

范文麗  (本名)


12 件著作が収録され、10 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2014.06.30 登録, 2019.10.24 料更新



Fan, Wenli = Fan, Wen-li



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  《中斯佛教百科全書》撰述及其知識社會史意義=The Writing of Encyclopedia of Sino-Spanish Buddhism and Its Significance in the History of Knowledge Society 范文麗 =Fan, Wenli 世界宗教文化=The Religious Cultures in the World 2018.12
  On recognition and self: a discussion based on Nyāya, Mīmāṃsā and Buddhism Fan, Wenli (著) Asian Philosophy: An International Journal of the Philosophical Traditions of the East 2017
  Śāntarakṣita on Personal Identity: A Comparative Study Fan, Wen-li Philosophy East and West 2018.07
  Śāntarakṣita’s Criticism Of Causal Activity (Vyāpāra) Fan, Wen-li (著) Journal of Indian Philosophy 2017.11
  行為與因果:寂護、蓮華戒《攝真實論(疏)》業因業果品譯注與研究 范文麗 (著) 2022
  佛教為「自度度人」而養生 范文麗 (著)=Fan, Wenli (au.) 中國宗教=Religions in China  2015
  東亞文化圈視野下的近現代中國佛教國際化進程=The Globalization Process of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Buddhism in the Perspective of East Asian Cultural Sphere 范文麗 佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies 2018
  法舫與近代中國“世界佛教”運動=Fa Fang and the Movement of Global Buddhism in the Modern China 范文麗 (著)=Fan, Wen-li (au.) 世界宗教文化=The Religious Cultures in the World 2021
  寂護的因果論=Śāntarakṣita on Causation 范文麗 (著)=Fan, Wen-li (au.) 玄奘佛學研究=Hsuan Chuang Journal of Buddhism Studies 2019.03
  滄海遺珠今復輝——《中國佛教》英譯稿出版工作側記 范文麗 (著) 佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies 2023
  漢傳佛教百科全書傳統及其知識體系建設=The Encyclopedia Tradition of Chinese Buddhism and the Construction of Its Knowledge System 范文麗 佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies 2019
  論佛教業論的理論困境及其解決 范文麗 佛學研究=Buddhist Studies=Journal of Buddhist Studies 2010