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掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
「常樂我淨」在淨影慧遠(523-592)的『大乘義章』=Nirvāṇa as Permanence, Joy, Self, and Purity in A Medieval Chinese Buddhist Commentary |
韋聞笛 (著)=Adamek, Wendi L. (au.) |
第六屆聖嚴思想國際學術研討會 |
2016.07 |
「實證實修」:應用科學分析,正念治療,以及傳統靜坐三者之間的游移與槓桿=Triangulating “Evidence Based Practice” in Applied Behavior Analysis, Mindfulness Therapies, and Traditional Meditation Practices |
韋聞笛 (著)=Adamek, Wendi L. (au.) |
第四屆近現代漢傳佛教論壇 |
2018.01 |
『歴代法宝記』に見るプラマーナや瑜伽行派の専門用語の修辞法的使用利用統計 |
Adamek, Wendi (著); 伊吹敦 (譯) |
国際禅研究=International Zen studies |
2020.08 |
A Niche of Their Own: The Power of Convention in Two Inscriptions for Medieval Chinese Buddhist Nuns |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
History of Religions |
2009.08 |
Addressing the Mind: Developments in the Culture of Confession in Sui-Tang China |
Adamek, Wendi L. |
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報 |
2015.07 |
As If This Is Home |
Adamek, Wendi |
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2020 |
Book Review: "Early Buddhist Transmission and Trade Networks: Mobility and Exchange Within and Beyond the Northwestern Borderlands of South Asia,"By Jason Neelis |
Adamek, Wendi L. |
Religious Studies Review |
2012.03.13 |
Book Review: "How Ajātaśatru Was Reformed: The Domestication of “Ajase” and Stories in Buddhist History," by MichaelRadich |
Adamek, Wendi L. |
Asian Studies Review |
2014.03 |
Book Review: "The Record of Tung-shan," tr. By William F. Powell |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
1989 |
Book Review: Sichuan Province: Wofoyuan Section E–F (Buddhist Stone Sutras in China) Edited by Manuel Sassmann and Sun Hua |
Adamek, Wendi L. (評論) |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 |
2022.10 |
Book Reviews: Politics and Transcendent Wisdom: The "Scripture for Humane Kings" in the Creation of Chinese Buddhism By Charles D. Orzech |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (評論) |
History of Religions |
2002.02 |
Book Reviews: Sacred Economies: Buddhist Monasticism and Territoriality in Medieval China By Michael J. Walsh |
Adamek, Wendi L. |
History of Religions |
2013.02 |
Ethical Action through “Ambiguity” in Existentialism and Kanhwa Chan |
Adamek, Wendi L. |
International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture=국제불교문화사상사학회 |
2020.06 |
Inscriptions for Nuns at Baoshan |
Adamek, Wendi L. ; Deng, Xiao-neng |
Tang Song Nuxing yu shehui |
2003.08.01 |
Introduction |
Adamek, Wendi |
Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies |
2020 |
Issues in Chinese Buddhist Transmission as Seen Through the "Lidai Fabao Ji" (Record of the Dharma-Jewel Through the Ages) |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
Dissertation Abstracts International |
1998 |
Meeting the Inhabitants of the Necropolis at Baoshan=認識寶山塔林的居民 |
Adamek, Wendi L. |
Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies=中華佛學學報 |
2016.07 |
Midnight and the Black Box |
Adamek, Wendi L. (著) |
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment |
2014 |
Practicescapes and the Buddhists of Baoshan: Historical, Philosophical, and Comparative Perspectives |
Adamek, Wendi L. (著) |
2021 |
Revisiting Questions about Female Disciples in the Lidai fabao ji : Record of the Dharma-Treasure through the Generations |
Adamek, Wendi L. (著)=韋聞笛 (au.) |
Pacific World: Journal of the Institute of Buddhist Studies |
2016 |
Rhetorical Uses of Pramāna a and Yogācāra Terminology in the Lidai fabao ji 歷代法寶記 |
Adamek, Wendi (著) |
国際禅研究=International Zen studies |
2020.08 |
Robes Purple and Gold: Transmission of the Robe in the "Lidai fabao ji" (Record of the Dharma-Jewel through the Ages) |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
History of Religions |
2000.08 |
The Impossibility of the Given: Representations of Merit and Emptiness in Medieval Chinese Buddhism |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
History of Religions |
2005.11 |
The Lidai fabao ji (Record of the Dharma-Jewel Through the Ages) |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
The Zen canon: understanding the classic texts |
2004 |
The Literary Lives of Nuns: Poems Inscribed on a Memorial Niche for the Tang Nun Benxing |
Adamek, Wendi |
Tang Studies=唐學報 |
2009 |
The Mystique of Transmission: On an Early Chan History and Its Context |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
2007 |
The Mystique of Transmission: On An Early Chan History and Its Contexts |
Adamek, Wendi Leigh (著) |
2007 |
The Teachings of Master Wuzhu: Zen and Religion of No-Religion |
Adamek, Wendi L. (著); Adamek, Wendi L. (譯) |
2011.09.20 |
Traces of the Sanjie (Three Levels) Movement at Baoshan |
Adamek, Wendi (著) |
Communities of Memory and Interpretation: Reimagining and Reinventing the Past in East Asian Buddhism |
2018 |
Two Voices from the Field of Practice: Medieval and Modern Proponents of the Beneficial Work of Natural Principles |
Adamek, Wendi L. (著) |
禪與人類文明研究=International Journal for the Study of Chan Buddhism and Human Civilization |
2020.12.01 |