

Harvey, Peter  (本名)

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57 件著作が収録され、32 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2014.03.03 登録, 2024.09.25 料更新



Harvey, Brian Peter (本名) = Harvey, P. (別名) = Harvey, B. Peter (別名) = 피터‧하아비



wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Harvey_(academic)
全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  "Signless" Meditations in Pāli Buddhism Harvey, Peter Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1986
  “Freedom of the Will” in the Light of Theravāda Buddhist Teachings Harvey, Peter Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2007
  A Note and Response to "The Buddhist Perspective on Respect for Persons" Evans, David; Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 1987
  A Response to Damien Keown's "Suicide, Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: A Buddhist Perspective" Harvey, Peter (著) Journal of Law and Religion 1998 - 1999
  An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices Harvey, Peter 1990.05.25
  An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices Harvey, Brian Peter 1990
  An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices Harvey, Peter 1998
  An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History, and Practices Harvey, B. Peter 2012.12
  An Introduction to Buddhist Ethics: Foundations, Values and Issues Harvey, Peter 2000.07.24
  Avoiding Unintended Harm to the Environment and the Buddhist Ethic of Intention Harvey, Peter (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2007
  Book Review: "Mahayana Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations", by Paul Williams Harvey, Peter Religious Studies 1990.09
  Book Review: "The Five Aggregates: Understanding Theravaada Psychology and Soteriology," by Mathieu Boisvert Harvey, Peter (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1996
  Book Review: Book Reviews Phra Khantipalo ; Harvey, Peter ; Norman, K. R. ; Bhikkhu Pāsādika ; Williams, Paul ; De Jong, J. W. Buddhist Studies Review 1986
  Book Review: Jātaka Stories in Theravāda Buddhism: Narrating the Bodhisatta Path by Naomi Appleton Harvey, Peter (評論) Journal of Contemporary Religion 2013.04.22
  Book Review: Mahāyāna Buddhism: The Doctrinal Foundations. By Paul Williams Harvey, Peter (著) Religious Studies 1990.09
  Book Review: What the Buddha Thought by Richard Gombrich Harvey, Peter (評論) DISKUS: The Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR) 2011
  Buddha, Relics of Harvey, Peter; Keown, Damien; Prebish, Charles S. Encyclopedia of Buddhism 2010
  Buddhism Harvey, Peter Human Nature and Destiny 1994
  Buddhism Harvey, Peter (編) 2001
  Buddhism: Human nature and destiny Harvey, P. Human nature and destiny 1994
  Buddhism: Mistranslations, misconceptions and neglected territory Harvey, Peter Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2001
  Buddhist Ethics in Theory and Practice Harvey, Peter 2007.01
  Buddhist Motivation to Support IHL, from Concern to Minimise Harms Inflicted by Military Action to Both Those Who Suffer Them and Those Who Inflict Them Harvey, Peter (著) Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2021
  Buddhist Reflections on “Consumer” and “Consumerism” Harvey, Peter Journal of Buddhist Ethics 2013
  Coming to Be and Passing Away: Buddhist Reflections on Embryonic Life, Dying and Organ Donation Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2001
  Consciousness mysticism in the discourses of the Buddha Harvey, Peter The yogi and the mystic 1989
  Contemporary Characterisations Of the 'Philosophy' Of Nikayan Buddhism Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 1995
  Criteria for Judging the Unwholesomeness of Actions in the Texts of Theravaada Buddhism Harvey, Peter (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1995
  Developing a Self without Boundaries Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 1983/1984
  Editorial Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2015
  El Budismo=Introduction to Buddhism. Spanish Noble, Silvia; Harvey, Peter 1998.07.16
  Introductory Reflections on Buddhism and Healing Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2015
  Lance Cousins (1942–2015): An Obituary, Appreciation and Bibliography Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2015
  Lance S. Cousins (1942–2015): An Obituary, Bibliography and Appreciation Harvey, Peter (著) Religions of South Asia 2015
  Le Bouddhisme: enseignements, histoire, pratiques Harvey, Brian Peter 1993
  Mindfulness in Theravāda Samatha and Vipassanā Meditations, and in Secular Mindfulness Harvey, Peter Buddhist Foundations of Mindfulness 2015.08.28
  Nature of the Tathagata / by Peter Harvey Harvey, Peter Buddhist studies 1983
  Psychological Aspects of Theravada Buddhist Meditation Training: Cultivating an I-less Self Harvey, Peter Recent Researches in Buddhist Studies: Essays in Honour of Professor Y. Karunadasa 1997
  Reducing Suffering During Conflict: The Interface Between Buddhism And International Humanitarian Law Bartles-Smith, Andrew (著); Crosby, Kate (著); Harvey, Peter (著); Premasiri, P. D. (著); Tilakaratne, Asanga (著); Ratheiser, Daniel (著) Contemporary Buddhism: An Interdisciplinary Journal 2020
  Reflections on Eviatar Shulman’s Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2018
  Review: Ethics in Early Buddhism Harvey, Peter (著) Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1996
  The Buddhist Perspective on Respect for Persons Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 1987
  The Conditioned Co-arising of Mental and Bodily Processes within Life and Between Lives Harvey, Peter (著) A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy 2013.02.05
  The Four Ariya-Saccas as 'True Realities for the Spiritually Ennobled' - the Painful, its Origin, its Cessation, and the Way Going to this -- Rather than 'Noble Truths' Concerning These Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2009
  The Four Jhānas and their Qualities in the Pali Tradition Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2018
  The Life-Principle and the Between-Lives State Harvey, Peter The Selfless Mind: Personality, Consciousness and Nirvāṇa in Early Buddhism 1995
  The Mind-Body Relationship in Pali Buddhism: A Philosophical Investigation Harvey, Peter Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 1993
  The Nature of the Eight-Factored Ariya, Lokuttara Magga in the Suttas Compared to the Pali Commentarial Idea of It as Momentary Harvey, Peter Religions of South Asia 2014
  The nature of the Tathagata Harvey, Peter Buddhist studies 1983
  The Saṅgha of Noble Sāvakas, with Particular Reference to their Trainee Member, the Person ‘Practising for the Realization of the Stream-entry-fruit' Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 2013
  The selfless mind: personality, consciousness and nirvana in early Buddhism Harvey, Peter 1995
  The Selfless Mind: Personality, Consciousness and Nirvana in Early Buddhism Harvey, Brian Peter 1990
  The Symbolism of the Early Stūpa Harvey, Peter Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 1984
  The Transmission of Truth in the Buddha's First Sermon Harvey, Peter Buddhist Studies Review 1990
  Theravāda Philosophy of Mind and the Person: Anatta-lakkhaṇa Sutta, Mahā-nidāna Sutta, and Milindapañha Harvey, Peter (著) Buddhist Philosophy: Essential Readings 2009.04.21
  Vinaya Principles for Assigning Degrees of Culpability Harvey, Peter Journal of Buddhist Ethics 1999
  如來의 참뜻 Harvey, Peter (著)=피터‧하아비 (au.); 조성택 (譯) 불교연구=佛教研究=Bulgyo-Yongu 1986.05.15