

Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum  


21 件著作が収録され、9 件全文を含む 

著者本人によるオーソライズ著者本人が提供した書目資料改正 2012.03.05 登録, 2023.08.02 料更新



Karetzky, Patricia E. = Karetzky, Patricia



全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A Scene of the Parinirvana on a Recently Excavated Reliquary of the Tang Dynasty Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum East and West 1988.12
  A Scene of the Parinirvāṇa on a Recently Excavated Stone Reliquary of the T'ang Dynasty Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum East and West 1988.12
  Buddha Karetzky, Patricia (著); Karetzky, Monroe S. (著); Brandstetter, Robert D. (著) CHEST 1997.02
  Chinese Buddhist Art Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum 2003.01
  Chinese Religious Art Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum 2013.12.20
  Court Art of the Tang University Press of America, 1996 Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum 1996
  Early Buddhist Narrative Art: Illustrations of the Life of the Buddha From Central Asia to China, Korea, and Japan Karetzky, Patricia E. (著) 2000
  Esoteric Buddhism and the Famensi Finds Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum (著) Archives of Asian Art 1994
  Hellenistic Influences on Scenes of the Life of the Buddha in Gandhara Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Oriental Art 1989
  Māra, Buddhist Deity of Death and Desire Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum East and West 1982.12
  Millennialist Themes in the Northern Wei Grottoes in Qingyang and Jingchuan County,Eastern Gansu Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art 2003
  Part II: The Origins and Evolution of Portrayals of the Death of the Buddha in Central Asia and Early China Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art 2006
  Post-enlightenment Miracles of the Buddha Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Orientations 1990.01
  Sarvastivadin Buddhists and Scenes of Life of the Buddha from Kizil (Xinjiang) Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Oriental Art: a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of all Forms of Oriental Art 2000
  The 2012 Discovery of Buddhist Sculptures from Bei Wuzhang Karetzky, Patricia (著) Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies=JIABS 2022
  The Act of Pilgrimage and Guptan Steles with Scenes from the Life of the Buddha Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Oriental Art 1987
  The evolution of the symbolism of the paradise of the Buddha of infinite life and its Western origins Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum 1997
  The Recently Discovered Chin Dynasty Murals Illustrating: The Life of the Buddha at Yen-shang-ssu, Shansi Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Artibus Asiae 1980
  Water, the Divine Element of Creation and Early Images of the Buddha of the West in Early China Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Journal of Chinese Religions=中國宗教研究集刊 1997
  Women in the Life of Buddha:Ancient Literary and Indian Pictorial Sources Karetzky, Patricia Eichenbaum Oriental Art 1998
  Wu Zetian and Buddhist Art of the Tang Dynasty Karetzky, Patricia E. Tang Studies=唐學報 2002