

Shaw, Julia  (本名)


9 件著作が収録され、9 件全文を含む 

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全文 タイトル 著者 掲載誌 出版年月日
  A 'Reflexive' Multi-Stage Survey Methodology for Historical Landscape Research in Central India: Field-Walking, Local Knowledge, and Satellite Imagery as Archaeological Site Prospection and Mapping Tools in the Sanchi Survey Project Shaw, Julia (著) Current Science 2017.11.25
  Ancient Irrigation and Buddhist History in Central India: Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dates and Pollen Sequences from the Sanchi Dams Shaw, Julia (著); Sutcliffe, John V. (著); Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay (著); Schwenninger, Jean-Luc (著); Chauhan, M. S. (著); Misra, O. P. (著) Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific 2007
  Archaeologies of Buddhist Propagation in Ancient India: 'Ritual' and 'Practical' Models of Religious Change Shaw, Julia (著) World Archaeology 2013
  Archaeology, Climate Change and Environmental Ethics: Diachronic Perspectives on Human: Non-Human: Environment Worldviews, Activism and Care Shaw, Julia (著) World Archaeology 2016
  Buddhist Landscapes in Central India: Sanchi Hill and Archaeologies of Religious and Social Change, c. Third Century B.C. to Fifth Century A.D. Shaw, Julia (著) 2007
  Monasteries, Monasticism, and Patronage in Ancient India: Mawasa, a Recently Documented Hilltop Buddhist Complex in the Sanchi Area of Madhya Pradesh Shaw, Julia (著) South Asian Studies 2011
  Nāga Sculptures in Sanchi's Archaeological Landscape: Buddhism, Vaiṣṇavism, and Local Agricultural Cults in Central India, First Century BCE to Fifth Century CE Shaw, Julia Artibus Asiae 2004
  Religion, 'Nature' and Environmental Ethics in Ancient India: Archaeologies of Human: Non-Human Suffering and Well-Being in Early Buddhist and Hindu Contexts Shaw, Julia (著) World Archaeology 2016
  Water Management, Patronage Networks and Religious Change: New Evidence from the Sanchi Dam Complex and Counterparts in Gujarat and Sri Lanka Shaw, Julia (著); Sutcliffe, John (著) South Asian Studies 2003