Branch of the Yangqi Lineage of the Linji School |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2015.06 |
臨濟宗楊岐派破菴系禪法的華嚴意涵=A Study of Huayan Thought in the Chan Teachings of the Po’an Branch of the Yangqi Lineage of the Linji School. |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
圓光佛學學報=Yuan Kuang Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2017.06 |
魏晉佛學思想之開展=The Development of Buddhist Thought during the Wei and Jin Dynasties |
劉貴傑 (著)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (au.) |
中華佛學學報=Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal=Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies |
2000.05 |
廬山慧遠大師思想析論-初期中國佛教思想之轉析 |
劉貴傑 |
1996.11.01 |
關於神秀的禪學思想 |
劉貴傑 =Liu, Gui-jie |
空大學訊 |
2008.01 |
潙仰宗禪法的華嚴意涵=A Study of Huayan Thought in the Teachings of the Weiyang Lineage of the Chinese Chan School |
劉貴傑 (撰)=Liu, Kuei-chieh (compose) |
哲學與文化=Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture |
2016.03.01 |