+1899-12-16 ~ +1996-01-11 |
件著作が収録され、8 件全文を含む
シリアル番号: |
891 |
別名: |
Bailey, Harold Walter |
種類: |
個人著者 |
個人サイト: |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Walter_Bailey |
全文 |
タイトル |
著者 |
掲載誌 |
出版年月日 |
A Fragment of the Uttaratantra in Sanskrit |
Bailey, H. W.; Johnston, E. H. |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London |
1935 |
A Metrical Summary of the Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra in Gostana-Desa |
Bailey, H. W. (著) |
Bulletin of Tibetology |
1965.08 |
Buddhist Poetry Thought and Diffusion |
Bailey, H. W.; Hackmann, Heinrich; Konow, Sten |
2010.01.01 |
Cognates of Puja |
Bailey, H. W. (著) |
Brahmavidya: The Adyar Library Bulletin |
1961 |
Dictionary of Khotan Saka |
Bailey, H. W. (著) |
1979 |
Mahaprajparamita-sutra [tr of commentary on Heart Sutra] |
Bailey, Harold Walter |
Prajñåpåramitå and Related System: Studies in Honor of Edward Conze |
1977 |
Saka ssandramata |
Bailey, Harold Walter |
Festschrift für Wilhelm Eilers |
1967 |
Śrî Viśa Śûra and The Ta-uang |
Bailey, H. W. (著) |
Asia Major |
1964 |
Story-Telling In Buddhist Central Asia |
Bailey, Harold Walter |
Acta Asiatica : Bulletin of the Institute of Eastern Culture |
1972.09 |
The Jātaka-Stava of Jñānayaśas |
Bailey, H. W. |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London |
1939 |
The Pradaksina Sutra of Chang Tsiang-Kuin |
Bailey, H. W. (著) |
Buddhist Studies in Honour of I. B. Horner |
1974 |
The sublime science of the great vehicle to salvation being a manual of Buddhist monism--The work of Arya Maitreya with a commentaryby Aryasanga |
Bailey, H. W.; Johnston, E. H. |
1931 |
The Sudhana Poem of Rddhiprabhava |
Bailey, H. W. |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 |
1966.10 |
The Tumshuq Karmavācanā |
Bailey, H. W. (著) |
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies=倫敦大學亞非研究學報 |
1950 |
Vajra-prajna-paramita |
Bailey, H. W. |
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft |
1938 |
Vajrayana in Gostana-desa |
Bailey, H. W. |
Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS |
1978 |
Vajrayana Texts from Gostana |
Bailey, H. W. |
1965, 1965 |
中亞佛教時期的說講故事 |
Bailey, H. W.; 許章真 |
西域佛教文史論集 |
1989 |
中亞佛教時期的說講故事 |
許章真; Bailey, H. W. |
中外文學=Chung-Wai Literary Monthly |
1982.10 |