

Viehbeck, Markus  (本名)


7 件著作が収録され、6 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2013.07.17 登録, 2024.11.26 料更新





全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  "Polemics in Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism" A Late 19th-Century Debate Between 'Ju Mi pham and Dpa' ris rab gsal Viehbeck, Markus (著) 2014
  An Indian Classic in 19th-Century Tibet and beyond: Rdza Dpal sprul and the Dissemination of the Bodhi (sattva) caryāvatāra Viehbeck, Markus (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2016.10
  Fighting for the Truth: Satyadvaya and the Debates Provoked by Mi Pham's Nor Bu Ke Ta Ka Viehbeck, Markus Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2011
  From Sūtra Collections to Kanjurs: Tracing a Network of Buddhist Canonical Literature across the Western and Central Himalayas Viehbeck, Markus (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2020.04
  Human Engagement on Manuscript Margins: Glimpses into the Social Life of a Collection of Buddhist Sūtras from Mustang Viehbeck, Markus (著) Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines 2021.04
  The Yogi and the Scholar: Rhetorical Polemics as Literary Frames and Conceptual Framework in Tibetan Buddhist Discourse Viehbeck, Markus (著) Entangled Religions 2020
  Two Illuminated Text Collections of Namgyal Monastery: A Study of Early Buddhist Art and Literature in Mustang Luczanits, Christian (著); Viehbeck, Markus (著) 2021